The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 822: The dream of the knights of the temple

"Please allow me to refuse. It's against my knighthood to act on a lady." Rutherf Wilson refused directly. It is no good to win this kind of thing, and it is even more faceless to lose. It is a little bit of doing something with a woman. Not interesting.

   "Pam" Angeli patted a temple knight badge, the goddess of the night, on the table, "This uncle is also a temple knight, do you look down on women?"

Rutherf Wilson lightly shook his head and said in a chivalry, "I will not look down on anyone, but some unnecessary disputes will only make things worse. We will be partners in the fight for a long time in the future. There is no need to fight each other."

Rutherf Wilson suddenly straightened his back, with a trace of sacred expression on his face, "A knight’s sword is a guardian sword, and a great sword is directed against only the enemy. The knight’s sword is a sword of justice. evil."

   "Papa Papa" Ville first applauded, "Very good knight declaration, you are a principled Templar knight, and may justice be with you forever."

   is very handsome, but a little bit awkward, Ville and Lilith suddenly feel itchy hands.

   This kind of slogan that fools the lower-level people, people who really believe are fools, especially the knight himself, unless the knight's brain is really washed out.

   And the **** in front of him is definitely not the kind of fool who is fooled, he is just playing Angeli, and of course his original character is not ruled out.

At the moment of Ville’s appraisal, Rutherf Wilson’s strength is at a glance. Although this **** looks a little inconspicuous, it seems that a princeling party is actually a real Templar knight. Angeline’s current strength is really real. I couldn't take him down, I just drove away the self-righteous fools of the Mercenary Association and got the initiative, but now it is not the time to hand over the power that is soon to be acquired.

   No matter how low in the mercenary group, Angeli is also one of the temporary members of the sister control group. Losing to the head of the newly arrived holy country support group is still not very attractive.

This is a competition that is destined to be impossible to fight in a fair manner. If Angelie wins, it will completely offend the holy country and make their faces irrelevant. It will be very harmful to the subsequent assistance of the holy country. If you lose, it will not be great. , It will give people a feeling that the sister control group is testing each other's details, a breath of conspiracy.

"Russef has been educated as a knight since he was a child, and he has little contact with the outside world. He is a little lacking in human relations, but he will definitely not have any bad ideas. This is one of the reasons why we chose to let him be the leader. "The deputy head, Bishop Holly, respectfully explained to Baihuayin, but his eyes were cast on Little Ville.

Baihuayin nodded slightly, with a faint official smile on her face, but said nothing. Ville shook her head and said, "Angelie is a peripheral member sent by an elder to our mercenary group for experience. She has a lot of freedom. Because of her childhood experience, she has an extraordinary attachment to the male body. Seeing Captain Wilson looks like this, so"

"Angelie herself is not a bad girl, and she has some abilities, but she needs some guidance and tolerance. She is not malicious. By the way, she is from the shadow clan and is a knight of the night goddess, um, although it has not been for a few years. I’ve gone to report.” Weir’s words named one thing. In fact, you and Anjieni are largely the same, but Anjieni represents an alien force that directly belongs to a certain god, and they A human force belonging to pan-faith.

   "Believe regardless of race, gods love the world." Compared with Rutherf Wilson, the temple knight, the bishop Holly is better at playing with language arts.

   On the other side, Ville's hint was received. After knowing the strength of the opponent, Angeli immediately began to transform her way to attack the Templar Knight.

As the daughter of the defeated candidate for the patriarch of the shadow clan, Angelie received an education that was not comparable to that of Rutherf Wilson, a temple knight. It was not her choice to attack the enemy with her own shortcomings, so she changed her mind. Used a little charm talent to guide Rutherf Wilson into the trap.

   first started with personal honors and contributions, and revealed their great achievements one by one. The last two people actually fought a half catty, but Angeli participated in the resistance to the demon invasion by virtue of the trial of the blood god.

   then go through the battle scene to knight training and

Starting with the Knight’s Code, the last one is to guide Rutherf Wilson to recall his previous experience, and time is getting ahead of the test, and Rutherf Wilson unknowingly seems to have been downgraded, and the whole person becomes more and more. Young and simple.

"Little brother, can you tell my sister, what is your ideal in life?" In order to make Rutherf Wilson embarrassed, Anjieni has completely discarded the persona of "My uncle" and turned into a confidant sister, with full talent and ability, I don't know. Rutherf Wilson, who was recruited inadvertently, felt the whole person confused, but enjoyed it very much.

"I want to be the most powerful knight, and marry the most beautiful goddess" Rutherf Wilson shouted, if such a behavior is shown from a small Zhengtai, there is no problem at all, but you, a tall adult knight, do this. The little moves are really a bit hot-eyed.

An arcane appeared in the corner of Angeli’s mouth, and she was hit. This fool was finally reduced to the level of a three-year-old child by herself. No, this level is not a three-year-old child. It seems that she still looks like a five- or six-year-old. , But you can't take it lightly at this time, you need to be careful and then careful.

   Your innate ability is very useful for people who are not as strong as you are undefended, but once your strength surpasses yourself, or your defensive psychology is very strong, you will not be able to do it. There is only one opportunity, and you must not miss it.

   "What kind of knight is the strongest knight in your mind" is still the knight first, although Angeli wants to shift the topic to the dream behind.

"The strongest knight of the dragon knight should ride the strongest mount soaring in the open sky, and the strongest knight who kills the strongest demon should be the dragon knight" Rutherf Wilson looks very much like reading the children's legendary storybook. The child, the pure and excited expression on her face made Angelie very satisfied.

Anjieni's face became a little serious, and she said in a deep voice, "Child, dragons are arrogant, and dragons will not succumb to any race, whether it is a human, goblin, or giant. If you can't become a dragon knight, What"

"If I cannot become a dragon knight, I will be called the dragon slaying knight. I will become the dragon slaying knight who slays the dragon in the legend, bathed in dragon blood and carried the dragon head on his shoulders. Body." Rutherf Wilson's face was full of excitement, as if he had become a dragon slaying hero.

"Then His Majesty the King personally greeted the princess rescued by the dragon slayer warrior and promised you a great dragon slayer. The knight and the princess will live without shame or shame, no, live a happy life." Angeli was beside her Continue to add drama to him.

   "No" Rutherf Wilson directly refused, "It doesn't matter what the princess is, I want to marry the goddess, the most beautiful goddess in the world"

   "Oh, then who is the most beautiful goddess in your mind?" Angeli's mouth opened out a little bit, and this bastard's fox tail was finally about to be revealed. This uncle is waiting for the moment when you make a fool of yourself.

   No matter who your answer is, it is blasphemy, but if you don’t answer it is hypocritical, boy, let me see the dirty little secret in your heart.

   "The most beautiful goddess in my heart is gentle, kind and compassionate, and can bring light, warmth and happiness to the world."

   "The most beautiful goddess in my mind is strong, great and persistent, and can bring peace and protection to believers."

   "The most beautiful goddess in my heart"

Rutherf Wilson began to portray the most beautiful **** in his mind, but he did not mention any deity's name from beginning to end, and he did not even describe the mind of any god. The goddess in this child's mind is a perfect goddess. It can even be said that part of the goddess of angle can be satisfied.

   Angeli’s face suddenly collapsed. This bastard’s IQ was lowered too much by herself, and the desire in her heart seemed to be eliminated too much. What she said was too childish. What should I do?

   This bastard, when he grows up, he can’t hold it smoothly, and when he’s young, he was innocent, so what should I do?

   In the rebellious period, there were countless thoughts in Angelie's mind, the delusional dragon knight who wanted to marry the goddess, you have been very unfortunately targeted by this uncle, and I will let you, this **** damn gun, be exposed.

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