The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 788: After the war

The blood **** is an artificial god, and the blood **** kingdom is an artificial **** kingdom. The blood race is just an experiment of giants. Because of the incompleteness and repulsion of the godhead and **** position, the previous blood gods will not live long, even more than the general second-order The blood race has a shorter life span.

The bloodline of the blood race is indeed very good, but while they have a long lifespan, the number of people is very limited, and it is not enough to support a **** of the race. It is the crazy giant sword that deviates from the front to give birth to a blood god. Bit, let the blood race have a fifth-order master.

This method of pulling out the seedlings and promoting the growth burned the vitality of the blood family in disguise, and slowly consumed the blood family masters with high blood concentration. Mary was elected as the new blood **** not because her blood is higher than Neil, but she The spirit is very tough and more thoughtful.

The reason why Neil lost the election was more of a kind of protection for him. The blood family hoped that Neil could cultivate to the fifth rank through his own efforts and pure blood, but their good intentions were not recognized by Neil. , Finally turned into jealousy and hatred, let him embark on a road of no return.

The blood **** kingdom is a man-made **** kingdom, and what supports the **** kingdom is the corpse of the thunder giant, the corpse of the sixth-order thunder giant.

The body of a giant is the best material in the world. The giant used his own people to create a kingdom of God and bestowed this kingdom on the blood race. They used them to verify many things, but the Thunder attribute is very different from the blood race. Let the blood **** be here. In fierce conflict, more energy is needed to assimilate and transform this kingdom of God.

The essence of White Bone Road is the spine of the Thunder Giant, and no circuit is the rib of the Thunder Giant. The gift Mary gave to Little Vail is the complete set of bones of the entire Thunder Giant, and she incorporated it into Little Vail's body with the help of her own authority.

The Blood God Kingdom, which lost the bones of the Thunder Giant, shrank dramatically, and was finally thrown by Mary to Madame Night. In her words, after inheriting my blood, she was the most suitable candidate, and after awakening, Madame Night had three The level of strength can basically bear the consumption of a small kingdom of God, and what is left is the long flow of digestion blood and promotion to the demigod. At that time, as long as there are enough believers, becoming a **** is no longer difficult.

At this time, Little Weir was thinking, is Mrs. Night’s achievement today related to herself?

Luck affects each other. Mrs. Night gave her the dark space, and now she has given her a better Kingdom of the Blood God. Mrs. Night gave her father "Secrets of the Blood Race", but now she has got one The complete bloodline and power of the fifth-order blood clan are only temporarily deposited in the body, and there will always be a day of development, and there is a "Blood Mystery Book" hidden in her new bloodline.

One drink and one peck is a decision, but Ville believes more in the linkage between things. Only when Mrs. Night gave her help, she will take her away from Neverland, and choose to make her the first floor of the seventh-floor sacred tower, the goddess of the night. The master of It is also because they thought that they brought her by their side, which made many people misunderstand that she was their lover, and then said that the favor was still on her.

Little Ville suddenly felt that she was a bit disadvantaged. It seemed that after Mrs. Night had gained these benefits, no matter how she explained, other people would not believe that she had nothing to do with her.

It doesn't matter that you will strive for so many benefits for her?

The complete blood and power of a Tier 5 master, a complete kingdom of God, even if it is a man-made kingdom, even if it is a divine kingdom that has shrunk, it is also a kingdom of God, and it has undergone tens of thousands of years of cultivation and transformation from the blood race, which is very suitable for her Kingdom of God.

The offensive and defensive battle of the Blood God Kingdom is over, and all participants have gained a lot, provided that you can come back alive.

The biggest gain is naturally the sister control group, followed by the construction of the wizard tower, a holy blood essence, a whole body treatment, directly spawned a holy wizard, a holy constructed wizard, and greatly extended the group of old bones. Longevity allows them to toss for decades.

Julian’s body loss has been completely made up for this time, and there is still a surplus. She is considering how to invite these young and old guys out. I have taken you to earn the benefits, and you have all the benefits. I can’t Cross the river and demolish the bridge, right?

The blood moon warrior Dolly Carres, the evil whale Babel, and the monster thief Jack saw their relatives in the **** and blood slaves, understood the whole story, and after knowing that the enemy was dead, they chose to return to a stable life. .

In fact, they wanted to submit to Ville, but their mercenary group was simply a group of relatives and friends. Outsiders could not get in at all. In the end, they had to become a peripheral force. Ville could not accept it or not, but the name of the Ville mercenary group made They are very speechless: sister control group! Love 999

By virtue of her friendship with Little Ville, Segores successfully made the steel man and the barbarian saint warrior his right-hand man. She was ready to attack the demigod with a lot of harvest. As a family member of the death **** Lamod, she Before that, he was blessed and recognized by Lamod, and his blood was further improved.

The Three Hallows of Death, the Styx ferry was taken away by the Segre ribbon, and the Bloody Mary's Mirror became Ville's trophy. He was transferred to Lilith. For some reason, Ville always felt that he owed Lilith a lot.

The last Deathly Hallows was taken away by Lamod, Segorith also knew that the Three Deathly Hallows had no connection at all, and it was impossible to get more benefits from gathering the three Hallows.

The non-staff members of the Sister Control Group and the church volunteers have also gained a lot. Among them, the fox girl who is very dependent on bloodline like Flyna is directly promoted to the second rank, the elf hunter Alfa, and the white bishop of the hunting goddess church, Dorothy, are promoted to the second rank. Although a group of members of the elves have not been promoted, their bloodlines have been promoted. You must know that they have been cursed and purified before, and their bloodlines have been greatly weakened.

The blood of the Knights of the Temple of Wall is really weird. There is no way to advance in the Blood God Kingdom, but when he sent a bunch of inferior **** demons to the church and received praises from the church, he actually advanced magically. Up.

City Lord Corleone, Bishop Bamburu, and Bishop Edreith brought back a large number of armors of **** demon. Except for City Lord Corleone, the other two bishops in white were also promoted after receiving church awards. Suddenly, Mabstershire Baron Declan has led the Continent of Gods to be the most concerned place besides the church headquarters.

A small baronial, there are a lot of second-tier masters. This is really shocking. The Karst king is also a bit unacceptable, but he can only accept it, because these second-tier masters belong to the church in name. He has no way to intervene.

After getting the general information from Wright Kendall, the king of the Karst Kingdom sighed and said: "Wright, is your son-in-law a bit too powerful? Sky knight, first-level wizard, can beat him after transforming. A holy monster, there are still two third-order four-legged flying dragons in his hand. Tsk, as the earl of the kingdom, didn't he want to send one to my kingdom?"

Wright Kendall rolled his eyes, "Your Majesty, it's still daytime, and it's too early to dream. The third-order four-legged flying dragon is a good treasure even if it is the Five Ring Wizard Islands. The two monsters are said to have become Jasmine's. The mount was sent to the Elf Forest by his trustee and became his mother's pet."

Jasmine’s dark night civet was robbed, and the contract was forcibly interrupted. When Ville knew it was irretrievable, he had to give her a four-legged dragon as compensation. After all, the dark night civet was lost in Lilith’s hands, and it was Lamod’s The subordinate took it away, which has something to do with him.

Sophia looked at the cousin who was slumped on the couch without the slightest feminine image and couldn't help but get a black line. "Cousin Angeli, you have been out for so long, shouldn't it be time to go back to the clan? Everyone is worried about you. "

Angeli waved her hand and said weakly, "If you don't go back, you won't go to the death. My uncle will never be laughed at by you before he recovers. This time the news was wrong, but I didn't catch it and change it. Asshole of my gender, he will never run away next time. Also, don't call me Angeline, my uncle's name is BYD!"

Sophia was slightly sad when she heard Angeli’s words. Angeli’s father was once one of the patriarch’s candidates, but eventually failed the election for various reasons. After the failure, he spread his grievances on his family members, believing that his wife was not strong. The background supports herself thinks Angeline is a girl, which influenced her campaign.

Later, Angeli’s mother sacrificed to cover the **** loser while performing the task. Angeline’s father began to toss Angeline even more vigorously. Until one day, Angeline started wearing men's clothing and insisted that she was originally a male. Child, only when a **** devil casts a vicious curse will she become a female body. She works hard and actively takes out missions. She keeps on trying to find the demon and transform back into a male body.

After Anjieni's father died in self-defeating and abandoning herself, and after losing all her immediate family members, Anjieni couldn't bear the eyes of her family, and resolutely chose to leave.

This is the truth behind Angelie's departure!

In the Wizard Islands, news about the reappearance of the **** of death Lamod and the blood **** Mary spread slowly, along with the existence of a mercenary group, a small mercenary group called the sister control group, actually behind it There are eight saint-level masters, two demi-god masters, and one main god-level master as the backing.

The head of the sister control group is a young man, a sky knight and a first-level wizard, but he has the blood of the dragon family. After transforming, he resists the third-order monsters undefeated, and has become an idol worshipped by countless young people for a while.

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