The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 255: My name is Brand, Brand Ryan Witzel

   The wizard of Star Mountain and the wizard of Dakla looked at the tall man who suddenly appeared, left and then stopped suddenly.

   was dressed in a gorgeous black robe, and his appearance was quite good, and he didn't hide his intentions at all. He didn't see much strangeness all over his body, like an ordinary person, but he was able to calm down under the siege of two second-level wizards, and even had the upper hand.

  Master, this is a real master.

"Who is your excellency? What is the purpose of bringing us here?" The wizard of Star Mountain put away the wand in his hand. The guy in front of him is indeed very powerful. He and Dakla are not opponents when they join forces. They have consumed a lot of magic power, but the other party But it is still a look of ease.

   Black robe men seem to have a soft spot for black, with long black hair, black eyes, black clothes, black shoes, and black swords.

   That's right, this handsome, well-proportioned man uses a long sword, but he can break the witchcraft of two second-level wizards with a single sword. This gave the wizards of Star Mountain and Dakla a guess: Paladin!

Paladins are not Templar knights, but the ranks of knights. Above the junior knights, intermediate knights, and high-level knights are the great knights, and above the great knights are the sky knights. The sky knight is the real powerful existence with threat, comparable to the second-level wizard.

The sky knight has the ability to fly, and it is no less inferior to the second-level body refining wizard in all aspects, and above the sky knight is the paladin. At this level of strength, the difference in strength between the knight and the wizard is already very small. The presence.

"My name is Brand, and Brand Ryan Witzel." A faint smile appeared on the face of the black-haired man. The long sword in his hand disappeared instantly. The battle ended just after the start. The two wizards still Not bad, but it's just a bit weak.

   "Weizel?" The wizard of Star Mountain changed his face and asked aloud: "I don't know what is your relationship with the Great Sage Wezel?"

"He is my father." The black-haired man Brand looked at the Wizard of Star Mountain with interest. He has lived in Declan Manor for so long, and he still knows the second-level wizard very well. He has always thought To draw Will Declan into the school of mystery, but the little guy has never given him an accurate answer. Did his appearance arouse some suspicions?

   Hehe, kid, you think too much! Classical school is not so easy to enter, and there are a bunch of little guys who want to enter but can't do so. Although your baby grandson is excellent, it is not worthy of me to invite me to enter the classical school.

   "It turned out to be a relative of Great Sage Wizel."

After performing a courtesy, the wizard of Star Hill asked politely: "I don’t know what happened to Mr. Brand here? If it’s about the book of wisdom, please forgive us for nothing, because we really haven’t seen it. book."

Brand lightly shook his head and smiled and said: "The Book of Wisdom has always been at the headquarters of the Classical School, and has never left. I ask you a question about your knowledge of the Book of Wisdom, which came before the Book of Wisdom. Rumor, or the book of wisdom first?"

   This question is very problematic! The Wizard of Star Mountain and the Wizard of Dakla looked at each other, and saw some solemnity and suspiciousness in each other's eyes, "Please also Mr. Brand to solve your doubts!"

"Books record knowledge, knowledge is not equal to wisdom, so books that record knowledge can be found, and books that record wisdom do not exist." Brand's words shocked the wizards of Star Mountain and Dakla, although they were previously They also discussed this possibility, but felt that the book of wisdom should exist. Otherwise, wouldn't the classical school become a joke, the book of wisdom is a symbol of the classical school.

   "The book of wisdom does not exist, but the people who spread the wisdom do exist." Brand's words made the two wizards fall into contemplation, but the wizard of Star Mountain suddenly thought of his grandson.

   Wasn't his "Wil Declan's Book of Wisdom" just recording the words and deeds of Professor Witzel? Could it be said that this kid has grasped the essence of the "Book of Wisdom" by mistake. The son of Professor Witzel came here for his grandson?

"Mr. Brand said at the beginning that the Book of Wisdom has always been in the headquarters of the classical school and has never left. Now he says that the Book of Wisdom does not exist. Hearing Yan's heart moved, there is indeed a feeling of suddenness.

The black-haired man Brand saw the two fifty-step different reactions, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth: "It seems that the wizard of Star Mountain has heard something from what I just said. It is worse than the wizard of Star Mountain. Let's talk about it."

The Wizard of Star Mountain took a deep look at the man in front of him and nodded slightly, then he arranged his thoughts before speaking: "Actually, Mr. Brand has given us a lot of tips just now. We will analyze Mr. Brand's words from the back It is roughly possible to infer a vague truth in one pass."

"Mr. Brand said that the book of wisdom does not exist. This sentence asked us whether we had the book of wisdom first or the rumors of the book of wisdom first? This question is very important. Generally speaking, only something exists. There are rumors, but what if the person who first said this was a metaphor?"

"What if he is referring to what Mr. Brand said at the end of the spreading wisdom, who is as knowledgeable as a book full of wisdom? It is very likely that the book of wisdom did not exist in the first place. It was a cryptic statement made by a very famous person in order to praise another wizard who was very likely to be born in the classical school. Then this sentence was spread out, and many people used it as an error, and it became the classical school's book of wisdom."

   "Papa Papa" Brand couldn't help but applaud: "Very good interpretation, then what?"

"Because the person who said this sentence has a high reputation, many people will not doubt him, and turn to the classical school for the book of wisdom. Under the public mouth, the classical school is difficult to distinguish, so they made a mistake and made a mistake. This book of wisdom is deposited at the headquarters of the Classical School as a symbol of the school."

"Anyway, I explained that others didn’t listen. It’s better to just make a fake one. As long as you can fool the past to enlighten most people who saw it, the title of the book of wisdom is getting bigger and bigger. The origin of the event was forgotten, and the fakes later created by the classical school were regarded as the real book of wisdom, but the original intention of the original book of wisdom was forgotten."

The wizard Star Mountain secretly praised his grandson. This kid actually guessed the matter altogether. In fact, the wizard Star Mountain couldn't think of it. Ville made up this in order to conceal his identity as an apostle to the **** of wisdom. A set of rhetoric.

   In order to make this rhetoric more convincing, Ville has worked hard to compile this set of things by contacting the history of the classical school. Who would have thought that it would be used in this place, and it was praised by Brand.

"I'm very curious, what kind of treasure can be considered by so many powerful wizards as a book of wisdom, even if it was created by the classical school itself, it can make those people willingly keep secrets for you." Wizard of Star Mountain It's really curious, the mystery is revealed, but there are many details that he wants to explore.

"It’s okay to tell you that both of them are people with great wisdom. In the future, they may become truly strong and obtain the qualifications to observe the book of wisdom. I tell you in advance that it’s harmless. They just follow the rules, but they cannot easily compare this The secret has been leaked out. After all, the Book of Wisdom is also one of the weapons used by the classical school to make friends with masters to maintain their transcendent status." Brand's words made the two wizards feel good, and they nodded their promises.

"The Book of Wisdom in the headquarters of the Classical School is an indestructible big stone with 36 basic runes carved on it. Each one is too large and delicate in diameter. Then there is a line of big characters under the 36 basic runes. A line of characters left by a god-level master of mine."

   "Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people. Reading countless people is not as good as guiding the way by a famous teacher.

Brand felt that he hadn't said this sentence once, and the stone monument he had seen before appeared in front of him, and he could always have new insights. This sentence may be just an introduction. Those words are the key. After all, it is left by the god-level master. Good stuff.

   The two wizards of Star Mountain and Dakla were silent for a and raised their heads at the same time, "Sure enough, the stronger the stronger, the more intelligent the person can be deceived, really amazing!"

"Mr. Brand will not make a special trip to solve our confusion this time? Although the book of wisdom has caused a lot of confusion and caused a certain amount of confusion to my little grandson, it actually didn't hurt much." Wizard Dashan sorted out his mood and asked his initial doubts.

The black-haired man Bland smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "No, no. Actually, I came to look for my daughter. The little girl in our family always believed that the book of wisdom exists, and asked her grandfather for the book of wisdom, and so did my father. Spoiled her, almost responsive, saying that she would give it to her when she became an adult. This little girl ran out to look for her grandfather just after her eighteenth birthday, when she heard that the book of wisdom had fallen into the hands of the children of Weier Later, I found it."

   "Yami, that little girl is your daughter? The granddaughter of the Great Sage Wizel." The wizard of Star Mountain suddenly thought of a person, a girl who was following her grandson.

"Yes, Yami is my daughter, and her mother is the princess of Yinlong Island, so she has dragon blood. Strictly speaking, she is still a minor, but this little guy stubbornly defines adulthood based on the age of the human race." Brand's words made the Wizard of Starhill a bit unable to answer.

"Actually, I have been by your side for the past few months and caught a few dark wizards by the way. Today, I am going to take Yamei back to Silver Dragon Island. Only then did I show up to see you and hand these dark wizards to you by the way. Come with me, my place of stay is not far away." Brand wouldn’t tell them that he always eats and drinks here at Declan Manor. This place is a temporary "prison" he opened up. .

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