The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 835: The God of Sister Control

On the ocean-going boat, a mirror projected the battle between Angeline and Rutherf Wilson, and the corners of Baihuayin's mouth twitched frantically, "Can I retreat these two?"

"All the performers of the Tian Lai Song and Dance Troupe are all ladies. Among the people you know, do people who interpret male voices more powerfully than Angeline?" Weir directly asked Baihuayin speechlessly, as a whole-hearted desire. As a woman who becomes a man, Angeli hypnotizes herself into a man. Even the shadow dragon demigod Troy is helpless. With her good background, trade, talent, and the special talents that have been cultivated, there is really no one better than her. That's right.

"Although Angeli has a little quirk, she has good abilities. It is very suitable for development in the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe. In the future, she will inevitably be the right arm of the **** of music, but can the satyr temple knight return the goods?" Baihuayin told Luther Wilson's first impression was very bad. There was such a Templar knight who wanted to marry the goddess to the pinnacle of his life at any time, which made Baihuayin, the **** of music, feel very uncomfortable.

Well, the kind that is very insecure. After all, his future subordinates will look at his beauty. Even the current demigod, the future goddess will not sleep well.

"Don't worry, I already have arrangements for the Temple Knight Rutherf. Don't you think he and Angeli are a good match? A gentleman Templar knight who has an ordinary background but has received higher education and a motivated gentleman, a noble background but was defeated midway. , An almighty female man with a rebellious personality and longing for freedom. One is used to obeying instructions and executing orders, and the other is very independent. They are definitely not difficult for them to get together for general tasks."

Without waiting for Baihuayin to continue to complain, Ville threw a pile of information in front of her with a "pop", "This is the missionary tribe of the Far Sea Territory and related plans that I negotiated with Lord Bolton. The next three to five months Time, Feimer, Angeline, Xiao Luo, Molly, Nicole, and Lord Bolton will assist you in completing relevant missionary work."

"Wait, aren't you and Lilith the absolute main force of the sister control group? Why didn't you help me?" A skeptical look appeared on Baihuayin's face: "You guys, shouldn't it be another mercenary mission? "

You don’t do this kind of fake public help for your own sake. Don’t think I don’t know that the indulgence’s paradise is the commission of the sacred kingdom to eliminate hell. There are more than a dozen third-order **** demons, hundreds of advanced **** demons, tens of thousands of large and small, and it is difficult to achieve such a good result even when all the strengths of the sacred kingdom are gathered and waiting.

Little Ville curled his lips and said helplessly: "I did take on some missions from Bolton, the lord of the distant seas, but why do you think I went to such a remote place to perform missions?"

Baihuayin is not a fool. He immediately understood that it was an exchange of interests. The reason why Bolton was so proactive in helping him promote the propaganda of his beliefs and cooperated with him in building the temple was completely an exchange of interests. Of course, there must be some friendship with the kid in front of you. inside.

As for this kid turning Bolton's affair into a mercenary mission, and earning a little mercenary points from it, Baihuayin is really hard to say. From the previous dialogue between this kid and Bolton, Baihuayin knows very clearly that The mermaid lord of the distant sea made a lot of demands.

Of course, the corresponding thing is that he gave up many tribes in the territory as the missionary land of the **** of music. It can even be said that after negotiating the price, Bolton is very active to give as much territory as possible to his mission. , In order to get more help from Little Will.

After careful calculations, Baihuayin found that on the one hand, he was using the guy's network resources on the other hand, and on the other hand, he was also using his abilities in exchange for benefits. What did he pay for?

Um, do task rewards count? But his so-called task rewards are really nothing compared to his achievements in becoming a god.

Baihua Yinzi calculated carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that this little guy wants to become a legend in the mercenary world and maintains his 100% mission completion rate, although the middle and high-level mercenary groups have never A thing that can be achieved, but this kid's sister control group has just achieved it at this moment.

Whether it’s a coincidence or ability, it’s not a big or a miracle. If he can really help himself to complete the mission of becoming a god, then the first legendary mercenary with a 100% completion rate may be required born.

Can you continue to oppress this kid? Let him add glory to his great cause of becoming a god?

If Baihuayin's voice is heard by Xiaoweier, he will definitely ask him very seriously: Is it you or me who wants to become a god? Isn't I doing enough to make plans and allocate resources? What do you think of a puppet music **** who shows his face and sings and sings according to the book? As for the things that you took the initiative to do that are slowing down, I don't want to say more.

There are many plans, but they are nothing in the eyes of the demigod Baihuayin, but there are many things in them that make her feel a little strange.

"Who is this Feimer? Why can he represent the lord of the distant sea and even coordinate the resources of the Ocean Goddess Church?" Baihuayin is very strange. This second-order wizard called Feimer plays a role in it second only to the lord of the distant sea Bolton. It can even be said that when she is actually working, she has more tasks than Bolton, and she needs to follow her throughout the whole process. Even after she leaves, Yuanhailing Music God Church will temporarily be solely responsible for her.

"Oh, she is the real wife of the lord of the far sea, the favored person of the ocean goddess, the second-order wizard, the sky warrior, the owner of dual talents, her own ability is outstanding and intelligent, and she is also the controller of the ocean goddess level of the seven-story sacred tower. Feel free to get in touch with me at any time.” Ville briefly introduced Feimer's situation, especially the controller of the last seven-story sacred tower ocean goddess layer that made Baihuayin think too much.

This kid played chess pieces in the far sea territories of the mermaid clan early, certainly not for himself, did he preempt the place of faith he originally prepared for his sister?

"Little guy, I'm here to spread the brilliance of the goddess of music, what about your sister who reincarnated from the gods?" Baihuayin suddenly asked.

Little Ville said dismissively: "Faith is like leeks, one crop and one crop, the big deal is to overthrow it and start over."

"Dare you!" Baihuayin jumped up all of a sudden: "It's mine when it comes to my hands. You can't even take it away from me again."

Ville gave her a disdainful glance and said, "I choose the place, the relationship is my rapport, the temple is created by me, and the follow-up staffing is also handled by me. For a goddess who is not acting, I want to overthrow her. Is it really difficult to change faith to a new goddess who is more proactive and can protect believers?"

"If you can’t catch believers, it’s your own incompetence. You can’t blame me for grabbing them. Anyway, my task is only to help you become a god. After you become a god, the task is over. Will you be at the bottom of your strength because of the lack of believers? I'm concerned. Anyway, as long as you don't get knocked down to the throne of God, what you say is my push to get it." Little Will said indifferently: "My task is only to help you become a god."

"Brother, or else, come and listen to me, I can make you the pope of the **** of music, and after the expiration of your term, you will become the chief holy spirit leader." Baihuayin smiled and leaned forward, and stretched out a finger to rest. He lifted Ville's chin, but he slapped it away.

"Sorry, my goal in life is a god-level wizard. Have you ever seen the strong give the weak a subordinate?" Little Ville curled his lips disdainfully and said, "The way of the gods is not my even if it is true. I want to work for the gods, aren’t the goddess of dawn, the goddess of the night, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of the elves, and the gods of beasts are better than you?"

"I am a sacred person with a seven-story holy tower. Any one of these master god-level powerhouses will open the door to me and welcome to join."

As a demi-god powerhouse, Baihuayin thinks the situation of Xiaoweier is pretty good. This **** little **** does have the capital to speak such big words. A second-level official wizard and holy knight who is less than twenty years old, The enchanting level of this kid is really too much.

"Now, boy, aren't you really a **** who reincarnated?" Baihuayin poked his cheek, looking from the left to the right, he felt that he was just so handsome.

"If I really were the reincarnation of a god, which **** do you think I should be in my previous life?"

"Well, the **** of sister control."

"Please don't just arrange and fabricate the position of the gods, this is a blasphemy against the gods."

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