The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 485: 1 family evildoer

Seeing dozens of steel puppets of various shapes around them, each possessing the power of entering the ranks, and the magical power of the wizard tower not far away, Dakla knew that he had lost the game with his old friend, and it had only been a little over a year. Dashan, the bastard, was even better. How could this seemingly three-story wizard tower possess such a powerful force.

"Asshole Star Mountain, I won't come out to meet old friends." Dakra's broken gong voice was loud, and the surrounding steel puppets quickly separated left and right, and the army resisting the invasion became a welcoming guard of honor, leaving Dakra wizards alone. black line.

   The Dakla wizard smiled awkwardly at his companion in black robes: "Don't mind, the **** Starshan just wants to show off his new toy. He has no intentions."

The black-robed wizard shook his head slightly, "I'm joking with a dozen advanced steel puppets. It seems that your relationship is really close. The power gathered by the wizard tower just now is not small at all. It is just that the magic power consumed at this moment is absolutely absolute. It's huge. Tsk, your friend is really rich."

The Dakra wizard shook his head slightly, and said as he walked: "That **** was poor like me before, but he has a good grandson and helped him find a feng shui place. According to his letter to me, there is The mine didn't panic, the magic stone mine was under this **** wizard tower. Tsk tsk, I don't know how Little Ville discovered this place, I want to grab the **** wizard tower and live by myself."

"Haha, old friend, if you like it, how can this wizard tower be given to you? We have been in friendship for so many years and still care about this little thing." The wizard of Star Mountain greeted him personally. This place is usually rarely visited by people. Suddenly an old friend came, and the Wizard of Star Mountain was still very happy.

   The two slammed into each other and kept each other slapped on the back. The Dakla wizard felt that the **** on the opposite side didn't call any pain. He was not a wizard at all. If you know that you are a physical wizard, this **** is absolutely shameless.

"Okay, old friend, you can hold enough, don't you introduce me to this new friend? In him, I feel a trace of familiar breath." The wizard of Star Mountain did not fortune telling anything, he believed Dakla.

"Haha, this is a new friend I made, a training wizard who is proficient in pharmacy, and a second-level wizard of Chillio. He has traveled in the continent of the gods for fifty years, researching the cultivation and use of various potions. Now, your precious grandson once swept most of his potions in the cemetery in the west of Drake City, and took a copy of his research materials to the church." The words of the wizard Dakra made the wizard Star Mountain suddenly realize and hurried. Apologize again and again.

"I've heard of the name of the Wizard of Star Mountain for a long time. There is no need to apologize. That place was originally the Elimination Medicine Garden that I didn't attach much importance to. When I suddenly remembered it, I just went over and took a look. Unexpectedly, I became a necromancer. The residence." Wizard Chillio couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Under the black cloak was a rather handsome face. He didn't look gloomy, but a bit of sunshine.

"Wizard Chillio got the news that the fleet of the Wizard Islands is coming soon. He needs to make some deals with that side. I also want to come here to give you a gift, so I will come together. Where did these things come from? I didn't see your style from this ugly wizard tower, I thought it was the nest of a certain constructed wizard." Dakla unceremoniously satirized the taste of an old friend.

"My grandson gave me a toy. If you are interested, he will give you one. He will never forget you. He said that he would like to accompany you to fetch a drink before leaving. After all, you guy will not plan to leave for a while. I don't know when I will see you next time." Star Hill's words made Dakla's eyes shine.

"Your precious grandson is already a great knight, this time you must get a little more." The Dakla wizard is very resistant to wine, and he can get along with the Chillio wizard. There is another reason that they are all in love. Many people who drink wine and sorcerers like wine, or that there is no sorcerer who does not love wine.

  I just entered the Wizard Tower, and confronted the two female wizards, making Dakla and Chillio stunned. What's the situation? Are there many wizards in the Continent of the Gods? How come there are three official wizards hidden inside a small three-story wizard tower, and all the second-level wizards.

  " Julian, the second-level wizard of the Construction School, Liz, the second-level wizard of the Traveller School, temporarily

I was here when I was a guest and I was also a participant in this expedition. The Wizard of Star Mountain introduced them to each other, and did not forget to point out Liz's identity: "Lilith's aunt, by the way, the little girl Lilith is now also a great knight, the blood awakened person is really terrifying. "

The scary thing is the blood awakened people in your family. The average blood awakened people are not so powerful at all. Okay, thinking of the little girl Viard Klan, the wizard Dakla is infinitely emotional, who can think of the smallest and most ordinary child in the family. Girl, but the most mysterious and noble existence, reincarnated god.

"Are you very proud?" The Dakla wizard squinted at the Wizard of Star Mountain. "Wife is an official wizard wizard, are you very proud? Your daughter is an official wizard at a young age, are you very proud? My grandson is only fifteen years old. Grand knight, are you very proud? Your granddaughter is a knight when she is fifteen years old. Are you proud? Your granddaughter is a reincarnated god, are you proud?"

   "As the least qualified person in the family, you have the qualifications to be proud of a fart!" Dakra's last words made the smile of the wizard of Star Mountain freeze, but the wizard of Dakra himself couldn't help laughing.

Julian and Liz have lived here for a few months, and they have a deep understanding of the situation of the Star Mountain family. The more they understand, the more they are amazed. The family is enchanting, and the smaller the enchanting, especially the youngest one. , Is actually a reincarnation god, and has now been picked up by the goddess of the night.

If you think about it now, their family is not divided, at most it is two points. The wife, daughter, granddaughter of the Wizard of Star Mountain, all the women are together, they are the big masters together. I don’t know why, they Feel a strong malice.

The little Weir who received the news brought Lilith, Jasmine, Nicole, Xiao Luo, City Lord Corleone, and Bishop Dorothy to send it over. A total of seven advanced powerhouses, including City Lord and Bishop in white, let Dakla and Qi Wizard Leo felt a little unbelievable, how did this group of people get together?

After meeting each other, Xiao Weier sent out two advanced steel puppets, and put forward his own ideas, "I want to concentrate the power of everyone here, do a big cleaning of the different space city, and gradually take back the control of the different space. "

This is an idea that Little Weier had before, but it has not been implemented because of his limited strength. Now he has this confidence. Only the existence of the snow wood space and many steel puppets gives him the confidence to kill all the monsters. It's just time. It will be very long.

   "Are we people strong enough? I seem to remember that you once said that there are only a bunch of monsters in the second order." As a first-order great knight, City Lord Corleone raised his own question.

"Accurately, there are a lot of incomplete second-order monsters. The magic power in the different space is extremely lacking. The monsters inside except for ghosts, wraiths, evil eyes, and other mental attack monsters, all other monsters that require magic power are greatly reduced. . Moreover, these monsters are not under the control of each, and it is not difficult for us to defeat each one."

"The most important thing is the energy to open the passage. Opening from the inside requires the use of the energy stored in the seven-story pagoda. This takes time to replenish. Entering from the outside can use the magic power of the wizard tower. Opening the passage requires about one-tenth of the energy. Maintaining multiple channels for one second probably requires two middle-grade magic stones plus ten low-grade magic stones.” Ville gave a rough figure.

  It doesn't matter to other wizards, I feel that opening the space channel only consumes so little energy is already very good, but the algorithm of Corleone City Lord is different, he converted these things into gold coins, and suddenly felt very distressed.

"A middle-grade magic stone is equivalent to one hundred lower-grade magic stones. A lower-grade magic stone is worth 1,000 gold coins. One hundred is one hundred thousand gold coins. Two hundred thousand gold coins are gone in one second?" City Lord Corleone was stunned. It will take at least a few seconds for so many people to get in, and maybe more than once.

  According to Shao's words, go in three times, each time for five seconds, which is fifteen seconds. When converted into gold coins, it is 3 million gold coins. Let me go! Isn't this a bit too uneconomical? It doesn't take a million gold coins to buy a piece of wasteland with a radius of one hundred miles. What kind of scenery can be achieved by rebuilding two million gold coins, and in the end, you have invested so much for a ruin?

   When the Lord Corleone told his business story, all the wizards cast contemptuous glances.

   "I will give you 10 million gold coins

, Can you find me a different space with a radius of ten miles? Ten million is not enough, thirty million, fifty million gold coins, I will help you to get them together. "Julian looked at City Lord Corleone with Sure enough, most of the people in the Continent of Gods are stupid, even the lord of a city, the majestic knight is no exception.

"Brother Ver, why don't you bring more people to help? Flyna sacrifices, Bishop Bamburu in white, Sister Gil, Bishop Edreith, and Warrior Gelu, there are a total of five advanced powerhouses, four of them All of them are clergymen, and they are more restrained against **** creatures." City Lord Corleone was a little puzzled about Ville's arrangement.

"Too much publicity. Firstly, they are not the clergy of the main battle. Secondly, it is easy to cause the monsters in the different space to counterattack collectively. I plan to first establish a stronghold after entering, and then gradually cannibalize and advance steadily. If they pass, it is very likely. It's a decisive battle, and we have a small chance of winning." Little Weier explained to him carefully. After all, everyone has to fight together for a long time. It is better to solve problems outside.

   "What about her?" City Lord Corleone pointed to Bishop Dorothy, who glared back.

"I am the bishop of the Church of the Goddess of Hunting. I am proficient in fighting and hiding, and I am even more professional with beasts. My goal is the lovely dark-night civet, especially the cubs." Dorothy remembers clearly, Little Ville said. As long as it is a juvenile dark night civet, he has certain certainty to purify it into a dark night civet.

   Of course, he was referring to the underage civet in a different space.

   City Lord Corleone's eyes lit up, "I want a flame hellhound, and Frina wants a night civet."

   The pig hasn't been killed yet, he is already thinking about how to eat, but at least he has a good mentality, isn't it.

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