The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 820: Initial results have been achieved, and the support team arrives

Can faith still play like this?

There are not many strong people on Corsi Island, and the resources are not rich. These little things are not very valued, but the number is definitely not small. The suppressed flame skeletons are eliminated, and a holy mountain collection is established on this basis. Faith has realized the self-sufficiency of this temple of the **** of music, and by the way, Baihuayin’s path to becoming a **** has a good .asxs.

Yes, this is the first slightly successful .asxs. on the road of Baihuayin to become a god, a pilot temple that can ensure that Baihuayin's faith will not continuously invest more than output. The demigods can condense the power of faith and The process of transforming it into divine power is not small. After all, the power of faith is too complicated and the human heart is too responsible.

The flower fairy, green elves, green tree people and other races on Corsi Island have moderate wisdom, but their temperaments are quite peaceful and innocent, which greatly eases Baihuayin’s work and gradually gets used to working as a goddess. There was also a slight improvement in strength, which made her very excited.

It's just that this slight increase in distance has made her become a **** by a thousand miles. The race strength on Corsi is too weak, and the number is far below the requirements. Don't say it is a god, even a demigod. Enshrine it out.

Most of the things Diana applied for were “corrupted” by Ville and Lilith. The two piled up into the mountains were all land-attributed loot obtained from the weird river. The earth-attributed treasure of the Mercenary Association naturally became Vill’s enhanced snow wood. The nutrients of the world and the resources needed to perfect the world are absolutely astronomical.

Diana passed back to the Mercenary Association of what happened on Corsi Island. The road to becoming a **** of Hundred Flowers has long been known to many people. The movement of Corsi Island can’t be kept away from the interested people. Not only did the Mercenary Association not stop the destruction. Instead, it gave a lot of support. When the order of the Temple of the God of Music and the Temple of the God of War on Corsi Island was completely completed, the church also sent its own people to "support".

The Holy Land is a masterpiece of the Federation of Gods. The Wizarding Islands is a training base for believers in the Kingdom of the Gods. There are countless ordinary people who have received the grace of the church. The church has a complicated influence and many pan-faith candidates. They were born from the beginning. Just accept the training and teaching of the church, and regard serving the gods as the biggest dream.

Finding your own beliefs and practicing them sincerely is the inevitable way for every citizen of the holy country. The holy country does not force you to believe in a certain god. Belief here is more free. As long as you don’t disobey the gods, everything is Easy to say.

Baihuayin’s path to becoming a **** is no longer a secret. There are many powerful demigods in the Wizard Islands, but the gods are quite limited. It is not easy to become a god. Facing the continuous growth and expansion of wizards, the Federation of Gods has always wanted to expand the gods. The number, but the results are not so satisfactory.

What happened to Baihuayin is a joke to many people, especially when the Mercenary Association sent a so-called leader to help, but they were defeated one by one, which made them feel a little bit about Baihuayin, the **** of music. Silk was disappointed, and it was not until the temple of the **** of music of Corsi was completed and basically stabilized that they had a trace of interest.

Although the gods only have a trace of interest, the people below have seen more things. The appearance of each **** will create a new group of holy spirits and a bunch of new forces. The Holy Kingdom decisively selects masters to help out. .

"Paladin Rutherf Wilson of the Temple of the Holy Land, see under the crown of flowers, your beauty is like a bright moon in the sky, and the flowers lose their color in front of you. The moment you see you, there is only light between the sky and the earth. You are The incarnation of the gods, may the gods be with you." Rutherf is a standard temple knight from the holy kingdom. He has received a complete temple education, handsome and extraordinary appearance, and elegant conversation is their compulsory course.

Stand up not to lose the face of the gods, this is the first requirement of the holy kingdom for the temple knights, and it is also the most basic requirement.

The meticulously combed long golden hair exudes a faint fragrance. The neat and gorgeous knight dress, the elegant and gorgeous saber, and the bright smile on his face perfectly interpret what is called the demeanor of the holy land of the temple knights, just on the chest A beautiful red rose is slightly dazzling.

Kneeling down on one knee, Rutherf Wilson actually took Baihuayin's hand, wanting to give a kiss.

Three layers of silk gloves appeared on Baihuayin’s slender jade hands. It seemed that this was not safe enough. A golden hand appeared, noble, gorgeous and perfect to set off Baihuayin’s temperament, just slightly It was cold.

The smile on Rutherf Wilson's face became stiff for an instant, and he still completed his actions. Baihuayin resisted the urge to kick him out and made him stand up and retreat. The gods should not be deceived, even if he is a demigod. It's not something ordinary people can get close to. This oily noodle **** is really courageous.

Regarding the Holy Land’s willingness to send people to follow and help, Ville and Diana raised their hands to express their welcome. The two of them are one of the few people who sincerely want to help Baihuayin become a god. Ville is because of the mission, and Dianna is because there is no Conflict, the previously failed **** have too much selfishness, Dianna is easy to go, but can better support Ville's work.

In essence, this task is that Baihuayin hired Little Will to plan her to become a god. The so-called guide is just a coordinator of the exclusive task. It is only because Baihuayin's mission is too compelling that the demigod behind the Mercenary Association rises After thinking carefully and wanting to oppose the guest-oriented, I lost face in the end and achieved nothing.

As for whether there is a demigod in the holy kingdom who wants to play Baihuayin, Ville feels that this possibility is not non-existent. After all, it is more reassuring to cultivate your own gods than outsiders to join the alliance of gods, but from On the other hand, this kind of disguised encouragement to seize the way of the godhead of others is actually something they hate.

Gods are different from wizards. The power of a **** lies in the godhead, position, kingdom, and fire. However, the wizard is a kind of indispensable kind, and all of the gods are basically deprivable. Robbed.

There are 36 people in the team of the Holy Land, twelve knights headed by Rutherf Wilson, and 24 priests, bishops, and missionaries. Sarah, the baron and succubus, was so frightened that she did not dare to appear in front of them.

The Raiders of Corsi Island have been completed. When it was originally planned to be finished, the appearance of the support group of the Holy Kingdom disrupted their plan, but Ville was not unhappy at all. Instead, he directly handed the follow-up finishing work to them to sort out. The problems encountered in the process of promoting my beliefs are brought up one by one, and these so-called professionals can analyze and solve them.

The actions of Ville and Dianna made the support group very comfortable, but one thing was that they were a little dissatisfied. They only had the right to make suggestions, not to advocate rash actions, and everything needed their consent before they could be implemented.

It’s just that this matter was originally the job of I am just a support group, and everyone who understands their position depends on the identity of Little Ville, Lilith, and the strength of Diana Saint Wizard. Nodding and agreeing, all they need is to participate in the whole process and get a complete set of progress information.

Ville and Lilith directly invited Hamlin, the **** of food, and his team of chefs through the easy-to-install teleportation array they carried. They set up a grand welcome banquet on Corsi Island, and the two demigods sat down. All the support groups of the Holy Land, including Rutherf Wilson, are honored.

The sacred country believes in gods, but how many people can really see gods? Even the strong demigods, they saw only a handful of them, so close contact, and even the opportunity to enjoy the food and music provided by the demigods is even more rare.

For a time, the whole banquet scene was hot, and the atmosphere was much more harmonious.

Smelling the scent, Nicole came back in time with Angelie, who had promoted the idea of ​​a big man in the grasshopper tribe. Ville even invited the choir on the sacred mountain to sing chants. Flower fairies and green elves saw so much The strong applauded and cheered for them, and even harder to perform, everyone was happy.

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