The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 890: Moon Elf Patriarch

There is nothing in the periphery of the blind spot. It is impossible for Ville and Lilith to expose their actions in broad daylight. There is a circle of magical magic circles outside the enchantment of the blind spot, and their every move is invisible to the outside world. .

Out of the illusion, two four-legged dragons were released. Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Elena cast their eyes on a small forest not far away at the same time, and Ville threw Lya on the back of a four-legged dragon.

Léa is not a fool, knowing that her strength is the weakest here, so she honestly hugs the four-legged dragon's neck. This four-legged dragon is her own demon favorite, although it is a bit ugly, it is very powerful and can bring herself. Enough sense of security.

The applause of "Papa Papa" sounded from a small forest not far away. A handsome man with long silver hair stepped out slowly with light steps. He was dressed in a white and snowy wizard robe, noble and gorgeous, and a branch of life in his hand. The magic wand made is not something ordinary elves can have. A pair of pointed ears and a crescent moon on the center of the eyebrows all show his identity, a pure-blooded nobleman of the elves.

"Isaiah, I didn't expect that the moon elf patriarch, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, would come to this poor country and remote country. It is really rare." A cold arc appeared at the corner of Elena's mouth: "Let the forest hide Come out all the rats, it's boring to hide."

The handsome man swept his gaze from Elena to Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "A holy master in his twenties, a legendary mercenary, able to compose the "Guide to becoming a God." It is certainly extraordinary to make many demigods crazy. Who would have thought that the barren and backward continents of the gods could actually make talents like you."

"Introduce myself, my name is Isaiah, Isaiah Wood Muen, the patriarch of the Moon Elf clan, and also Lya's father." The handsome man cast his eyes on Lya, "Little Lya, see your father. Are you not going to say something?"

Lya snorted and did not move at all: "After returning home, we have time to talk and chat. Here I am just the second lady of Brother Weir, whether it is Brother Weir, the head of the family, or Sister Lilith, the first lady. Before they speak, is there any part of me to speak? I still know the rules."

Isaiah's eyes narrowed slightly. This bear kid really doesn't give herself face, but she really can't do much about her. Although this kid is her own daughter, she has a background in a church temple. The goddess Ya Mirai selected as the existence of the saint. Although the saint has almost no real subordinates, she still cannot be underestimated. She represents the face of the goddess Leya in the world.

"The boy who can make my precious daughter marry willingly, when you see me, don't you have anything to say?" Isaiah could only turn his gaze on Little Ville, and his mighty aura broke out in an instant. This is a senior Saint-level master, the strength is still above Elena, and the combat experience is extremely rich.

The coercion of a holy master is really not worth mentioning to Little Weier. The body is slightly firm, and the increasingly mature Longwei can send and receive freely even without the dragon. Isaiah's face changed slightly, and a few vomited out in his mouth. The words come: "Longwei, Druid of the Dragon?"

It’s no secret that they have a very strong elven bloodline, and I have also heard that this young man once turned into a dragon at the Blood God Proving Ground to fight against **** demons. Isaiah has always held this news. Skeptically, the Dragon Druid is just a guess, and has never really appeared.

"Isaiah, put away your thoughts, my grandson is not a member of the so-called dragon spirit family, and has nothing to do with your moon elves. His blood is not the dragon druid, but the primitive elven blood. , And his Dragon Power is not the half-drunk Dragon Power of the Dragon Druid, but the real Dragon Power brought by the complete black dragon bloodline obtained by swallowing the entire Hell Black Dragon.” Elena laughed with a hint of joy, The friction between moon elves and star elves has been around for a long time. Who is chasing the powerful elves in the dark night? I don't know who brought up this topic, but they have been fighting for a long time.

"It's actually the legendary primitive elven bloodline, little guy, you are very unusual." Isaiah didn't think Elena would lie about this matter. This secret was always a secret until it was exposed, and once When exposed, it is no longer a secret, as long as you go to the temple to verify it, you can know the authenticity.

Isaiah clapped his hands, and twenty or thirty people in the grove came out one after another. There were actually six third-tier masters, two third-tier monsters, and the rest were all second-tier elves.

"Introduction, this is Lord Davidson, a Tier 3 Spirit Whisperer, and the No. 1 Beast Tamer Master of the Elf Island. He has Tier 3 contract demon pet Clefttooth Tiger, and is one of the few powerhouses in the bloodline awakened group. At the same time, he is also Léa's fiancé." Isaiah's words made Léa almost jump.

Lilith directly communicated to her. If you don't want to lose Little Will, just be obedient and don't move. Everything is mine. Number seven

At the same time, Ville and Lilith cast idiot glances at Isaiah, making the face of the elven clan leader embarrassed this month, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Lya, I just came to see your fiancé."

Léa shook her head and looked around, but she didn't look here, and even helped the four-legged dragon clean up the scales without saying a word.

Isaiah's face was slightly sullen, "Léa, are you really going to ignore your father's orders?"

Little Ville sighed, his eyes gradually becoming a little cold. Davidson saw the gaze from the boy, and his face showed a decent and generous smile: "Lord Vail can become a legendary mercenary at a young age. As a role model of my generation, I’m in the territory not far from Lord Vale’s territory. You can come and go frequently in the future. Lord Vale may not have seen me, but I have often looked up and saw you flying over my head during this period of time."

"The Lord of Warcraft Davidson, the acquired bloodline awakened, the third-order spiritual whisper, the handful of beast masters on the elven island, the seventh-level mercenary, the master of magic plant, the master of potion, and the six-ring transformation wizard tower have a good relationship. Once studied at the Sixth Ring **** Wizarding Academy, and later introduced to the Elf Island by the Elven Alchemist Livingston.” Davidson’s face changed slightly because of Ville’s words. This information is actually not too confidential, but it requires a little bit of means. To get it, it seems that this young man didn't ignore him.

"As expected to be a legendary mercenary, even a small person like me knows so clearly, should I be flattered?" Davidson suddenly wanted to understand, and gave him a big smile very easily. He was nothing but Isaiah. The chess pieces used to embarrass this boy, no matter whether it is in front of Isaiah or that boy, he doesn't seem to be a big dish.

Honestly as a chess piece, you won't die if you don't jump.

The two men had a fake courtesy here, but Isaiah was a little annoyed by Léa's ignorance. Why did he give birth to so many illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters?

These are their own tools, used to draw the blood awakened people to expand the influence and control of the moon elves and pave the way for their pure-blood children, but the best of the illegitimate children does not seem to be under his control.

"Lya, I order you in the name of the patriarch of the moon elves, come here!" Isaiah suddenly let out a low roar.

Lya's face suddenly turned pale, her eyes shot two sharp gazes on Isaiah's body, Isaiah's cold gaze was aggressive and full of threats, Lya suddenly felt a trace of warmth coming, I don't know. When Lilith has come to her, "No matter what you decide, Will and I will be by your side."

There are countless tastes in Léa's Then she looked at her father firmly and shook his head slightly and said: "I'm very sorry, my father, the water poured out by the married daughter, I am now Star The daughter-in-law of the Shan family should stand by her husband's side, and please forgive me for not being able to obey."

"You~" Isaiah was furious. He just said that Davidson was Léa's fiancé, but the bear kid blew himself up as the daughter-in-law of the Star Mountain family. Where did he put his face?

"Are you disobeying my orders?" Isaiah's words were full of threats.

Lilith stood up at this moment, "Patriarch Isaiah, are you threatening my members of the Star Mountain family?"

"Little girl, there is no room for you to speak. This is the internal affairs of my moon elves." Isaiah gave Lilith a cold look.

"Lya is a member of the Star Mountain family recognized by my mother, I agree with it, and also a saint under the seat of Sister Wei Ya, you are not qualified to point fingers at her. The majesty of the gods is inviolable!" Lilith directly raised the problem with a single sentence. At the height of the gods, Isaiah almost didn't mention it.

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