The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 868: 0 Hanane Seijin

On the tenth day when Baihuayin entered the Elf Forest, the senior leaders of the Elf Goddess Temple suddenly selected fifty small and medium tribes to build the Music Goddess Temple, under the Elf Goddess. Half of the fifty small and medium tribes were pure blood elves, and half were acquired. The bloodline tribe.

Baihuayin has entered the elven forest for the twentieth day. The Elf Goddess Temple has been selected with great fanfare and has musical talents. Elves under the age of 30 will be trained to become the backbone of the Music Goddess Temple in the future, because the place where the training is received is the Elf Goddess. The temple, the forest of the elves gathered.

On the fiftieth day Baihuayin entered the Elf Forest, the first batch of missionaries who understood the magic of the goddess of music were born, and entered each branch of the Elf Forest and began to preside over the work.

For the hundredth day after Baihuayin entered the Elf Forest, every order was passed through the seven-story holy tower. When the morning sun rose, the Elf Forest, the shelter island outside the Seven Rings Wizard Islands, the Far Sea Territory, the Thunder Naga Territory, and the Seven Around the Wizard Islands, the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, the Holy Kingdom, the Island of the Beast Gods, and the Continent of the Gods, the temples of the goddess of music began to pray routinely, but this time there were very many people who participated in the prayers.

"Heaven and earth have a sound, sing it, and if there is a lack of heaven and earth, make up for it with the body, there are hundreds of flowers today, understand the law of sound, achieve the way of music, look to the sky and the earth to learn from it!"

A clear and melodious voice blasted into everyone's ears instantly, and a message came to mind: Baihuayin demigod hits the position of the gods!

A vague figure appeared in the sky, making people look unreal.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of gods, one is a god-level master, who condenses a complete divine position to become a **** by the law of perception, and the other is belief in a god. Among them, you can become a **** without any sound and you can choose to announce the world or choose. It can't be hidden, but it's very difficult. It takes a lot of effort to master a path.

It is also not easy to believe in the gods. The basic requirement recently is to condense the chain of laws, and the more the better. After reaching a certain level, the deficiencies can be temporarily supplemented by faith, and the gods can be ignited by faith to condense the gods and lift the gods. The country has soared into the sky, and will make up for the shortcomings bit by bit in the future, perfect and purify the godhead.

This path can be regarded as a shortcut, but it is still not easy. The shortcut also represents risk. The first step is to tell the world and show one's own way. This is a necessary ritual, and it is also a dangerous fuse that easily arouses coveted by others.

"Songs convey the way, and I am the **** of music. When there are extraordinary professionals and famous singers." Under the voice of Baihuayin, one by one projections quietly appeared, and a singer in the temple of the goddess of music was very happy. They have some insights and couldn't help but sing loudly.

"Songs convey the heart, I am the **** of music, and my singing should purify the soul. It can stifle evil thoughts and boost morale." The projection suddenly changed, and the image of an orc appeared quietly, singing and dancing with high spirits and fighting on the battlefield. fear.

"Songs are used to propagate the sound, and I am the **** of music. My singing should be close to nature, it can help with life, and can purify decay." In the projection, the flowers and trees grow rapidly from seeds, bloom and bear fruit, fall into mud, and finally blend into the earth.

"I am the **** of music, and my singing can spread all over the rivers, lakes and seas, and birds, fish and insects respond to it." In the projection, the rivers merged into the sea, and the birds and fishes cheered and jumped happily in the singing.

"I am the **** of music, and my singing can reach the sky and the earth, and the sun, moon and stars shine for me."

"I am the **** of music, and my singing can pass the past and the present, and the legends of thousands of races from the past to the present should be passed down.

"I am the **** of music, my singing..."

The projection is constantly changing, and every declaration is a display. As more and more people recognize Baihuayin and recognize the things in the projection, Baihuayin’s momentum is steadily rising, and her projections become more and more solid. The image is getting clearer.

When Baihuayin's projection became fully clear, her hands were raised high, and countless colorful lights flashed into complex and cumbersome chains to entangle her projection. These are the chains of laws, which belong to the laws of the way of music. Of the chain.

Suddenly a roar from above the sea suddenly sounded, and a double-winged monster soared into the sky and slammed into the projection of Baihuayin. The monster described it as hideous and opened its mouth to make a sharp and piercing cry.

Baihuayin projection slender finger slightly: "The sound of evil is also sound, my singing can suppress violence and purify evil!"

Runes symbolizing different notes flew out to form a huge torrent of sound runes that instantly drowned the monster. The seemingly exquisite and beautiful runes broke the monster's attack and annihilated it bit by bit.

It seems that Baihuayin’s singing voice is not only used as an aid, her music method has been quite perfect, the second stage of becoming a god, the battle of Tao has begun, and a demigod of the siren banshee has become the first victim. , Compared with Baihuayin, the siren banshee demigod's way of music is far worse.

The way of music is not a avenue, and there are not many people walking. There are not so many demigods in the world that they can be picked up. After the failure of three consecutive demigods, no one will attack Baihuayin’s way of music. , And these losers are not without a price, many of their musical ways have been absorbed by Baihuayin, and continue to improve her way.

The laws and positions of gods in the world are limited. Hundred-flower music will inevitably occupy the position of gods and hinder the way of others. Even if they know that they are invincible, they will not be able to help but initiate an impact. In the end, the greatest possibility is It is the food for becoming a **** of music of Baihua.

And this process is also the time for them to delay, find the location of Baihuayin's true body, and prepare for the next step. It is just that there are too few people who take the path of the **** of music. After the triumphant failure of the three demigods, Baihuayin quickly Started the third step.

"My believers should be good, and the good deserve shelter."

"My believers should have love. The world loves God, and God loves the world."

"My believers should be sunshine, perseverance, struggle, fraternity, wisdom, contribution, self-discipline, self-reliance, responsibility, kindness, equality, justice, and the righteous do not lose their lives."

With the guidance of Baihuayin, countless believers of the music goddess began to pray and contribute their beliefs. Many people who first encountered the music goddess were attracted by the image of the sky projection and the music goddess, and the creatures who liked music also followed the eulogy in their hearts to contribute their own. Belief, to devote themselves to the believers of the goddess of music, and even some piety levels are still higher than those of pan-believers in the Holy Land.

Countless white rays of light flew into the sky, gathering from all directions above the elven forest, Baihuayin's true body quietly appeared in the high sky, her projection quickly condensed under the power of faith, and the chains became more solid and solid. Turn quickly.

In the sound of the friction and collision of the chains, sparks continued to grow, and the sparks flickered and flickered, and became more and more frequent and shining. The process of igniting the sacred fire has begun, and Baihuayin’s true body The position has been inevitably exposed, and a demigod quickly rushed to the wizard island through a continuous method.

"Cunning Baihuayin, the **** fifty-year plan to become a god, this is only a few years!" Many demigods never thought that Baihuayin would become a **** in such a hurry, and there was no connection between them.

"Damn sanctuary, she didn't really regard this place as her own kingdom of God." Some of the demigods who had planned for a long time focused on the sanctuary of the **** of music created by the Mercenary Association, but Baihua Yincheng He didn't appear here at all when he was a god. You must know that a newborn **** is not much stronger than a demigod, and it is easy to fall without the protection of the kingdom of God.

In their view, the sanctuary is the kingdom of God prepared by Baihuayin, and it is her greatest support after becoming a **** to resist the coveting of other demigods, which does not seem to be the case now.

"How could this be? Why did the teleportation arrays around the Elf Island fail for thousands of miles?!"

"Hmph, even if there is no teleportation array, can't I wait for the demigod to tear the space to go to the elven island? Damn, where is this? Why does the spatial location of the elven island become here?!"

Whether it is a well-meaning demigod or a malicious through the tearing space to go to the elven island, and finally find that I have come to a strange place, the space here is very chaotic, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the space. In turbulence.

A god-level master helped Baihuayin disrupt the spatial coordinates of the Elf Forest! Could it be the high priest in the Temple of the Elf Goddess?

The high priest's strength has indeed reached the **** level, but she is afraid that her space law attainments can't reach this level, right?

Who the **** is doing the trick behind the scenes? Or is it that Baihuayin has been targeted by other experts?

With a muffled sound of "bang~", a bright spark suddenly lit up, and the projection of Baihuayin was rapidly reduced by the flame, and the chains became more crystal clear and gradually became smaller as the flame burned. Go in her projection.

"Bah~" The projection suddenly shrank and turned into a crystal clear godhead and fell into Baihuayinzhen's body in a blink of an eye. Tiandi felt that a voice appeared in everyone's mind: Baihuayin became the **** of music.

"Shoo~" A black light shot out like lightning, "Baihuayin, your godhead, I accept it!"

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