The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 701: The identity of the favored one seems to be a bit pitted

In the fifteen days of the Wizarding Academy exchange meeting, five days were occupied by the college students. The significance of it is self-evident, and the group competition table is completely determined by the previous competition results.

Well, that’s not exactly the case. At least the last 16 places are in no order, and there is no difference in ranking between the ninth and the sixteenth. They can only be arranged according to general rankings. As one of the top four in the previous session, Miti The Wizarding Academy is ranked fourth.

The first place is the previous champion Speth Wizarding Academy, the second is the runner-up Divor Wizarding Academy, the third is the Curran Wizarding Academy, the fourth is the Mitis Wizarding Academy, and the fifth is the Israel Wizard. Academy, the sixth place is the Esno Wizarding Academy, the seventh is the Fram Wizarding Academy, and the eighth is the Earls Wizarding Academy. These eight wizarding academies are seeded academies over the years, and their rankings have hardly changed. .

The first day of the competition is to compete for the top 16 competition. The huge arena can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators. There are also eight huge projections above the head. The situation on the eight arenas is clearly displayed, even if it is very remote. The place can also clearly see that this is also the ability to construct wizards.

In the Five Rings Wizarding Islands, the most famous construction wizards include the Divor Wizarding Academy and the Israel Wizarding Academy. These two wizarding academies are also the academies that host the most exchange meetings of the Five Rings Wizarding Academy, and the Mitis Wizarding Academy and the Ke The Blue Wizarding Academy has never undertaken it once, and their two wizarding academies are almost closed to the outside world, which is extremely mysterious.

But for the real masters, the Wizarding League, and the Wizarding Association, these wizarding academies are not mysterious, after all, they are all affiliated institutions of their own family.

Thirty-two wizarding academies have different strengths and division of labor, but they are all regular wizarding academies under the Wizarding League and the Wizarding Association. Although the ranking of the exchange conference academy will affect the allocation of resources, no matter how it is allocated, it belongs to internal circulation. Therefore, the Wizarding League will occasionally launch a surprise attack to reduce dimensionality.

What is a dimensionality reduction strike?

The blow of the next ring zone is the dimensionality reduction attack. The elite of the Third Ring Wizarding Academy ravaged the students of the Fifth Ring Wizard Academy, the Fourth Ring Wizard Academy suppressed the students of the Sixth Ring Wizard Academy, and the Fifth Ring Wizard Academy trump card overwhelmed the core of the Seven Ring Wizard Academy. It is a dimensionality reduction strike.

There are not many cases like this. If the probability is about ten times, there will be two or three times, and they may not have the goal of winning the championship. They may withdraw halfway, mainly depending on the mood and purpose of the participants.

The dimensionality reduction strikes will affect the ranking of the entire college. Whether the deductions will be made for the colleges affected by the dimensionality reduction strikes depends on the overall evaluation. If the performance is good, even if the entire army is wiped out, it will be recovered through other channels. The loss is inevitable, otherwise the authority face of the Wizarding League and Wizarding Association will be imaged.

Wizard Haley won the command of the Academy Competition this time. The purpose is simple, that is, to cooperate with Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo as much as possible to win the championship. Other than Wizard Wizard, they don’t have the true strength of the three of them. Understand that there may be mistakes in use.

"This time the college competition may appear as the second team ace member of the third ring genius academy." The wizard Hailey's expression is slightly unpleasant. This time it is the most likely to win the title of their Mitis Wizarding Academy, if there is no third ring genius. The Wizarding Academy is disrupted, and it can be said that winning the championship is a good one, because they have three evildoers, and they can easily win the championship either way.

However, the Genius Wizarding Academy of the Third Ring is a gathering place for evildoers. The number of ace members is very small. The first team members are basically cutting-edge talents performing special tasks, the number is only ten, the second team has less than 20 members, and the third team has no members. Thirty, the other members can only be regarded as elites and ordinary, not as trump cards, but ordinary elite-level students will not be inferior to the trump cards of the Five Ring Wizard Academy, or even slightly better.

This time, the Three Ring Wizarding Academy did not know why it actually sent the second team ace members. You must know that they usually sent the third team ace members before. Wizard Hailey made this unsecret choice public at this time: "According to As usual, the genius academy will send three to four students to join the ninth to twenty-fourth academies. After all, the league is also to save face, and the top eight academies cannot be eliminated in the first round."

"Is it possible that there will be two teams with students from the Genius Academy?" Weir suddenly asked, "Leave aside the last eight students, is it possible that the students at the bottom of the top eight will appear from the Genius Academy?"

Haili's face was slightly solemn, "It is basically impossible for the two teams, because there is no need, but the first eight teams mixed into the students of the genius academy did happen before. The so-called dimensionality reduction strike is just a statement, in fact it is an alliance. And the association’s alternative investigation of the college, and its support for a certain college."

Ville and Lilith looked at each other, and they were a little clear after their eye contact, "Are there any wizards in other colleges that are particularly excited and not calm enough, or that there have been some gossips that have made major breakthroughs in certain areas? "

Wizard Hailey froze for a moment, and then reacted, "This is really hard to say, because no matter which college there will be newcomers joining the exchange conference, and the teachers who participated in the exchange conference for the first time, as long as there is a display of results, no matter how small or small, there will be some excitement ."

"But Master Haili is not excited at all, obviously the sacred potion series has a great influence on the entire Wizard Islands." Lilith's words made Wizard Haili smile and shook his head.

"This is your credit, I'm not going to..." Wizard Hayley was interrupted by Ville. "Witcher Hayley, the sacred potion may not be our first. Someone may have studied it before. For me and Lilith It is said that this achievement is not important, but the Academy needs this honor. If nothing else, the sacred potion series has been introduced from the continent of the gods to the church in the Wizarding Islands, and the alliance and the association will also understand.

"Lilith and I did not choose to follow the church route. Instead, we joined the Wizarding Academy. It is impossible for the Wizarding League to fail to see the original intention and significance of our choice. Therefore, we can hide as much as possible, even if we are famous. Can’t be famous for that."

Wizard Hayley was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but shook her head slightly and said, "Your child's mind is really serious, but your words make sense. It is indeed more appropriate that this result is proposed by our Mitis Wizarding Academy."

What does this sentence mean? Ville was taken aback for a moment, and exchanged glances with Lilith, but was directly hit by a brain collapse by Wizard Hailey, "There is no need to cover up in front of me. Some things belong to the secrets of the academy, and there are only more core members. You have the right to know. Your two children are in a special situation, so it’s okay to tell you. Mytis Wizarding Academy and the church, or the gods have an inexplicable connection. Just remember this sentence."

There is still such a thing? Ville was shocked, and suddenly thought of the meditation thoughts of grandfather and mother's cultivation. Their top meditation thoughts seemed to be able to see a trace of the shadow of the night goddess "Starlight Pluto Thought", and the difficulty of converting to this god-level meditation thought was much reduced.

"Do you think that the favored ones can be accepted by any wizarding academy?" Hailey's words shocked Little Vail and Lilith.

They didn’t seem to have considered this matter carefully before. Vil originally entered the Mitis Wizarding Academy because he was just a fake and shoddy favored person, and his grandpa’s relationship, now he wants to come to even the lowest-level favored one. There are also gods standing behind, the Wizarding Academy, even the Five Rings Wizarding Academy will really offend the gods for two students?

I seem to be a bit arrogant! Little Will sighed for a long time, "Lilith, leaving the academy as soon as possible is definitely the best choice. It's good for us and the academy."

"Bang!" Wizard Hailey punched Little Weir to the ground, blew his fist and said angrily: "You are the grandson of Rhine, and Mitis Wizarding Academy is your home. Although the gods are powerful, they are not What will happen to our Mitis Wizarding Academy. There is no identity conflict between the students of our Mitis Wizarding Academy and the favored ones."

"Is the academy welcome in the Wizarding League?" Little Ville asked Wizard Hailey nodded slightly, her face suddenly stiffened: "You mean, the students of the Academy of Geniuses are Chong Are we here? No, they may have come for the sacred potion. You made these things, and they attributed this to your grandfather?"

Little Weir nodded, "With this idea, they might slap and give a sweet date to suppress our college rankings, and then compensate them for subsequent resources."

Sure enough, the upper-class people have so many ideas, can't they say a word directly and plainly?

With the strength of the Wizarding Alliance, the Mitis Wizarding Academy will definitely be obedient. This incident was originally accidental and was not valued by the Mitis Wizarding Academy. In comparison, they paid more attention to Vill, Lilith, and Guai Liluo himself.

With different heights, different positions, and different perspectives on the problem, the focus will naturally be different. Ville suddenly felt that his identity was a little embarrassing.

My own identity as a favored person seems to be a bit pitted.

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