The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 895: Great construction of the elven territory

The situation in the blind spot is slightly beyond Ville’s expectations. If Lilith continues to build a power centered on that territory, the completion of this task may really be very low, although I can indeed make her low score by influencing the Troy teacher. Floating, but presumably Lilith herself didn't want to see this kind of result.

Lilith is a proud woman of heaven. If this kind of task still requires others to pass with one eye and one eye closed, then she is really sorry for her more than ten years of aristocratic education.

On the day of receiving the Deed of Warcraft Territory, Lilith obtained the deeds of the other two territories, and directly connected the Territory of Warcraft and the dead ends into one piece, which was equivalent to the sum of the four territories, of which the dead ends were hung under the name of Little Weir. , The Warcraft collar was snatched and hung under the name of Léa, and the two new territories were hung under the names of Lilith and Jasmine.

A holy master with a realm is equivalent to self-exile. By default, it will not join a pure-blooded family and temple. The realm requires a holy master to sit in. The realm without a holy master will be recovered or asked to take charge of the temple. Lya's situation is a little bit Especially, she is not strong enough, but she can't hold back someone behind her, and she has a Tier 3 quadruped flying dragon injured.

Léa did not go out of the house, but brought twenty or thirty half-elves into the lord of monsters. These people are Isaiah’s illegitimate children, Léa’s brothers and sisters, the youngest is only ten years old, and the biggest disadvantage Sixty, the strongest is Léa's second-level wizard. Among the others, only five have entered the ranks. The success rate is not too high. After all, their blood is laid there.

Isaiah did not pay too much attention to them. The serious shortage of training resources hindered their development. At the same time, because of Isaiah's inattention, Liya successfully took them away from the moon elf residence.

As a chess piece developed by Isaiah on the periphery of the Elf Island, Davidson, the Lord of the Acquired Bloodline Awakened, naturally cannot be destroyed like this. He paid a considerable price and applied for another one for him not far from the original Warcraft collar. For territories of similar size, at least relocation is not that troublesome. What is troublesome is the construction of territories.

Davidson didn't have the guts to evacuate and destroy the entire Warcraft leader. He and these evildoers actually became neighbors?

If it was before, Davidson would definitely rush over to build relationships and establish friendship, but before acting as Isaiah's thug, he even almost became Léa's fiance, hitting the face with the strongest evildoer, making Davidson sleepless.

The hatred of killing his father and the hatred of taking his wife, these two hatreds are not shared, and he almost robbed others' flat wife. Will that little guy slaughter himself in the middle of the night when there is no one?

Davidson did not have the grief and indignation of Willie stealing his wife and becoming the son-in-law of Isaiah. He felt ashamed to think about it. This was an insult to himself, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Ya is very beautiful and not weak. If she marries her, she will not suffer too much.

Leia’s return of the Moon Elf Tribe is good for Davidson. At least until Isaiah’s other illegitimate daughters are not promoted to Tier 2, she doesn’t need to worry about being forced to arrange a new fiancée, who is hundreds of years old. , The children are over a hundred years old, and you want to marry a wife who has younger teeth than your own children?

If you have feelings, it's fine, but this is a political marriage with no emotional foundation.

One step wrong step wrong, Davidson feels that his future is not bright, he drags his tired body back to his bedroom with a swollen nose and swollen face. The warcraft he paid today did not satisfy the little loli, because the cat is too ugly. Not strong enough.

Guai Liluo first defeated Isaiah's chief beater, the Holy Elf Druid, and then squeezed himself down lightly. It wasn't that he didn't think of resisting, but that was really impossible.

A vigorous and vigorous construction began in Léa’s territory. Ville directly purchased hundreds of hierarchical steel puppets from the six-ring construction wizard tower. Um, the building used hierarchical steel puppets, and all these things were given to Lilith. management.

The three territories have their own owners in name, but in the end they are all managed by Lilith, and the blind spot is named the Sunshine Land.

Lilith's territory is called the Sunshine Collar, which means that it is open and full of sunshine. 59 library

Jasmine’s domain is called the Rose Garden. In her words, this is the love garden for herself and Amoresie in her heart. She will plant 10,000 beautiful roses for her. Only in this way can she express her love for her. Aiyi, in fact, this is a medicine garden and a tourist attraction.

Léa’s territory is called the House of Half-elves. According to Lilith, this is the habitat for half-elves. It retains half the style of pure blood elves, and half of the styles of other races, humans. , Orcs, Dwarves, Seas, etc. All in all, this is a territory full of humanity, and it is also a commercial gathering place.

Mojiesi’s alchemy shop was moved here, the outermost area is a commercial street, Mojiesi’s alchemy potions (mostly from Lilith’s hands), Littleville’s equipment shop, Lilith’s fruit shop, and Guai Liluo’s restaurant (Are you sure it’s not the place where she eats herself?), Jasmine’s Knight Training Hall (only female elf students are admitted, not beautiful ones), Leya’s Baizu Hall (actually a hotel and inn, with hundreds of styles).

Davidson voluntarily surrendered to renting a place here at a high price. He set up a pet shop to sell magic pets. Not to mention the high rent and taxation, but he was asked to sell only cute magic pets. Davidson was very helpless, but himself. His new territory is right next to them, so I can only bear it if I don't want to be bullied.

Elena also opened a shop here on behalf of the Star Elf to sell Elf accessories.

And Xiaoweiya also opened a grocery store with the support of Weier. Well, this groceries are not ordinary groceries, but specialty groceries from the Wizard Islands, the continent of the gods, the unlawful land of the sea, and so on. Everything is extraordinary without exception, and the value is still higher than that of all other shops, even more than the sum of them, which makes Xiao Weiya very happy, even though she can't manage the shop herself.

It’s a strict requirement of the Elf Goddess that she is not allowed to leave the coverage of the Tree of Life before she reaches adulthood. Her shop can only be entrusted to Little Will, but the income can go to her, um, it goes to her in name. Adulthood is temporarily managed by his sister-in-law Lilith.

You mean mother Mojiesi?

Mojiesi had to listen to Lilith now, and the power in the backyard of the family had been quietly transferred, even though Little Ville was still single in name.

The Wright Sky Knight led more than a dozen elven blood awakeners with the lowest strength and third-level wizard apprenticeship to the elven island. According to Lilith’s arrangement, Elfa brought all ten elves in the different space and arranged them to proceed. After the baptism, accepted the inheritance (even though these inheritances have been handed over to them before, the form still goes through it again).

The baptism of the water of life is very powerful, and Wright’s strength has increased tremendously, and after beheading a magical soul in the dead end, he was promoted to the Paladin, making the Jasmine Knight really nervous for several days, until one day he found himself helping a four-legged dragon. Next, he was able to beat his rival brother, and then he was arrogant and triumphant again.

Wright, Wright, you also have today. I think you were stronger than me at the beginning, relying on your strength to suppress me everywhere, but you still want to marry me out, hum, now you know I’m great, don’t talk about anything else, let yours Wife hand it over!

The Wright Knight was also very depressed. He had clearly found his way, and went further and further on this path, but why was he caught up with his rebellious sister? Wright won't make excuses to say that he was defeated by the four-legged dragon, not his sister.

Familiar pets are also part of the I got the dragon blood horse presented by my daughter and barely usable in Tier 2, but it is really not enough for Tier 3 monsters, let alone facing the same thing. The dragon blood monster, the dragon blood horse was directly scared to the ground by the four-legged flying dragon.

If you don’t have enough strength, you have to catch up. Wright’s way is a way of assistance and construction. The Karst Kingdom can no longer bring more help to itself, but the Elf Island can. The influence of these two places cannot be the same at all. .

Wright’s abilities are very strong, and the three territories are full of vitality under his unified management. The Half-elf House has successively received hundreds of half-elves, making the name of the Half-elf House known as the half-elf identity. The embarrassed bloodliners also had a place to stay and brought their families, which made the half-elf home a lot of popularity.

Jasmine Knight’s rose garden is the gathering place of the Kendall family. Most of them are proficient in plant witchcraft, while Lilith’s Sunshine Land is the Paradise of the Elves of Different Spaces. They are more yearning for the sunlight here, but rarely contact the outside world. Just silently serve Little Will and Lilith.

Half a year later, the five-story wizard tower based on the mobile wizard tower base provided by Rhein Star Mountain was built in the sixth ring structure wizard tower, and Little Ville has made the final preparations.

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