The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 874: When will I have a child?

"Then how are you going to arrange the initial mission between me and Xiao Luo?" Lilith suddenly asked after digesting Xiao Wei's story.

Little Ville gave a thumbs up. Lilith was really smart, knowing that she would not say this for no reason, "The initial task can be an upright task, and you can directly set a goal for you to complete, or it can be a hidden task. It's just like Professor Witzel's little guidance to complete."

"I have discussed with Teacher Troy. Your initial missions are all arranged in the Elf Forest. Depending on your personalities and strengths, the missions are different. Your mission is to form a force of your own in the Elf Forest, Xiao Luo’s The task is to hit a piece of sky."

A faint smile appeared on Lilith's face and nodded in satisfaction. She was very satisfied with Ville's arrangement. What does it mean to form her own power? To put it bluntly, isn't it about grabbing a piece of territory and then taking over those people who have awakened the blood of the elves in the continent of the gods?

This is to create a safe and comfortable home for Aunt Mojiesi and her father and mother. This kind of selfish task is very selfish. Lilith said that she likes it. As for Guai Liluo's task, it is easier to interpret, and it is entirely for herself. Prepared ace beater.

"I'm very satisfied with these two tasks." Lilith smiled like a flower on her face.

"This is a title deed. You have the ownership of fifty miles in a remote area on the edge of the Elf Forest. At the same time, I will let Elfa lead ten tiered pure blood elves as your guard." Little Ville said softly: " The foundation of the elven forest is built by the corpse of the **** demon and the tree of life. The rich magical energy is not so easy to purify, but it is squeezed into this corner, creating a dead end in the elven forest."

This dead corner is the dead corner of the real elven forest, the corner of death, so no one went to settle down in that place, and finally fell into the hands of Little Vil.

The magic of **** is poison to others, but to Ville, it is tree manure, the tree of life seedling's favorite ration, not one of them.

The Elf Island has a vast area and a large population, but the tree of life is very attractive to the elves. The closer the place is to the tree of life, the richer the breath of life and the more active magic power, so naturally it will be more popular with elves. The family likes it. The pureblood elves formally rely on the superior geographical environment to gain some advantages. They will not be overwhelmed by the large number of acquired blood awakeners. They are close to the outskirts and are sparsely populated. There are some places where no one wants to go at all, just like this blind spot. .

For Little Ville’s plan to establish a family resident on the Elf Island, the high priest and others in the temple are happy to see it. There are four holy masters and a third-order four-legged dragon. Such combat power is not small, and The place they asked for was also a dead place that they had been unable to deal with. They usually needed to send someone to take care of the suppression. Now they want it, the high priest directly gave it away, and even asked for money to give it a lot of benefits.

Early the next morning, after rationally coaxing my sister and morning exercises, Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Weiya returned home and found that breakfast had been prepared, but what kind of horrible things are all fruits, vegetables, juices and honey? There is nothing wrong with being beautiful, but for the three small Weiers who have consumed a lot of energy, they even want to eat a large piece of monster meat.

Mojiesi knocked on the knife and fork in her hand, "There is one last dish to start the meal. Today, the breakfast chef is Xiao Liya. She wants you to see the results of her bride's exercise."

Mojiesi irritated Little Weiya and Lilith with a word. The two sat down honestly in front of Mojiesi. As soon as Little Weir sat down, Wei Liluo had already ran over and sat in his arms, this little guy. It's not that I don't care at all.

Mo Jiesi rubbed Mi's soft hair while watching the reactions of several people with a smile, especially her son's dumbfounded expression made her very satisfied. My dear son, there are some things that can't be avoided. Directly It is better to deal with it as soon as possible.

"The exercise intensity in the morning is a little bit big. These fruits can't fill your stomach. Our lovely Xiao Luo and Xiao Mi are still growing. It's not okay if you don't eat meat." Lilith smiled and said, "Or I will add it. Two meats?"

"Hmph, even though I have stopped eating meat five years ago after comprehending the heart of nature, it doesn't mean that I don't know how to eat meat. My bride's practice is all-round." Leya's voice followed a strong voice. The smell of meat came, and on a huge tray a complete roasted small monster was lying on it.

Guai Liluo's eyes lit up, "Meat."

"My father asked me to bring this Tier 3 monster. He wants to see you in person." Lya waved her hand, and the huge tray fell silently on the dining table, showing her extraordinary magical control. .

"Welcome to visit at any time. I am usually there. Well, in the last two or three months, I may be busy during the day, and I will definitely be there at night." Little Ville was not polite, and waved his grievances. The Warcraft was dismembered almost instantly, and then flew. Going out and falling on the dinner plate in front of everyone, Li Luo has the most blame, Mi's is the second, and Weiya's is the least but the most essential part, and Liya's does not.

Léa sat across from Little Ville gracefully, nodded slightly and said: "I meant to let him visit him formally, but he refused. He hopes you can visit him."

"Oh, what do you think?" Little Ville asked back.

"The strong deserve the respect that they deserve. Except for the demigods of the goddess temple, you don't need to bow to anyone in the entire elven forest. My stupid father is no exception." Lya's words are very clear. What is the virtue of her father? She is very clear, and what she knows better is the strength and potential of Xiao Weier.

"It doesn't matter if you visit in person, the strength of the sister control group slightly affects the balance, and will not take the initiative to contact anyone outside the Elf Goddess Temple. If you are embarrassed, you can tell him that I am being called by the high priest to develop a dead end. "Ville thought for a while, and thought it would be better not to make it difficult for Léa to do it too much.

It is not surprising that Ville will not take the initiative to visit his father. It is not surprising that he will find an excuse for himself. It is just that this interface makes Léa stunned, "The blind spot you said, shouldn't it be that... ."

"Yes, it is the place where the evil spirits are dead. I have taken that place. I plan to build a small gathering place at home to arrange for relatives and friends from the continent of the gods, um, mainly the blood awakened people of the Kendall family." The Kendall family has a good bloodline of elves, and there are so many awakened in each generation, even if they do not awaken, there will be some children who use the qualifications of wizards.

The Jasmine Knight was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Is this the dowry you prepared, to propose to Lilith?"

The Declan family doesn’t have the blood of the elves. Mojiesi can’t use it alone. Elena’s family is big and it’s not a problem to raise a daughter. Besides, Mojiesi doesn’t need someone else to raise it. Just a son and daughter are enough. Stronger, Xiaoweier and Xiaoweiya have a promising future, and the blind spot is not worthy of them, so that place is for Lilith?

No, it should be said that it was prepared for the Kendall family. The strength of brother Wright and sister-in-law Connie are not particularly strong (Jasmine, you are floating, believe it or not, your brother suddenly broke out and pressed you down again), it is impossible to get too With a high status, it's okay to live in the Temple of the Elf Goddess temporarily, but it's not appropriate to live in a permanent place.

Mo Jiesi's situation is quite special. She is regarded as Xiao Weiya's subsidiary. After Xiao Weiya becomes a god, she will also leave.

But the most special thing is Liya, she drifted between Xiao Weiya, the shrine of the goddess of the elves, and the family of pure blood elves.

"How big is that place?" Liya suddenly asked.

"Although it's not very it's about fifty miles in diameter. There is still a sea area near the periphery. I have probably seen it. There is a small magic stone mine underground. The resources are still very good. It is just **** magic energy. It's a little heavier, it's not suitable for elves to survive." Ville's rhetoric is a bit too elegant, that place is not only not suitable for elves to survive, it is simply a place of death.

Although the magic stone mine is a small mine, it is also a rich ore. In addition to the magic stone mine, there are three or five metal mines, all of which are of high-quality grade. How can a super master's magical energy condense a leisurely place.

Léa bit the spoon in her mouth, her cute little brows frowned slightly, and she said after a while: "The place is a little smaller, and if there are resources, it won't be the place where the Elf King will grow up in the future."

"Brother Ver, when are you going to give me a child? Léa has grown up and can give birth to offspring."

"Push~, cough~" Little Ville was choked by Léa's words, and Lilith's forehead jumped with blue veins. Jasmine couldn't bear to hold her belly and wanted to laugh. The Shura field that she had waited so long was finally about to begin. Needless to say, move the stool and prepare to watch the show.

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