The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 736: I blame Julian

"He is my teacher." What can Little Will say besides these words, a guide?

Hehe, what did Professor Witzel give himself?

In addition to recommending myself to the Wisdom God and making myself an apostle of the Wisdom God, I just caused a lot of trouble for myself and then let go. The Wisdom Book incident that year brought a lot of trouble to Littleville, and at the same time. He brought a lot of prestige, but this prestige was limited to the wizarding world of the Gods Continent.

However, it is undeniable that Professor Witzel has taught him many life principles, learning methods, and various language knowledge, especially Elvish, Dwarf, Dragon, Orc, etc., which made him rise in the early stage. Time is much smoother.

Afterwards, Ville and Troy exchanged a few words, and very tacitly put the matter of the wisdom gods and the apostle space aside, and began to talk about business.

"That little girl from the shadow clan can be regarded as my registered disciple." As soon as Troy opened his mouth, he said something that surprised Little Weir, and then his explanation made Weir suddenly realize.

The name of the missing Shadow Clan girl is Angeline, a young genius in the Shadow Clan. Because she was more active since she was a child, and her mother died young and her father married her stepmother and other messy housework, she became more and more rebellious. An unexpected opportunity met Troy who was hunting, and the stalker succeeded in apprenticeship.

Then Angeli began to use the opportunity of going out to perform missions to find Troy again and again, making the sleeping shadow dragon very helpless, and then arranged a mission for her to scout a cult organization. It was precisely this mission that was given to her by the Church of the Goddess of the Night. Task.

There are different types of cult organizations. Some of the gods worshiped are foreign evil gods, some are **** demons, and some are local demigods. But neither is easy to deal with. Angeli is only a first-order shadow clan, and the missions performed are only investigations. A small stronghold. But Angelie, who was unwilling to end this, wanted to take the opportunity to break into the enemy, so she started her undercover career.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, she entrusted Troy to **** her Shadow Stone. As for the so-called heavy casualties, it was nothing but false news. It was purely false news from the top of the shadow clan to shirk responsibility. Even Sophia didn't know the truth.

"Should I stand by and ignore this matter?" Little Weier scratched his head slightly, and he didn't want to confront the so-called Cthulhu no matter what.

"This time the Cthulhu is only a local demigod. You don't need to be too nervous. We are all apostles of the wise gods. We can spend merits to ask him to act at critical moments. Oh, forget, you are only a three-star apostle now, with this authority. It hasn't been activated for the time being." Shadow Dragon Troy scratched his head and said: "As a five-star apostle, I can give you a little help, help you temporarily activate a privilege, and drive a power to summon the gods for help. Otherwise, this evil god's crusade Just do the work. If it is done well, it will be very helpful for you to advance to the four-star apostle. The three-star apostle to the four-star apostle is a qualitative change."

"Can I refuse?" Ville asked cautiously.

Troy casually threw Angeline’s Shadow Stone to Ville: “I’ve given you something, do you just accept this mission? The wisdom gods don’t have much restraint on us. We are actually very free, and there is no mission or anything at all. Mandatory. By the way, your spirit needs to be cultivated well. The spirit is a very precious existence and our loyal partner."

Seeing Troy's rare solemnity, Ville nodded solemnly in his heart, saying that he knew, "Well, Mr. Troy, can I come over to ask you frequently in the future?"

"I can't do it when I sleep." Troy yawned and took out the drunk dragon fruit. "Kacha" is just a bite. "Don't you think the happiest thing in the world when you sleep?"

"When will you not go to bed?" Ville thought it would be better to make an appointment.

"Usually I have one or two days to be awake in a month. Counting five days of hunting a year, there are half a month in a year to be awake." Troy's words made Ville a black line, and you Sleeping most of the time.

"Troy teacher, this is wrong for you, haven't you heard a sentence, why do you have to sleep for a long time before you die, you will sleep forever after death." Little Ville was thrown out by Troy as soon as he finished speaking.

"The guy who said this finally became a lich and couldn't sleep for a lifetime. He now wants to get a good night's sleep." Troy's voice became lower and lower, and was finally replaced by a snoring.

At the center of the hutong, Ville's eyes suddenly opened, making Sophia, who was crying and ready to complain to the Lord of the Favored, was full of agitated spirits, pretending that nothing happened, threw the stone in her hand to play, and even blew it up. After whistling, looking around.

"Wait, I didn't do anything bad, why did I have a guilty conscience?" Sophia suddenly reacted. He was here to complain, not to apologize and say sorry. He took Drunken Dragon Fruit as Mrs. Night’s idea. Bait, all the drunken dragon fruit in his hand was snatched by an unknown person, but he didn't know who the other party was and how he stole the things suddenly.

Sophia's voice was not suppressed, and the people around him froze for a while and burst into roar of laughter. This little girl was actually quite cute when she was confused.

"My Lord, I don’t have any of my Drunken Dragon Fruits anymore." Sophia looked at Xiao Weier pitifully, as if she was about to cry, knowing that she had applied for it to rescue her cousin. Good things do not originally belong to me.

"That stone in your hand is worth more than ten or twenty drunk dragon fruits." Little Weier said angrily: "How? Now you know what kind of master you need to face, right?"

Sophia said bitterly: "Drunk Dragon Fruit doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether this stone is valuable or not. I just want to find the adult and return to my cousin's Shadow Stone."

Little Ville simply threw the Shadow Stone in his hand, Sophia took it in a hurry, and his face was full of surprise, "This, this is the Shadow Stone?"

Little Weir stretched his waist and said casually, "I asked for this thing from the adult. This time I must protect it. If I lose it, I won't be responsible for it."

Sophia nodded fiercely, holding the Shadow Stone in her hand and refused to relax, making Ville wonder if the girl would crush the thing because of too much force. Probably impossible, the Shadow Stone is not ordinary. Something, "It’s late, let’s go back, tomorrow is a new beginning."

"Hey, hey, my business hasn't finished yet." Julian yelled uncomfortably. Everything is good. Some of them are very exciting even for herself, just to get greater benefits, she can only Choose to reluctantly give up love (it seems that it is not her thing).

It's not that things can't be sold, it's just that she wants more benefits and can only care about these old men and old ladies, and negotiate a little bit to fight for it. In this process, impatience is undoubtedly a tactical taboo.

"Your time is very I am authorized to handle these things for you." These things are not of high value to Ville, because all the knowledge involved has been Wei has all recorded it, and it is not that the older the better, it is Little Weier's pursuit to surpass the former.

Xiaoweier is a businessman with a little conscience. After earning ten times and one hundred times the profit from this group of retired widows, it is more or less uncomfortable, so this little thing is even compensated.

Well, as to whether this will cost them a greater price, it is beyond their control.

If this is the case, then Julian can only be blamed.

That's right, I blame Julian.

The guy at the top of the business waved his hand and drove away Xiaoweier and the others, and he continued to entangle with these treacherous old men and women. There was a big sale of antiquities. If you missed this village, there would be no such shop.

I have also harvested a lot of good things in the different space under the seven-story holy tower, do you want to take it out? Julian thought for a while and just put aside this idea, why should he give his own things to others? Wouldn't it be better to directly trade other people's things for benefits?

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