The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 341: The truth about the singer lying gun

"If I said this was just a misunderstanding, would you believe it?" The Knights of the Temple of Wall pulled Little Ville aside and talked alone while Léa was treating the singer.

Ville took a deep look at the Knights of Wall, and carefully recalled the whole process described by the singer before. It was indeed not like a group of people, but like two groups of people who were looking for trouble with the singer alone, and they met together by chance.

"Is the truth important? Isn't the result the most important thing?"

Ville stared closely at the Knights of Wall, and said solemnly: "No matter what excuses he had, he attacked the staff of the City Hall, and he was still the staff on duty. After the **** demon appeared, he did not stop the **** demon from attacking. , Instead continue to attack. Do you think they are really wronged?"

The corners of the temple knights' mouths twitched slightly, saying that they were really wronged, but from the results, they do need to bear a lot of responsibility, but the three high-level professionals are definitely not believers or collaborators of the **** demons. .

"Everyone else in the House of Everything doesn’t know, but you just happen to know. Excluding the church, which is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing, the greatest possibility is external forces, and the ones you are very familiar with should come from the capital. The so-called inspection group."

After entering the city, Little Weierzai carefully asked the city defense army commander about the major events that happened in the city during this period, especially the foreigners who needed attention. The result did not disappoint him, and the Wangdu inspection team entered his own. In the eyes.

"The assassins, warriors and archers who attacked the singers all came with the inspection team. Although they were not official members of the inspection team, they were the pro-accompaniment of the commander Rael's senior knight." The Knights of Wall added: " Raels is Strand’s younger brother, his own brother."

"Strand? That infamous dude?" Ville was taken aback for a moment, and the vague aura reappeared on the road, singer, Strand, singer, Moss Lott, Moss Lott!

"Mos Roth!" Xiaoweier slowly spit out a name, making the Knights of the Temple of Wall startled for a moment. I don't know what it has to do with Mos Roth.

"Immediately go to the Church of the Goddess of Dawn to gather the men and horses and capture Mos Roth." Ville is very confident that he can confirm that the person who is in collusion with the Hell Demon is Mos Roth.

"Do you suspect that the death knight was sent by Mos Roth?" The temple knight Wall's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Little Ville shook his head slightly and said, "Mos Roth doesn't have the ability to order an advanced powerhouse, but I can be sure that he is in collusion with **** demon."

"I was just beginning to suspect that the singer had revealed his identity because of the heavy scent of holy water, and was attacked by the **** demon. But the death knight's words let me know that this is really not the singer's own problem, as you said. , This is a misunderstanding! But the crooked beating has exposed the singer's identity as the house of everything."

"What the **** is going on? You tell me something clearly, I am a little confused now." The Temple Knight Wall is not a fool, but he didn't catch some of the key points.

After the treatment, the singer's injury stabilized a lot, and he was able to stand up and walk slowly. Hearing the voice of the knight of Wall was also attracted.

"Boss, am I being wronged this time? I'm still wondering how I exposed myself. If you know, please tell me directly and let me understand." The singer's voice was much louder, and it seemed that for a while I can't die for a while.

Ville took the Knights of the Wall Temple back to the singer. The police dog, the trainer, the catwoman, the black merchant, the ice cube, Nicole, Xiao Luo and others gathered around, all staring at Ville with shining eyes. , The scholar of the House of Everything, it seems that as long as he goes out, nothing can't be solved.

"The singer's injury this time has nothing to do with his work. What is related is the previous experience of the doorman of the Drake Senior Academy." Ville's words made the singer stunned for a moment and immediately reacted: "The armed invasion incident of the Senior Academy? "

That was the most dazzling achievement of standing in the light, so he was very impressed. It was also because of that incident that he got the crazy pursuit of a declining noble girl, and finally had to leave the school as soon as possible to hide.

"The first group of troops came from the royal capital and has something to do with Strand. I guess it was to anger and just want to teach you a lesson, but I didn't expect your strength to be too strong. You won't lose the wind in a short period of time with one enemy and three, so that later There was a real fire."

"And that **** demon is a little more complicated. If I'm not mistaken, the facilitator is Mos Roth. The main messenger's purpose is to draw me out by severely wounding or beheading you, or to force my grandpa and me to return to the city. , So that they can better attack the Rose Knight collar. This incident is a follow-up to the attack on Lord Declan's Mansion." Ville's words made everyone suddenly realize.

But the singer was not satisfied, "Boss, I have never betrayed you. How did Mos Roth know our relationship?"

"The whole thing is a coincidence of a misunderstanding. Moss Rotter and Strand are both provoking anger. You are only involved. Moss Rotter thinks you are my person. I don't mean everything. The old scholar in the room is Lord Will Declan, who is in the rose knight collar."

"You entered the Drake Advanced Academy through my relationship, and I held you up and left the academy in a graceful manner. This matter cannot be concealed from the caring people, especially the local snakes like the Roth family."

Ville's meaning is very obvious. It is indeed a disaster for the singer. After being angered by Moss, it became a **** to mobilize Ville, but the crooked beating directly exposed the identity of the clerk of the Blood Awakened House of All Things.

The singer’s face was very ugly, and she cried to Little Weir with a weeping face: "Boss, I just helped you with a disaster and drove away a follower who tried to get close to the talented lady. I didn’t expect... Boss, you must make up for me. The loss is fine!"

Little Will nodded and said that he knew it, "I am in charge of the marriage between you and the noble lady. Your identity has been exposed. It may not be convenient to do the task of the House of Everything in the future."

"From now on, you will be transferred from a task staff to a logistics staff. At the same time, I will arrange a better position for you in the Security Department of the City Hall. You can appear in front of people with an open mind, so your marriage will no longer be hindered. Singer. You can be considered a blessing in disguise."

"No, boss, I was wrong!" The singer wailed, "Marriage is the tomb of love, I don't want to lie in the coffin so early!"

"I have briefly understood the character of that lady, and she is a good match for you. Although their family has fallen, the relationship is still there. Coupled with your strength and our relationship, it is enough to ensure that you will have a worry-free life in the future."

"By the way, I will give you a little share in the Drake Youth Activity Center. I can only distribute dividends and not participate in the management. There are about three to five thousand gold coins in income every year."

Ville's words made the singer's saliva flow straight down, "Boss, you are so kind to me!"

"My dear friend, does this good thing have my share?" The Temple Knight of Wall hooked Little Ville's neck to ask him for his wife and shares.

"Why? Do you want to retreat?" Xiaowei slanted at him: "Your friend from the capital city is also a trouble. His subordinates injured the singer. I can't ignore it in public or private, and wait for it to be resolved. Hell demons, just chase them symbolically. Kill them if they catch up. They are lucky if they can't catch up. Isn't it okay?"

Ville looked at the singer last.

"It's okay for the boss to call the shots, I don't care, anyway, we have our genius doctors here, let's lie down for a while." In fact, the singer is still a little touched. It is not ordinary people that they want to hunt down, but the past Under the Cavaliers team leader.

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