The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 880: Xiao Luo is very angry, the consequences are serious

Three people being together does not increase their chances of encountering the magic soul, but the magic impact of the **** encountered by the three people is undoubtedly strengthened. Xiaowei directly stood in the forefront, letting the queen of Li Luo protect Léa. In the middle, the three people slowly advanced step by step, using the tide of magic to hone their strength.

Of the three, Léa’s strength is the weakest. It is only a second-level wizard wizard. The powerful tides of magic power are pervasive. Even if it is blocked by Xiaowei by 90%, the remaining part still affects her a lot. The faint green light on her body is affected. The shock made her struggling.

"There is a conflict between the magic of **** and the magic of the elves. Don't blindly use the power of witchcraft. Try to use your own defensive witchcraft to resist the magic tide here and enhance your own magic control." Ville couldn't help but reminded. One sentence.

"Yeah, I know." Lya arranged a defensive barrier around her body according to Ville's instructions, but this defensive barrier was broken almost instantly, and she received some shocks and let out a painful snoring. .

Ville was taken aback, and his left hand quickly fell on her shoulder. The green vines flew out and wrapped around her in an instant. The magic of **** swarming was swallowed. Ville was slightly nervous and asked, "How is it? Are there any injuries? "

Lya's heart was slightly sweet, but her face was full of frustration, "Brother Ver, am I very useless? The magic spirit has not appeared yet, just the magic tide of **** magic power I can't bear, and it's dragging you down. Footsteps, am I really useless?"

Little Ville shook his head lightly and said: "Why? It's not that you are too weak, but the magic tide level of this place is too high. The dead end of the **** lord's corpse contains the high degree of **** magic. Didn’t the tree completely purify it? Such an impact has a great influence on warriors and wizards below Tier 3. The reason why I, Lilith and Xiao Luo can bear it, is that on the one hand, our strength was originally achieved Tier 3 still has the godly power on his body, and ordinary Tier 3 masters who don't have the godly power are also struggling here."

Little Weier did not expose the information of the tree of life seedlings, but pushed it to the gods. Guai Liluo tilted her cute little head and looked at Little Weier, and almost broke through the little Weier's lie, but at this time there was a wave of magical power. It rushed in and was blown by a blow by her, attracting her attention without saying anything.

"I'm really weak." The ordinary inconspicuous tide of magic power can break one's strongest defensive wizard, if it is not for wearing a clan-level wizard, but also using the life wizard created by the trunk of the tree of life. I was afraid that I would really become a burden to Brother Weier, so I couldn't do anything here.

Even so, it is very difficult for Léa to move around here freely, not to mention the slow walking speed, but also to spend a lot of energy on supplying guardian weapons to resist the magic tide.

A vine (the roots of the tree of life seedling) haunts her body in Little Will's hand, abruptly absorbed 90% of the power of the magic tide, and used the magical guardian blessing for her, which allowed Léa to continue to exercise herself Guardian witchcraft.

Léa did not shrink and waver because of a loss, but instead gritted her teeth and continued to hone her guardian witchcraft in the tide of magic.

There are not many such things. You must know that things like **** magic tides are very rare. While someone is guarding them, they can still make their best efforts. Outsiders can't get this kind of training environment. If you don't cherish it. It's really a pure idiot.

This is the opportunity that Brother Weier provided for himself. In order to catch up with Brother Weier and become the mother of the future Elf King who matches him well, I must work hard!

It has to be said that paranoia is easier to succeed, and Léa is now paranoid and crazy trying to catch up with Ville, with unprecedented concentration. Léa is honed in the tide of **** magic, as if a heavy iron rod has been countless Sand and stone sharpen the front.

Ville and Guai Liluo took turns to bless her magic arts. Since Léa had gone very hard, she could vaguely see Lilith fighting a monster in the distance, and the voice came from far, accompanied by waves of magical power.

Suddenly there was a magical turmoil in front of him, and a beautiful purple-black figure appeared silently, a night elf with a crescent on his forehead.

"Is this, is this a **** beast?" Little Ville scattered and absorbed the shadow arrows sent by the night elves (the tree of life seedlings accounted for most of the credit), with an incredible expression on his face.

The light in Léa's hand flickered, and a bright light shot directly past, but was dodged flexibly by the night elf, "What is Brother Vere talking about? The magic soul is not a real soul, but it is not completely hidden on the corpse of the **** lord. Lost memories, magical phantoms condensed by magical power, there is no difference between monsters and demons."

Even the night elves have extraordinary physical qualities even as mages. They haunted the three of Ville and started kite tactics. The purple and black rays of light flashed in their hands, and magical arrows shot all over the sky.

The sledgehammer in Guai Liluo's hand appeared, and he jumped directly over Little Weir, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" and the night elves confronted each other. The collision of Tier 3 master witchcraft and grudge made Liya's defensive witchcraft somewhat. Shaky.

Sure enough, he finally dragged back. Léa saw Xiao Weier and Guai Liluo protecting herself one after another, but the two of them could only match the night elves together, which is not normal at all, okay?

Brother Weier alone can defeat a magical soul, but after adding more of himself, the three people teamed up to only match it?

Léa wanted to let Brother Vere not care about herself. He had a magic weapon to defend himself, but this sentence could not be said by herself. Her defensive magic weapon was crumbling under the impact of magical power. That **** night elf seemed to be more than instinct. Simple, there is actually a trace of combat awareness, knowing the weakness of attacking oneself.

"Kacha~" A slight voice sounded, UU reading Liya's face changed suddenly, and then a pair of warm arms picked up her whole body, and the scenery changed rapidly in her ears, but it was Little Ville directly. Lya hugged her and quickly rushed out in the direction she came.

The magic tide was erratic, there was no good wind, no matter where it was, it was headwind and headwind, and Ville's momentum broke out, abruptly advancing quickly against the magic tide, and the speed was more than ten times faster than Léa.

"Roar~" A roar sounded, and the strange Liluo's figure quickly became bigger and his sledgehammer in his hand smashed the night elves fiercely. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Amid the loud noise, the ground was dusty.

"Brother sneak attack, unforgivable." Guai Liluo's voice was slightly deformed. After the transformation, she was no longer the cute Loli before, but the real Guai Liluo!

Xiao Luo is very angry, and the consequences are serious!

Guai Liluo's intuition once again made contributions, and successfully dragged the night elves, enabling Little Ville to take Léa out of danger quickly.

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