The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 884: You are not strong enough, you are holding back

As night fell, we successfully hunted five inherited crystallizations of Little Will. Looking at the exhausted Léa, Lilith, and Guai Liluo, I felt like I was lazy. Why are they so much tired than myself?

But the three of them hunted for three inheritance crystallizations. Where did this go wrong?

On the back of the four-legged dragon, Lilith told him very naturally, “The power of the tree of life cannot be fully opened, and the magic of **** is allowed to impact the body to a limited extent, and then purified with the power of the tree of life, as long as the interval is not long, Don't let the magic of **** really corrode the body, it can have the effect of repeated tempering, but the consumption will be relatively large."

There was a hint of thought on Vill’s face, and the voice of the apostle elven Vio appeared in his mind, “Deduction based on existing information. To maximize the effect of hell’s magic power and magic power, Lilith’s method is the best. Okay, not overly grasping requires meticulousness, and subsequent replenishment of the body also requires timely.

Without waiting for Willie to continue this topic, Lilith grabbed all the inheritance crystals he had hunted. "These are all good things. I am going to expand my power and focus on training some of my subordinates, father and mother, Alfa, Nicole, Susan and Vivian are both important, and City Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall can become part of the new territory if they wish."

Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Knight Wright, your mother, and Elfa have no big problems. Susan, Vivienne, Nicole, Lord Corleone, and Knights of the Temple of Wall have no elven bloodlines. They appear here. Not suitable."

"It's appropriate and inappropriate. We have the final say. Do you think we can purify the **** magic of the Horn of Death in a short period of time? Can we make the magic spirit and the magic tide of the Horn of Death public and share it? In addition to us, there is also Who can use the magic of **** to cultivate?" Lilith slammed over one by one, causing Little Weier to be stunned for a moment.

"Now, dear Lilith, how did you make Léa support all day under the impact of **** magic?" Ville was very curious about this question, knowing that it involves the existence of Xiao Miao, who can freely enter and exit the world of snow wood Only oneself, Lilith and Guai Liluo, even younger sister Xiao Weiya, father Florett, and mother Mojiesi didn't know the existence of Snowwood World.

Lilith rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Of course it was with Xiao Miao's power. Don't you think I have other means?"

"Well, church methods such as the brilliance of the goddess of dawn can actually have a little effect, but the effect of confrontation is greater than the effect of exercise." In fact, Ville has considered the resistance and use of **** magic early, but here is hell. The magic is too strong and solid.

"The **** magic power here comes from a **** lord, whether it is the main body or the clone, the essence has exceeded the sixth order. Do you think that only relying on the means of the church of the goddess of dawn can really contend with it?" Lilith has done with this place. Study carefully, after all, this is my initial mission, and I am secretly complaining in my heart. Little Ville has found a problem for himself. No wonder there are so few apostles of the wisdom gods. Not to mention the promotion mission of the four-star apostle, it is only the initial mission. It's not simple.

Compared with Little Will who had to deal with **** demons, demons, formal wizards, and church guides before entering the ranks, his own task is relatively less dangerous, and it is still very troublesome to handle.

"The power of a single **** is really not very useful. What if it is for multiple gods? For example, the power of the goddess of dawn is used together with the power of the goddess of night, can it kill the magic of **** here? The power of the goddess of the earth and the goddess of the sea are used together? "There was a big smile on Xiao Weier's face, "I am already a third-level wizard. Although I am not complete, I can already use the power of three small worlds. The power of a single world is really not great, but they cooperate with each other. There is something magical."

"The Code of Creation" is indeed a practice tailor-made for Xiaowei. The three different spaces obtained from Neverland were initially integrated into the world of snow wood when he was promoted to the third-level wizard, which gave Xiao Miao a huge improvement. The diameter of the main world of the Wood World has exceeded 3,000 kilometers, and it has continued to grow with the progress of Little Will on the road of the third-level wizard.

The integration of the three spaces is not the fusion of spaces, but the swallowing of the three different spaces by the Snowwood World, the fusion and swallowing of laws, the fusion and swallowing of power, and the swallowing of resources. The three different spaces have now been reduced by one-tenth. Even more, they didn't shrink by one circle, the Snowwood World increased by one circle, but the reduced part was far less than the increased part. The Snowwood World was the world, and the three small spaces were just spaces.

Little Will now needs to devote part of his energy to the planning of the Snowwood World. He has opened up a mountain range to house gargoyles, and a sea to house marine life. He has abandoned ninety-nine percent of the shark tribe. This ninety-nine percent is destined to become Xiaomiao’s rations. , And also opened up an underground world to accommodate the creatures of night time, but this underground world has many passages leading to it. Zero One Reading Network

The complete inheritance of the elves has greatly improved the seedlings of the tree of life. The growth of the seedlings has led to the growth of Xiao Wei. At the same time, the strength of Xiao Wei has restricted the upper limit of Xiao Wei. Xiao Wei sadly found that even though his strength has increased by leaps and bounds, he has been upgraded. The third-level wizard of the knight, incompletely merging the three small spaces, still can't give full play to Xiao Miao's strength.

The growth and evolution of the world is extremely complicated. It is not a simple swallowing, but also fusion. The law of a single space merges into the world, and the fusion between the law and the law. This process takes a long time to complete if you go with the flow, so you need a tree of life seedling. To coordinate from it, you need to constantly understand and accelerate this process.

On the Law of the Earth and the Law of the Sea, because there are such god-level exercises as "Law of the Earth", "Rhythm of the Earth", "Hai Ning Hundred Rivers and Mind Thoughts", and "Thousand Layers of Waves". Earth magic and ocean magic, and began to try the combination of the two magic arts, and even fusion.

However, the Law of Dawn and the Law of Darkness are somewhat different. The Goddess of Darkness has more than one god-level meditation in her own hands. "Darkness of the Darkness", "Starlight of the Darkness", "Moonlight of the Darkness", each of which can transform itself Pushing to the top of Tier 3, the next step is to realize that the chain of the laws of nature condenses to achieve a demigod.

In Dark Night Witchcraft, Little Weier thinks he is already quite good, but the Law of Dawn is too bad. He has no god-level meditation ideas in this aspect at all. Some are just the following information about the bishop of Dawn’s Goddess Church, which is really bad. Too far.

Lilith has the meditation idea of ​​the goddess of dawn, at least the elementary part will not be missing, she did not take the initiative to give it to herself, she must have her consideration, and Xiaowei did not take the initiative to recommend this meditation idea to herself, Xiaowei did not think this meditation There will be none in the hands of the Dharma Wisdom God.

But no one has ever actively recommended this meditation idea. Obviously, there is a problem in the middle. It is good or bad for little Ville himself.

Little Weier suggested that the power of the goddess of dawn and the power of the goddess of night are used together as a temptation. Lilith is very clever, how could she not discover his intentions, a charming white eye flew over, "Xiaowei told me that there are already gods in the world. The cultivation technique, under the God of Wisdom, will not bother to re-determine it, but we can only search for it by ourselves. The goddess of Dawn’s thoughts are only Dawn’s thoughts, which cannot completely match your three dark night thoughts. Now it is harmful to you. "

"If you can't achieve balance, it would be better to have only one Lilith's words make Little Will fall into contemplation. This sounds very reasonable, but in addition to the light that can match the night, the morning is not enough. What about the meditation of the sun goddess?

But in the legend, the sun goddess has fallen, so it seems that his meditative thoughts have not been passed down.

To this question, the apostle elf Xiaowei's answer is that the time has not come, and the stupid apostle brother is not strong enough to know such secrets.

Xiaowei noticed the implicit meaning in Xiaowei's words, not because of lack of level, but lack of strength.

"Can Xiao Miao's existence be made public?" Xiao Weiwei was a little uneasy.

"It can be semi-public, but the world of Snowwood must be kept secret." Lilith stretched her waist. "The world of Snowwood is our last retreat. You seem to care less about Xiao Miao. To perfect the world, there is life in addition to the laws. Wisdom races are not suitable for large-scale entry at present. Little elves like flower fairies, ordinary flowers, birds, fish and insects, magic plants, and monsters are still possible, but they can’t come out again.

"By the way, your lack of strength is dragging you back."

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