The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 797: Sailing against the current, the devil

The number of Naga clan entering the weird river is nearly one hundred, and Alesia’s identity is not even the highest. No one cares about her leaving, and some people are even secretly happy. They don't want to gamble because of too many unknowns.

The flow of the weird long river is not too fast, the breeze on the river is shimmering, and going upstream shouldn’t be too difficult for the ocean-going boat, but it consumes a little more magic power, but Ville is keen. Perceive a slight difference.

An hour later, Ville gave control to Lilith and sat aside to practice meditation. Nicole consciously patrolled around on the deck to prepare for defense, blame Liluo holding the sledgehammer and staring at the front and blinked. Don't blink.

Two hours later, the ocean-going boat is still a big river in front of it. They don’t have much idea of ​​how far they have advanced. They just vaguely remember that in only half an hour, they can’t see the ships and warships at the fork in the downstream. Knowing that place is the main node where many foreign ships and warships merge into this river.

The weird long river has no knots, which means that no matter whether you walk along the small river or follow the big river, you will not get lost in the end, and even merge, but the speed of the small river is a little bit slower after all, and the monsters in the small river are also relatively slow. Some are missing, and the level is also much worse.

When Lilith gave the control to Little Vil, there was a weird look on her face. Vil nodded, everything was silent, but Alesia, who was watching next, was a little confused.

If you don't know what you don't understand, you have to ask. Alesia is also a smart person. Since he followed the arrangement of Little Vil and went upstream, he became the only Naga tribe who "retreated", so naturally he wanted to make a career.

"Learning is like traveling against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat. We have to work against the current. Naturally, we will gain something." Lilith immediately entered the training state after she said that, leaving Alesia confused. Her IQ is too low?

No, there must be a problem with the status of these two people. If it's not for them, it means that they have a problem.

Alesia decisively chose to integrate into them, and after Lilith finished her training and Ville retreated, he joined the responsibilities of manipulating the ocean-going boat forward.

The magic input, a resistance appeared inexplicably, which made her tremble almost so that the ocean-going boat did not hold it, and hurriedly increased the input to stabilize. This resistance is not stable. It is constantly strong and weak, and it can actually be Feedback to yourself through the ocean-going boat.

"This power comes from the weird river and acts on the ocean-going boat. After the ocean-going boat's layers of weakening, the feedback to us is not one, but it has a very good training effect." Now that Alesia has been allowed to intervene, Ville Don't mind giving her some pointers, "Maintaining balance in the dynamics to exercise magical control, promoting magical compression in confrontation, and exercising with the power of impact. This is an excellent place to practice."

Learning is like traveling a boat against the current, then retreat. Alesia suddenly understood Lilith's meaning. This weird long river still has this usage, but if there is no ocean-going boat, what will happen to other ships and warships?

The use of magic stones to urge ships and warships to sail has no effect at all. This kind of training is good for wizards, but it is pure destruction for simple ships and warships.

Blindly using magic stones to urge ships and warships does not have the slightest training effect at all. It does not mean that there is no other way to repair except for ocean boats, such as the most primitive method: swimming!

"There is a little octopus over there, do you feel a little familiar?" After a day and night of cultivation, Ville and Lilith have fully adapted to the waves of the weird long river, giving more opportunities for cultivation to the strange power. Luo and Alesia took Nicole to study the situation of Weird Longhe carefully.

As Alesia said before, in addition to the resistance of the upstream, there is hardly any other difference. The river is still the same river. The width of the two sides does not increase or shrink, and there is no branching sink. There is no change of direction and course, as usual.

Most of the fish and shrimp in the river are ordinary species. Although some are slightly fierce, few can catch the side of low-level beasts. Ville and Lilith can catch a lot of them with a few witchcraft tricks. The quality of the water here Quite good, let Xiaowei collect some and send it to Snowwood World to irrigate flowers and trees. Temple Street Novel

Lilith, who had practiced Shattering Divine Eyes, narrowed her eyes slightly, "Warcraft, the devil octopus that hides its true strength?"

The devil octopus Newman blended into the weird river very smoothly, and proceeded in an orderly manner according to the records left by his predecessors, disguising himself as an ordinary low-level monster octopus, swimming freely in this trial river.

Upstream fish, you have to bravely resist your destiny, counterattack all the way in this river that can determine your destiny, and then become the rich and handsome of the devil octopus, and finally return to your hometown with stronger strength, raise your eyebrows and marry your beloved Huahua octopus.

But the familiar ocean-going boat not far away made it shiver. How could this **** be here?

No, no, I'm not talking about why they are in the weird river. I watched them come in for a while, trying to avoid all the masters before sneaking in here, but who will tell me why they are going upstream. Rather than go with the flow?

Hold steady, hold steady, this is not the Wizard Islands, and they cannot summon reinforcements at any time. There is no need to be afraid of them for their own dignified Tier 3 monsters, and they are now disguised as an ordinary low-level monster octopus, instead of being chased by them. Tier 3 Warcraft.

Do you want to test them?

Newman thought for a while and felt that safety is the first priority. A small fish swam past, and Newman chased it, but slightly absent-minded. The small fish flicked its tail flexibly and went down. Newman flicked and followed. Pierced one end.

The visibility of the river was not so high, Newman disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the poor little fish could not escape its chase and became a Chinese meal.

Feeling the breath carefully, they found that the devil octopus actually stopped in place. They slowly moved forward and soon couldn't perceive it. Lilith looked at Little Ville: "It should be an accident. The devil octopus converges its breath to hunt fish and shrimps. It should be instinct."

Little Ville shook his head slightly, "Maybe I was really worried. That devil octopus is a Tier 3 monster, and its life span is definitely more than fifty years old. How could it meet the conditions to enter the weird river. Lilith, Xiao Miao said that the river is in this river. She likes the magic of the river very much. I want to go down and try to see if immersing myself in the river water has a better training effect."

"Don't be afraid of being eaten, just try it." Lilith doesn't think that the water of this river has such a big effect, otherwise there would not be so few monsters in the river, and the level will be so low.

"Always have a There is nothing wrong with trying. If you miss it, it would be a pity. We only have one chance." Little Ville changed his clothes and used a magical long rope to hook into the ocean. On the boat, he jumped down.

A graceful arc drew across, and Ville plunged into the water with a "plop~", and the feeling of coolness instantly filled his whole body, making him feel agitated unconsciously. The temperature in the water seemed to be slightly cooler because of the absence of Yangguan all year round.

After the blessing of the sea goddess, Xiao Weier has a high affinity for water. His limbs swam forward quickly, and suddenly the water splashed, and an inexplicable resistance suddenly appeared as if he wanted to push him back.

effective! Ville's arms shook slightly to offset the oncoming power, and his body jumped up and rushed out of the water, then rushed down fiercely. The sky knight's power was fully exerted, and his arms staggered and flicked away with the ocean boat in a short time. Go head-to-head without being thrown away.

Hundreds of meters behind, the devil octopus Newman quietly surfaced, a pair of peasy eyes were full of shock: "Isn't this **** a shadow wizard? How can there be such a high affinity for water? The River of Trial should not reject low bloodlines. Human race? Is this **** really given some great water bloodline in the trial of the blood god?"

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