The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 251: Expelling the magic, the bloodline evolves

Outside the city, in Declan Manor, the wizard of Star Mountain and the man in the cloak were slightly embarrassed. In front of him was a tightly bound dark night civet, his eyes gleaming with angry fire, but he looked at everything around him with a hint of curiosity. The environment here is very different from the different space, which makes it feel the first time, the magic is more abundant, and it feels very comfortable.

For this action, Ville also brought Léa to the manor. The little civet's body is very poor and needs her treatment, and Ville also needs her to confirm whether it can really purify the **** magic in its body and restore the black night civet. Identity.

"It takes a period of self-cultivation to heal from its injury, but after my treatment, there is no major problem. The **** magic on this little cat is much stronger than that of the cub, but it is not particularly stubborn. After all, it hasn't Adults can completely expel and purify. This time injury may be a good opportunity."

   Leia, as the favored person of the night goddess and the fairy goddess, was easily recognized by the little civet. With her treatment, the little civet was very comfortable, and her favorability increased by 50%.

   Another adult Dark Night civet is irretrievable. It is too thoroughly integrated with the magic of hell. After all, it is already an adult individual, and its plasticity is too weak, so it can only continue its own Dark Night civet career.

However, the Wizard of Star Mountain is not disappointed. For him, the dark night civet and the dark night civet are not much different. He has absolute strength to suppress it, but it will take a long time to completely tame it. It is too wild. Strong.

Last time I didn’t see the purification process of the civet cat cub in the dark night, but this time I witnessed the whole process. The wizard of Star Mountain and the man in the cloak jointly suppressed the civet, and Léa arranged a very wonderful witch with some flowers and plants. In the array, the little civet was placed in the center, with a dark fallen stone close to its heart, and a small wooden block with a sprout on its forehead, which was a fragment of the tree of life.

It’s just that this fragment of the tree of life is not a dead thing, but a sprout of the living tree of life that is hosted on Léa. It forms a very wonderful companionship with Léa and grows with Léa’s growth. It draws Lya's power while feeding back wonderful energy to Lya, allowing her bloodline to evolve and evolve toward the moon elf.

After praying piously, Léa praised the goddess of the night, with a faint deep light glowing on her body. This light is soft and warm. Facing this light and busy little civet instinctively trembled, seeming to be afraid, and it seems What is longing for. The moon gradually rises, and Léa looks more holy under the moonlight. The inexplicable power in the sky is condensing and converging on Léa. The tree of life bud seems to like this power very much, and the small buds are also there. cheer.

Suddenly, a jet of dark power emerged from the little civet. The soft light and the dark power collided violently. The little civet's body trembled slightly, and Weier could feel its pain, but it seemed that in this pain Also mixed with some indescribable joy. The Dark Fallen Stone seemed to be activated by the pitch black power, emitting an attraction, and the black power fell on the Dark Fallen Stone one by one and was absorbed by it.

  The soft light infiltrated the little civet's head, gradually expelling the pitch-black power. The pitch-black power was unwilling to show its weakness and rose to counterattack, but there was a hindering stone behind it constantly absorbing its power. The soft light began to converge from all directions, and invaded the little civet’s body in an all-round way, advancing little by little toward its heart, and the dark power quickly converged toward its heart, but the faster the concentration, the more. The faster and more they are absorbed by the Dark Fallen Stone.

As the soft light becomes more and more, the power of pitch black is ultimately limited, and it is continuously absorbed and consumed. In the end, there is only a thick mass condensed around the heart of the little civet, but because it is too dense and condensed, it exceeds the darkness and depravity. The limit that the stone can absorb has become very stubborn, and can only be worn away bit by bit with the soft light. Liya's face became more and more serious, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

   can't do it! Léa is too young. I am afraid that she will not be able to sustain the **** magic on the little civet and she will collapse first. Will there be a slight struggle? Need to give up? This ritual completely activated the **** magic power of the little civet. If it cannot be removed at one time, the remaining **** magic will surely take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack and completely integrate with the little civet, and the strength of the little civet will be degraded due to excessive wear.

Suddenly, a thought of Fu Ling's heart came to Ville's heart. He directly held the dark fallen stone with his right hand, and pointed his finger on the dark magical power at the heart of the little civet. The wizard of Star Mountain, the cloak The man and Léa were shocked, but it was too late to stop them. The dark magic of **** seemed to have found the best catharsis, frantically rushing towards Little Ville's palm.

   Xiao Weier held the amulet of the goddess of dawn in his left hand and slightly pointed to his right wrist: "I am the blessed one, the evil power will definitely stay away!"

As soon as   's voice fell, a group of white light wrapped his entire arm, and the pitch-black power couldn't make any progress, and he plunged into the dark and fallen stone. Léa did not dare to give up at this time. It was not only related to the safety of the little civet, but also related to the safety of brother Vere. She kept increasing the output, and the dark power in the little civet's heart was quickly driven out completely, soft light. Occupies its entire body.

   Little civet seemed to have some wonderful changes at this moment, countless soft power poured into its body from the sky, this power is soft and warm, not only full of its almost exhausted magic power, but also quickly recovering its body.

When the power of pitch black was completely submerged in the Dark Fallen Stone, Little Ville released it to the ground, but the palm of his right hand was already numb. The collision of light and dark power caused a little bit of strange change in his right hand, only for a moment. There is no complete digestion in between.

Léa was too late to check the situation of the little civet, so she rushed to Ville, cupped his right hand with both hands, and activated the healing magic with all her strength. A cool feeling came, and Ville found that the transformation of her palm seemed to accelerate. .

"Ding~, the apostle has experienced the collision baptism of **** and night power, the magic sensitivity of his right hand has increased, the magic control ability has been improved, the magic resistance has been improved, and the bloodline of the spirit monster has been activated. Please practice the "Human Bloodline Evolution Technique" as soon as possible." When it came to mind, Ville smiled slightly at Léa, pulled out his fully recovered right hand, and assumed a cross-sitting posture, folded his hands and closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation, making the other side of Star, who was about to run away with anger. The mountain wizard's eyes widened.

   "This is, an epiphany?" The man in the cloak couldn't believe his eyes, so recklessly he went up to directly bear the collision of **** magic power and the holy power of the temple with his hands, and then he had an epiphany? What kind of freak is this kid?

When he came to Ville, the Wizard of Star Mountain raised his hand, trying to slap him severely, but was unwilling to let him miss such an opportunity, but if he didn't beat him, his guilty conscience would be hard to settle. Sooner or later, this **** kid would meet. Annoy yourself. Without telling his mother to go to a different space to catch a demon pet, I was proud at first, but now I still can’t get too used to this bear kid. A bear kid is a bear kid. The more capable he is, the more trouble he will cause. His actions almost scared himself to death.

After a while, Ville opened his eyes, and his temperament changed accordingly. He knew that his bloodline had improved again. Although the magnitude was small, it had actually improved, and his talent for magic shaping had also increased by at least 30%. The blood of the spirit demon is completely integrated!

   The right hand stretched forward slightly, and the finger that had previously been placed on the little civet shook lightly, and the dots of magic slowly condensed for a while and formed a small magic vortex. The wizard of Star Mountain and the cloak man were stunned.

"What kind of freak is this!" The two second-level wizards have a deep sense of powerlessness. This freak is too subversive. From now on, they can only stare at all times but dare not intervene at No life is in danger, let him go.

   "Brother Ver, your bloodline has improved?" Leya also widened her eyes, but the power she used in the ritual just now came from the goddess of the night, why would Brother Ver's elven bloodline improve? Is there any close relationship between the fairy goddess and the night goddess that she doesn't know?

Seeing Léa’s doubts, Ville collected the magic vortex with a magic book. This moment is equivalent to the three days of condensing the magic book itself. "The correct statement is that the power of the goddess of night and the magic of **** collide further. The bloodline is unlocked, and the breath of the tree of life fragments activates the deep awakening of the bloodline, but this method is somewhat dangerous. If it is not for the favored person, it is best not to try it, look too much."

   Little Ville's eloquent words made Léa have the urge to communicate the soles of the shoes with his handsome face.

"Meow~" The little civet who had just recovered a cat pounced and crushed Willie to the ground. The sharp claws made his clothes useless again. The little civet was venting his joy and worry. It meant very much. Obviously, although I am very happy for you to help me complete the transformation, I cannot forgive you for making me worry about it.

   In a blink of an eye, Little Ville turned into a chicken coop head and a cloth strip, which made the wizard of Star Mountain, the man of the cloak, and Léa laugh out loud. They are human beings and have their own restraint, but the little civet is just a pet, and can vent their dissatisfaction unscrupulously, but Ville can only endure it and has to keep comforting it.

  Perhaps with such a pet, Will's chances of risking in the future will be much smaller, otherwise he will have to prepare a lot of spare clothes with him, and two sets have been scrapped today.

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