The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 886: Guide to becoming a god

"Oh, I'm back." Saint Elena sits up on the table, sipping a cup of black tea, the empty table looks a little lonely because the chef has not come back.

The ones who came back were naturally Vill, Lilith, Léa, and Guai Liluo. Vill greeted him at random. To this young grandmother, Vill's attitude was the same as that of his mother, which was really unreliable.

Lilith's attitude is somewhat respectful, while Léa is more intimacy and ingratiating. For all of Ville's relatives, Léa is willing to please.

Without Elena's order, Lilith took the initiative to walk into the kitchen to prepare dinner, where her cooking skills were the best, although Mojiesi wanted to receive her from the Alchemy Lab.

Guai Liluo can basically ignore it. It is impossible for her to take the initiative to say hello. She is waiting for her brother to sit down, and then she can enjoy the exclusive seat.

Seeing the few people whose complexion hadn't changed much, but whose aura was slightly fluctuating, Elena showed a curious look on her face: "What on earth is there in the dead end that is worth digging? Even a holy master in that ghost place suffers. Before long, the demigod masters will not be able to play a big role in it. Your kid will choose such a shabby place. Do you want grandma to help you change a better territory? Grandma can still do this little thing. "

Mojie sat beside her with the smell of herbal medicine, rolled her eyes and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Why did you go earlier?"

Elena shrugged and said helplessly: "None of you told me before that you wanted to build a small territory. I am not a god, nor is it your boring father who likes to divination. It is impossible to predict a prophet. What's more, compared to that remote ghost place, I hope you can stay with me. Mother, isn’t my territory better? Except for the goddess temple, I really can’t think of any territory that can be better than the territory of our Star Elves clan. Up."

"If you want Little Will to help you compete with the patriarch, just say, Little Will, Lilith, Xiao Luo, and Jasmine, the four holy masters of the family will help you in the town. Mother's face is really big enough. Star Elf How many Saint-level masters are there in the tribe?" Mo Jiesi unceremoniously exposed her mother's true face.

Pure-blood elves are troublesome. Even a young pure-blood elven cub who hasn't reached the ranks can look down upon a Tier 3 acquired blood awakened person. This is the "prudence" of the elves.

It is true that Ville has never been to the resident of the Star Elf, but Mojiesi has been there. As the only daughter of the candidate patriarch of the Star Elf and the mother of the reincarnated god, Mojiesi was actually coldly treated there, which made her very unhappy. I haven't been there since, and I didn't even bother to let my son and daughter go there, let alone settle there.

As Ville’s grandmother, Elena still has some understanding of the strength of the sister control group, at least on the surface. The strength is the strongest Tier 3, the weakest Tier 3, and her team is a holy master. There are also two third-order four-legged flying dragons. If the number of Saint-level masters is really not less than that of the Star Elf tribe, they may even have the upper hand if they fight.

I have carefully watched the scenes where Ville and Lilith have been playing with the temple knights in the past few months. They all have the upper hand and have never failed. The same level of invincibility said that they are such enchanting, ah, which also includes the strange Liluo. What little Ville and Lilith can do, she can do the same.

Of the four Saint-level masters, except that Knight Jasmine is slightly normal, the other three are all enchanting, and they were beaten without any strength to fight back. And this is the result of the three of them not trying their best. From the daughter From Mo Jiesi's mouth, she naturally knew that these three little guys could all be transformed.

"Competing patriarchs or something does not need their help at all. The internal affairs of the elves are solved internally." Elena waved her hand and said: "Little Ville, you used to help Baihua Yindi to become a **** with a lot of fanfare. Many demigods outside are already eyeing you. The temptation to become a **** is not something that everyone can resist."

Ville curled his lips disdainfully and said: "The position of a **** is not something that everyone can covet. Baihuayin can become a **** because she has the potential to become a god, and demigods also have the potential to become a god."

"Then tell your grandmother, what are the other ways in this?" Elena does not have the strength of a demigod, and the strength of the third-order holy wizard is not senior, not even as good as Ville and Lilith, but her Knowledgeable and insightful, after all, he is an old antique who has lived for hundreds of years.

Elena: Nonsense, she is an eternal eighteen-year-old girl, just like the middle-aged Rhein Starshan was only in her twenties when she first met me.

Little Will took out a thick record and pushed it to Elena: "This is the record and summary I made during the process of promoting Baihua Yincheng and after I succeeded. It contains a detailed record of Baihua Yincheng. For every key step of God, in the end I also briefly summarized some of the prerequisites for her becoming a God."

Elena looked at the one-foot-thick record in front of her, her expression on her face was very rich. It was a pity that this kid didn't go to the college to be a teacher. Reading was activated, and countless information quickly penetrated into her mind, with the strength of her Tier 3 Holy Wizard. It's also a bit difficult to digest for a while, mainly because there are many technical terms that I don't understand, and code words that I don't know.

However, the summary is very clear, giving Elena a general understanding of demigods and gods, and the description of the law has benefited her a lot.

It is not easy to perceive the law. After the perceptual law, the chain of the law is even more difficult. In addition to the high requirements for comprehension aptitude, the purity of your own fighting spirit, the number of wizard spell positions, and sorcery compatibility are all more difficult. There are very high requirements, which mentions the difference between the ancient wizard's way, the bloodline wizard and the current mainstream wizard.

From the beginning, the way of the ancient wizards was directed at the law of perception. When they became a wizard, they already touched the rhythm of the rule. They became a formal wizard in addition to the magic position and rewards of talent abilities, and this ability has a shadow of the law. , So that they have already touched the traces of the law before the third level, making it easier to practice.

Although it was not possible to condense the chain of laws before the third-order Consummation, it was not that the laws were incapable of comprehending, this was the advantage of the ancient wizard.

There are traces of laws hidden in the bloodline of the bloodline wizards. These traces make it easier for them to perceive the corresponding laws after the third-order Consummation. It is a help and resistance. Other laws are relatively difficult to perceive. conflict.

However, modern wizards don’t have much difference in their perception of the law, but it is very difficult to condense the chain of laws. The incomplete spell slot makes it almost impossible for them to condense the complete chain of laws unless the spell slot is completed by other means. And this is something the gods can do, even if the gods do it, it takes a lot of effort.

This is just a description of the achievement of a demigod, and the requirements for a demigod to become a deity are more demanding. The number of chains of laws must be at least 36. The strength of each has strict requirements. There should be no conflicts, and they must complement each other. , This is the requirement of its own heritage.

With the foundation, even if the foundation is strong, it may not be able to become a god. Being a **** is a level, the world's recognition of a demigod. A demigod must be recognized as a **** by the heavens and the earth, or break the world's shackles and become a god-level master. The difference between believing and becoming a **** independently.

The conditions for independently becoming a god-level master are very demanding. The number, strength, and final step requirements of the chain of laws are difficult to achieve. Believing to become a **** is relatively simple, but after becoming a god, it will be more constrained by the world.

To become a **** requires the recognition of the first rule is that the world does not allow you to practice the Tao to appear as a god. This surprised Elena very much, especially when Ville mentioned the recognition of the world. Degree, the question of the degree of recognition of intelligent creatures in the world.

Good gods have a high degree of recognition, and the difficulty of becoming a **** is relatively earlier, such as the goddess of agriculture, the goddess of water and healing, and the **** of music, while the evil gods are quite difficult, and it is basically impossible to become gods, such as: the **** of plague , The **** of desire, the **** of indulgence, the **** of filth, the **** of betrayal, the **** of calamity, the goddess of pain and torment, etc.

After the world recognizes, the next is the recognition of the gods. It is not only other demigods that can snipe the new gods, but also the ancient gods. They don’t even need to take the initiative, as long as they use their power to deny the new god. It will allow him to be greatly rejected by the world, and the chain of laws will be unstable and unable to condense the godhead.

And if it can be recognized by the gods, becoming a **** is relatively easy, and it is possible to go smoothly, just like Baihuayin is recognized by the beast god, the fairy goddess, the earth goddess, the sea goddess, and the night goddess, and even gives him the inheritance of music related laws , The final result was that Baihuayin’s missionary time was saved for 20 to 30 years, and the difficulty of becoming a **** was reduced by 70 to 80%.

The last is the collection of the power of faith and the choice of believers. Ville mentioned the concepts of single-race gods, multi-racial gods, functional gods, professional gods, and so on. Finally, he put forward many opinions and suggestions for professional gods. It is suggested that the singers of Baihuayin and the extraordinary chefs of Hamlin are among them.

"This is simply a guidebook for becoming a god." Elena was stunned, but it was a pity that she was still far away from the demigod, not to mention the gods.

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