The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 876: 1 willing to fight, 1 willing to endure

Léa’s night attack was ultimately unsuccessful. It was not that Ville’s strict defenses played a role, but that Lilith was grabbed by the back of the neck when Léa was just dispatched. Ville didn’t know what happened that night, but The next day, Lya was a little tired, but she was in a very good mood. The eyes of Xiaoweier were full of joy, and she was very "friendly" to Lilith.

Little Wil's heart moved slightly, and a word came to his mind: the blessing of all people!

"Ouch~" There was a slight pain in her waist in a trance, but Lilith took her hand back without anyone else. "Don't think about it, nothing happened, nothing will happen."

Ville cast his gaze on Lilith, and suddenly a thought came out. It seemed that she was in the cause of picking up girls. Lilith had always been in front of her. Since her middle school years, there have been more girls around her than herself. Come to Wizard Islands. On the way, it seemed that all the girls were finally conquered by her, wrapping up her little fan at the beginning.

Recall Susan and Vivienne, the two little girls are more intimate with Lilith than with themselves, and Nicole is also gradually moving closer to her under Lilith's food offensive.

Could it be that Lilith gave Léa a strategy last night?

The meaning conveyed by Ville’s eyes was instantly interpreted by Lilith, and he stepped on his toe under the table, and said angrily: “I’ve said it all, don’t think about it, I’m just promising a new home, Léa. I have the same opportunities and status as me."

Ville immediately reacted, Léa was fooled by Lilith, because that place would be her future home, Lilith, as her fiancée, would be the hostess there, and Léa had the same status as her. , At least it's a flat wife.

But how could Léa know that that place herself would not care about it at all. Which of the different spaces in the seven-story holy tower, the snow-wood world, and the apostle space is not superior to that place, Lilith is painting for Léa A piece of cake was destined to be a picture cake that could not become a real object, but it was exchanged for Léa's huge investment.

"You are cheating," Ville whispered.

Lilith replied with confidence: "The mission did not say that you must build your home bit by bit by oneself. How can the reinforcements that rely on their own capabilities be regarded as cheating."

Although the voices of Ville and Lilith's dialogue were very soft, they were still clearly heard by others.

Léa immediately spoke out to support Lilith, "Brother Vere can't be too partial. If you don't build the territory you applied for yourself, you don't want to give Lilith to Lilith, and you don't allow others to help. Isn't this a bit too much?"

Lilith and Léa are willing to fight one by one, and Ville can only surrender.

The small area of ​​fifty miles cannot be considered too big. After all, this is not fifty miles of mystery. It is just a corner of an ordinary fairy island, and it is also the corner of death where the devil energy of **** is condensed, and even the sea near here is a piece of water. Dead still.

Two four-legged flying dragons fell to the ground with a "boom", and Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, Jasmine, and Leya jumped off the flying dragon. They frowned as they looked at the deadly place in front of them. I was prepared for a long time, but I still don't like this place.

"Brother Ver, this is where your chosen homeland is?" Although Léa is full of confidence in Little Ver, she will inevitably be shaken at this moment. It is true that this place is so strong that the devilish energy of this place is so strong that the god-level master high priest can't do anything.

Two elven hunters rushed in not far away. The movement just now shocked them too much. When they saw the four-legged flying dragon, they had already guessed who the arrival was, and their faces couldn't help but show bright smiles.

Both of them have the ability to enter the ranks, but they clearly know that none of the people on the opposite side can fight against them, and their identities are also very noble, respectful and salute, and the smile on their faces can't be concealed. This **** ghost place is finally If a fool is willing to take over, then they don't need to spend many years in this place. Such a harsh environment is not suitable for the elves to survive. I love Soudu

For them to perform this task is simply suffering. If it were not for losing a bet, they would definitely have come to this ghost place.

The title deeds and identity certificates were verified to be correct. The situation here made Jasmine not much in the mood to tease the two elf hunters. After going through the process one by one, the two elf hunters thanked them very much, "In order to limit the **** spirit. Spreading, there is a huge magic circle outside the Horn of Death, forming an inaccessible barrier. This barrier is very powerful and cannot be broken without demigod level strength. The methods for manipulating the magic circle are in this booklet. inside."

The handover must explain clearly. They don’t want to come to this ghost place frequently in the future, or because they are not clear about the explanation, they are sent here again by the people above, and it is really not worth the loss. The two elf hunters even let Littleville. Lilith personally manipulated it twice, confirming that they had learned it before leaving with cheers.

Lilith will do it. Léa said she must do it too. A formation is left and right in her hand to study. Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo control the four-legged dragon flying around the corner of death, and three pairs of identification eyes together. Start up, add a rough idea to the situation below, and then return to the resting place.

"First say yes, I will live with Mojiesi in the future. Whoever is happy to stay in this place, I won't live in." Knight Jasmine is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart, Fairy Forest The concentration and activity of the devil energy are indeed stronger than that of a different space, and there is no doubt about its safety. After all, it is the home base of the elves, but she does not think that this will be the center of gravity of Will and Lilith in the future. It can only be regarded as one and the six-ring structure. Installed the wizard tower almost settled down.

There are Florett and Mrs. Night in the six-ring construction wizard tower, so who will be in this place?

Little Ville is definitely going to fight everywhere. A good man is in all directions. Even if he doesn't want to, there will be people who will force him to fight everywhere. The stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility. The God of Music is the best example.

Lilith is definitely not a little woman who lives in the back house with peace of mind. She will definitely follow Little Ville when she goes out. There is a seven-story holy tower, and Little Ville can't leave Lilith behind.

For the same reason, blame Liluo’s reliance on Little Will not less than Lilith, or even more, when Little Will leaves, this little guy will definitely follow behind him without saying a word, holding his clothes upside down. Run away.

So who else is left?

Nicole cannot sit here without the blood of the elves. The little girl Lya is a good candidate. She is also willing to sit back, but the strength of this little girl is slightly weaker, and she can't hold this foundation, even if she has one. The same goes for the four-legged flying dragon.

Maybe the last person sitting here will be himself. Even his stupid brother may not be able to do it. Knowing that he is "patrolling" in Mabster County, the karst kingdom, sister-in-law Annie would rather go to the magic power. It is enough to accompany him in a thin place instead of letting him come to this place where the form of power is complicated.

The most important thing is that my brother's strength is too weak. What role can the mere sky knight play? Unless you lend him the four-legged flying dragon, but this is your beloved demon, the Yalong mount that was exchanged with the dark night civet, how willing to give it away, let alone the **** brother who has pressed himself under him for so many years.

"Brother Weier's home is my home, and I will guard Brother Weier's home." Léa knew that her strength had fallen It was not easy to catch up in a short time, she was the only one. What can be counted on is: children.

I will have brother Weier’s children, and then take the children to stay in this home. Brother Weier is a great hero. When he gets tired, he will serve hot meals and tea, let him hold the child, and help him behind his back. He rubbed his shoulders and beat his back.

As for Lilith, hum, just let her lead soldiers outside to fight. She is Brother Weier's wife, and she is just Brother Weier's comrade-in-arms.

Ville couldn't help but pat his forehead, Léa, although your performance is very lifelike and tender, but the slightest repulsion under your eyes can't be concealed. I don't believe I can build this place well.

Patting Léa’s head, Ville whispered, “Do you think I will make my house tattered and uncomfortable? The mere **** spirit can’t stop me. You try to let go of a passage, I personally walk inside."

Hell's devilish energy is not a fun thing. Léa hesitated slightly. Ville lightly shook her head and smiled bitterly and took the array in her hand. Three times and five divided two to open a channel, so that Lilith and Guai Liluo were ready to respond. Plunged in.

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