The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 817: You will be the first leader to achieve results

The elves are no longer the previous elves. The class has already appeared and is accustomed to it. As the elder of the pure blood elves, the third-order holy wizard Diana has some authority inside and outside the elven forest, guarding the elven druids of Corsi. Seeing that she must salute respectfully and obey her orders, even if the two are not affiliated.

The strength of the Elf Bloodline Awakened in the early stage is leaps and bounds, and it is basically difficult to break through in the later stage. It can be said that the bloodline is also the bloodline. The bloodline is both a help and a shackle. In comparison, pure blood elves value personal efforts and opportunities. Naturally, Bloodline purity is also very important, which determines their cultivation speed.

Diana is serious about doing her own job. There are not many things on Corsi Island worthy of other people's coveted. There are some Warcraft, but the strongest is only Tier 1, and the ore resources are almost zero. There are flowers and plants. Some are not too precious. The climate is hot and humid and rainy, with dense forests and complex terrain, and is not valued by outsiders.

Entering here seems to have entered the country of small people. The one-foot-high flower fairy, the palm-sized green elf, only the green tree is relatively taller, but it is only five or six feet tall, and the appearance is weird and bad, and the strength is not It is so powerful, except for its thick skin and a longer lifespan, it has almost no major advantages, and its brain is not very good.

Not all races are kind and docile. The grasshopper tribe, which is about the size of a flower fairy, is the bandit race on Corsi. They have a strong jumping ability, and their arms are as thin as a blade, and the transparent hang gliding wings can carry out short distances. Gliding can be said to be the overlord of the jungle and a natural predator.

Flower elves and green elves are the prey of the grasshopper tribe. The lonely green tree people can hardly escape when they encounter them. What's more terrifying is that the grasshopper tribe has a very powerful ability to multiply. There will be a large population outbreak every few decades. , If there is no such Warcraft suppression to maintain a balance, Corsi is estimated to be eaten up by them.

"What a weak little thing." The invisible side carefully observed the indigenous people on Corsi Island. Baihuayin couldn't help but complain again and again. The number of these little things is not small, but the strength is pitiful. Don’t talk about entering the ranks. Even the high-level professionals have no strength. The so-called king of the grasshopper clan is also at the level of the intermediate fighter. The flower fairy and the green elves can have the strength of the junior fighters. It is already very good. Some of them can also display. Spells, but not much lethality, more demeanor than the second-level wizard apprentice, but the lethality is really touching, any junior warrior of the human race can overturn a small tribe.

"These little things are more suitable to be the messengers of the goddess of the elves or the goddess of agriculture. Their plant magic is a kind of talent, and they have the ability to heal the body. They are simply natural magic pets." Little Ville couldn't help but wonder, no matter the flowers. Both the fairy and the green elves have a cute appearance, but the body is too thin and does not have much lethality. This has not attracted the attention of others. As for the healing ability, the level difference is too large. The effect can only be said to be average and capable. It’s easy for people to buy potions. Many schools also have healing magic tricks. It’s really impossible, isn’t there a church?

It’s not that no one in the outside world has ever raised flower fairies and green fairies. Except for magic planters and pharmacists who give them some jobs, other people raise these little things more as a kind of ornamental pets, which are dispensable and weak. No better treatment.

   "How much power of faith can be such a small and weak thing" Baihuayin expressed serious doubts about this.

"The power of faith comes from intelligent creatures. Although they are weak, they are not really without brains." Little Weier then added, "The truly powerful race can indeed have more power of faith, but the powerful Does the race turn get you to pick it up?"

   Baihuayin glanced at Xiao Weier bitterly, "If you are willing to help me wholeheartedly, do I run around for this little power of faith every day?"

"Isn't I doing enough?" Ville shrugged and spread his hands. "The entire mercenary association does not have as much work as I do. I did it every time I didn't help you finish the whole set of plans. Every time I check for omissions, I can make up for the lack of it. Even if you mess things up, it’s me who is the last to finish up the aftermath. Under the crown of the goddess, it’s really okay for you to wrong me so much.”

   "Hehe" Baihuayin gave Xiaowei a slanted look, "Someone has taken my task, and during the task, he can take care of other tasks. Lilith, Xiao Luo, Nicole, and Jasmine will disappear every three and a half.

For a while, the level of your mercenary group actually advanced to the sixth level three days ago."

Little Ville shrugged and said indifferently, "Our little family always has to eat. You live too much. It is impossible for you to get paid for decades. In order to survive, we can only live in a hundred. Take time out of your busy schedule to take on some small tasks to support your family. If the goddess is willing to pay in advance, our mercenary group doesn't mind going all out to help you."

   "Oh, so it's mine." Baihuayin snorted and said, "If the task is not completed, don't think about anything except the reward points."

Seeing Baihuayin Tsundere's long hair turned and left, Dianna could only say that the Mercenary Association would give the sister control group some convenience and prioritize some simple but generous tasks to them. Some rules cannot be broken. This time the exclusive mission is really difficult for them, a bad one will bankrupt the mercenary group.

   Littleville shrugged and expressed his understanding of the difficulties of the Mercenary At the same time, he also listed the daily expenses of the sister control group, and asked very directly, "Can I be reimbursed?"

   "It's not theoretically possible. If you use it on the Baihuayin Demigod, you can use the remaining part, which can be counted as the normal expenditure of the association, but it can't be too much." Dianna finally mentioned him a little bit.

Then, in the early morning of the next day, Ville and Lilith visited together and made a list directly. In order to promote the great cause of becoming a **** under the **** of music, the **** of music, they applied for a large number of materials, including dozens of magic stones. There are ten thousands of treasures of earth attributes and eight treasures of wood attributes. Diana's eyes twitched. Isn't her suggestion a bit too subtle yesterday? It makes this kid a little less subtle.

   "It is understandable to be greedy appropriately, but are these things a bit too much?" Dianna said softly, "The people above are not fools."

"The fool is the wise man." A bright smile appeared on Little Weir's face. "If the lion opened his mouth, they would not pay too much attention to us. After all, the previous six fools failed. Now they pay more attention to us. It’s getting younger and younger. This time I want to use Corsi Island to teach them a good lesson. By the way, let them know that the price of becoming a **** is very huge."

"The things I applied for are really useful things. It can even be said that there are some props that I have I didn't apply at all, and I will go back for reimbursement at that time." Little Ville showed a confident smile to the Saint Deanna," You will be the first leader to achieve results."

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