The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 512: loss? made money?

The power of role models is powerful. With this group of flagship geniuses as a template, other wizard apprentices have also followed suit. They cleaned up their soiled ground, and waited outside the park to prepare to rush in and be fined. The town sheriff looked at each other and waited for so long. This is the first time they have returned without success, and they always feel that this newcomer is very different from before.

   On the second day, everyone would be in groups of three or five, or two or two groups, wandering around the town of magic small ●app download address xbzs●, fighting for points. Ville and Lilith walked hand in hand, strolling all the way, not in a hurry, they seemed a little out of place among the many apprentice wizards who came and went in a hurry.

   One day passed quickly. When the night fell and everyone returned to the small park one after another, most of the people were sighing, and even some wizard apprentices were still wounded. The flagship wizard apprentices gathered together again, but not many people are thinking about having a bonfire party anymore. Actually, none of them can earn a point in a day. The magic stone has earned some, but It is easy to exchange points for magic stones, but it is difficult to exchange magic stones for points.

"What? The eldest and eldest sister did not earn anything in less than a day today, and spent two points, ten magic stones?" Kennedy's voice seemed to be a little louder, and the others cast surprised glances, unable to believe it. This is true, isn't it even the omnipotent boss in their minds?

"Boss, the points are very precious. You are willing to spend it? No one wants to give it to us even if we double the magic stone." Daniel's family is the best, and there is no shortage of magic stones at all, but even if he is willing Doubled in exchange, and no one paid any attention to him.

Ville rolled his eyes, "It is reasonable to maintain a stable exchange ratio between magic stones and points. The so-called double magic stone cannot be exchanged for points can only show one thing, our identity is limited. Everyone is waiting to see our jokes. Everyone here can be an examiner. They don’t allow us to cheat. If the evaluation is over, you can change as much as you want. And I don’t think I’ve lost it. One point is just Ten low-grade magic stones, and the things I bought are worth jiu ten magic stones, and I earn several times when I change hands."

"Don't take the points too seriously, otherwise you will only fall into a misunderstanding and fall into a trap." Lilith took the topic and said: "The information that Ballard provided to us, but has not been verified by actual inspections, and the audits are always a little inaccurate. Today, Weir and I walked around the entire magic town. Two points and ten magic stones will be spent. Later, there will be a return of ten times and one hundred times. This is the value of intelligence."

"There is a big difference between accurate information and rough information. This is part of what Lilith and I have gained today. Compare the information provided by Ballard and take a closer look." Ville casually threw out a piece of paper, and it was recorded. It was information related to the circus where Ballard was.

Watching the circus show, each person has one piece of low-grade magic stone each time. You can get points when you challenge the circus member to win. The registration fee requires ten magic stones. Successful returns and failures will be confiscated. The challenge is divided into three levels. It is an animal show, and the third level is a magic show. If you pass the first level, you will get one point reward. If you win the second level, you will get two more points, and so on. If you pass the third level, you will get three more points. The registration fee is only ten low-grade magic stones. You can withdraw at any time if you succeed and get your registration fee back. If you fail, the registration fee will be forfeited. Moreover, the challenge is not allowed to jump, and can only come in the order once and again, and each person is only allowed to sign up once a day, and those who pass the customs are not allowed to participate repeatedly.

In order to prevent scoring, if you pass the first level on the first day, you will give up. The second registration needs to start from the second level. The first level is not allowed to participate. Otherwise, the first level is swiped once a day. Seven days is seven points. , Add another place to pick a little bit, it's easy to pass.

The antique shop has a prize quiz. The registration fee is ten magic stones. There are also three levels. The first level is to verify whether the item matches the name and profile. There are five items in total. Any one that is wrong is considered a failure. The second level is value judgment. It is necessary to rank the five products in a straightforward manner. Any one who is out of order will be considered as a failure. The third level is the most difficult. Identification duel requires a one-to-one identification duel with the shopkeeper. It's the owner's own.

  Others include potion assessment, gourmet guesses, blacksmiths head-to-head, and even the guards

There is also a gladiatorial contest where you can challenge the guard soldiers of the town, and you can get points if you win.

The most quests are still in the Mercenary Hall. There are hundreds of quests there, half of which are rewarded by points, but you need to register a mercenary if you want to receive a quest. Registering a mercenary needs to pay one point. Many people watch They were greedy but didn't dare to bet, because they only had one guaranteed point. The flagship members are very confident. Not only did they save the entrance fee on the first day, they also earned an extra point.

"Boss, I bought the two magic stones for the full set of information you collected today, and I promise that they won't be leaked to others." Derek quickly understood what Little Weir meant, and immediately shouted loudly. The others were stunned. It also reacted immediately.

   "Two magic stones, I also have one."

   "A full set of information, two magic stones are not expensive, as long as they can complete the assessment, they are worth it."

Soon Kennedy, Daniel, Derek, Monissa, Launet, and Miranda responded. Even Olena took the initiative to take out two low-grade magic stones. Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled and took out the full set. Let them copy the information by themselves, and at the same time harvest 14 magic stones. Garris and Yunapek, who heard the news, also ran over to join in the fun. Everyone promised not to leak or sell them.

   There is such a way? But if it’s just magic stones instead of points, is it a bit of a loss? The other apprentice wizards looked at each other, and naturally some apprentices who don’t need money at home came over to buy a copy to go I took a closer look and immediately felt and the information fee It is worthwhile, and there are some simple analysis and suggestions.

In just half an hour, Ville and Lilith had harvested the Hundred Magic Stones. If converted into points, it would be ten points. The input-output ratio does not seem to be low. It is a pity that except for those two points, they Only ten magic stones were actually spent, and as a result, more than one hundred were returned in one night.

"You may not know that Earl Vale is a self-made man, but he can become the top ten richest man in Drake within two years, and his business talent is also top-notch." Yunapek also made a fortune following him. Yes, the division of the Kendall family, the Roth family and finally the Declan family's own property distribution, she all got in the way, and the harvest was quite good.

Picking up the ready-made Yunapek is very visionary, but from scratch to create wealth, she only serves Wildeckland, like the Drake City Youth Center, and the wizard tower outside the city and the queen industry like this, just Even with so many treasures owned by Baron Declan, Mabstershire, this kid is like an inexhaustible treasure.

It is a pity that such a good man already has a master, and his master is Lilith, a little girl who has been pressing on her head. Now she is an advanced powerhouse, a blood awakened great knight, and she is just a second-level wizard apprentice. , It can't be compared. Otherwise, I really want to rob this man, oh, it's a boy.

   "There may be a good show tomorrow, and it's time for them to work hard."

   "I look forward to the two teachers sweeping the magic town."

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