The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 808: This thigh must be hugged tightly by my daughter

The magical river water, ten times the training effect, hides the monsters whose breath cannot be sensed, takes the initiative to attack the prey in the water, and leaves a strange stone after hunting, the river island in the river, and the monsters on the islands appear together. Or is it a weird river that you are familiar with?

The King of Lanyu once participated in the weird long river hunting when he was young, and he was lucky enough to hunt two snake beads, which added a good resume to himself, but compared with her baby daughter, the difference was so big that she was suspicious. Are they participating in the same event?

Alesia confided to his mother all the details and thoughts. The King of Lanyu did not leave in a hurry. He asked repeatedly before he went to places that he didn't know. The day and night passed quickly.

"The outside world is seven days, but you have been in the weird river for nearly two years?" The King of Lanyu couldn't help showing a look of shock. Such a time span has never happened before. Three to five months are already very long, half a year. Isn't it the limit?

"To be precise, it should be seven hundred days. The Lord of the Favored One said that Hundred-fold acceleration is a ceiling, and it is difficult for the sixth-order gods to break this ceiling." Alesia's time to return to the outside world is the same as that of others, even if it is slightly delayed. It's a little bit limited, but more about the details of how to repay the debt after I went back with Xiaowei and Lilith. After all, before entering, no one had thought of being able to stay so long and hunt so many snake beads.

Two snake beads are a very good result. Twenty snake beads are far beyond imagination, and two hundred snake beads have exceeded the limit that the Lanyu tribe can withstand. The king of Lanyu is now considering whether to secretly take snake beads to make peace. The other four Naga tribes who were not here exchanged some Tier 3 demon food ingredients, but if their number of snake beads exceeded a hundred, they would be exposed to the high levels of the Kuroshio and Purple Coral tribes.

As for the recklessness, the King of Lanyu never thought about it.

The reef fragments of a monster are not counted. Nine huge river islands with more than ten or twenty monsters. Each island is looking at at least a Tier 3 monster. In the end even a monster of the demigod level appeared. They all strategy.

How strong is the strength of those godsends?

"When the Raiders reach the third river island, Lilith's Favored Wizard has been upgraded to level two, and when the fifth island is traversed, the Vail Favored Wizard has also been upgraded to level two. On the last island, After three months of beheading the demigod monster, all of them were promoted to the third rank, but they were all knights and warriors." This is also the most frustrating point of Alesia. The five people attacked the weird river together. , Why only oneself did not advance?

A small mercenary group that has just been formed for less than a year actually hides four saint-level masters. The king of Lanyu feels terrible when he thinks about it, and they are all gods. Two of them are fellow practitioners of vindictive witchcraft, listen. What my daughter meant was that they could also transform into giant dragons, and they would be stronger after transforming.

Even if the Lanyu tribe has six Tier 3 masters, all of them might not be able to win them, right?

"It's not four, it's five." Another hidden holy master of the Alicia General Control Group confessed, "Mrs. Night, I don't know what the name is, or maybe it doesn't. The blood **** is in the trial. Resist the invasion of **** demons and was given a god-level bloodline. It is now a Tier 3 blood clan, the future growth limit is Tier 5, and the goddess of the night is a believer. Currently sitting in the Sixth Ring Construct Wizard Tower as the liaison between the sister control group and the Construct Wizard Tower. According to what I understand, they still have a Tier 3 mount in their hands, a four-legged flying dragon."

"How many people are there in their mercenary group?" The corner of the mouth of the king of Lanyu twitched slightly, feeling that his tribe was about to be overtaken.

"Vill Favored, Tier 3 Paladin, Lilith Favored, Tier III Paladin, La Favored Tier 3 Saint Druid, Nicole Favored Tier III Saint Warrior, Lady Night, Tier III Blood Clan, Jasmine Sky Knight, with Tier 3 mount Perilla Flying Dragon, and finally the father who thought he was the Favored of Vail. He currently only has Tier 2 strength." Alesia counted one by one with his fingers: "According to my understanding, their There are also five outside members, all second-tier strengths, four of which are still church members."

"Twelve people, the weakest is also Tier 2, seven official members, five Saint-level masters, and a Saint-level mount. They are..." The King of Lanyu didn't know how to evaluate them.

"Oh, yes, they still have a guest next to them, Tier 2 Shadow Race. It is said that her teacher is a demigod-level shadow dragon, and is closely related to the demigod Wizel demigod, the teacher of the Favored of Vale, so she will be temporarily thrown away. Give help to the favored ones of Vale.” Alesia’s words made the King of Lanyu even more frustrated. There is also a demigod behind the Lanyu tribe, but there are two demigods standing behind them, and they are still in the third place. Demigods do things.

Now it seems that it is impossible to relinquish the account. After all, when the daughter signs the contract, he uses the name of the sea goddess as a constraint. This is a respect for the sea goddess. It is definitely not because the other party is too strong to rely on the mountain to fulfill the contract. , Um, oneself is also the king of the Naga of the Lanyu tribe, how can the king of the Naga who command the sea area of ​​100,000 miles do such a nonsense thing.

"My dear daughter, you have also practiced hard. The only ones who have entered the weird river are you still staying at the second level. Obviously you did not go all out in the weird river." Although the king of Lanyu could see that his daughter had improved A lot, but still couldn't help but hit her a bit.

Alesia chuckled and said dismissively: "I'm about to reach the top of Tier 2, I only need to accumulate for a few years, and I will definitely be able to advance to Tier 3, because I have this!"

A billowing transparent bead appeared in Alesia's hand, and the King of Lanyu narrowed his eyes, "Tier 3 Monster Snake Bead?!"

The shock in the heart of the King of Lanyu is not as simple as she seems. Her baby daughter has actually hunted the third-order monster snake beads in the weird long river, and can actually hunt the third-order strange snake snake beads in the weird long river.

Suddenly thinking of the river-center islands mentioned by his daughter, the three-world monsters on the islands, and even the fourth-order demigod monsters that appeared last, the King of Lanyu was relieved.

"It's wasted." The King of Lanyu shook his head slightly, but when he thought of his daughter being able to advance to the holy rank before the age of fifty, a gratified smile appeared on his face. His daughter's aptitude is still very good, and it might be impossible to pass on the throne in the future. Give it to her, and see how those old guys in the clan stop Alesia from taking the lead.

"In the future, keep in touch with the sister control group a lot, they will be your backing." Such a powerful boost, even if you have already hugged your thigh, don't let it go. The king of Lanyu feels that the biggest gain for his daughter may not be These strange snakes and snake beads, but a solid foundation and these powerful friends.

Alesia thought for a while and squeezed the Tier 3 snake beads into the hands of the King of Lanyu. "The Lord of the Favored also said that I used this snake beads to waste. After nearly two years of training in the weird river, Each river island junction has absorbed so much pure power. The Lord of the Favored said that my foundation and blood are very solid. As long as I fight steadily, I can continue to move forward. There are almost no bottlenecks. This snake-bead belt It’s not really helpful to myself."

"Now I give it to my mother, hoping that my mother can use the power in it to go further, and it is best to be able to directly advance to the Alessia Lai’s face is full of smiles, the king of Lanyu But I felt warm in my heart, "You kid, how easy is it for a demigod to be accomplished, but even without this snake bead, I have a five-point assurance that I can achieve a demigod within a hundred years. With it, I am sure Bigger. "

"I will be the second demigod of the Lanyu tribe!" The king of Lanyu felt the powerful aura in the strange snake and snake beads, and his fighting spirit was immediately high.

Alesia's eyes were bright and practiced and nodded: "Then I will be the third demigod of the tribe! Hehe, with three demigods, we can be stronger than the strength around the Lord of the Favored. They finally The appearance of beheading the demigod monster is really terrible. After the dragon transforms, it actually presses the demigod monster to fight. The average demigod may not be able to beat them. If it is three demigods, it is a problem. It's not big anymore."

The King of Lanyu squinted his eyes, now he can hold a half-length master in front of him? No, according to their daughter's report, they seem to have the power to kill the weak and other demigods. Although they are just a mentally retarded demigod without much mentality, the demigod is a demigod, but it is not comparable to the average Tier 3 master.

This thigh must be held tightly by the daughter.

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