The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 899: Blind Land Purification Battle

The purification battle of the core area of ​​the dead end has begun. After more than half a year of practical research, Ville and Lilith found that the magic power of the entire dead end is limited, or the total amount of magic power that can be exerted at the same time is limited. of.

The magical soul has no wisdom but instinct. Although it carries a spirit word, it is not a real creature, but only a memory and a heritage.

This time the battle is of great importance. Lilith, Guai Liluo, Nicole, Knight Jasmine, Knight Wright, Elena, and Rhein Starshan will join forces with seven third-tier powerhouses. Of course, they are not in one place. Instead, they spread out and marched toward the central area from seven different directions.

The strength of the **** commander has exceeded the scope of the world, but the world can only accommodate Tier 6, whether he is a real Tier 7 or a half-step Tier 7, after all, it is impossible to exert a stronger strength, and the magical spirit will breed at the same time. The limit of the number is only seven, and the magic essence of this dead end is stuck at this limit.

Lilith was the first to move out, driving the deformed puppet and rushed out. Just less than ten miles away, she encountered a magical spirit. It was actually a magic spider with eight clawed claws, spouting spider silk from time to time. Under the gossip array and Lilith entangled.

It doesn't have much wisdom, but it has its own routines and tactics. Lilith faced it for the first time, and it was a bit tricky to deal with. You must know that she has come to challenge almost every day for the past six months, but the magic spider has encountered it for the first time.

Lilith gave a signal, and blame Li Luo rushed out second, and quickly advanced from another direction, and Hekuai met the second magical soul, which was a powerful earth bear.

What should I do when facing my favorite bear?

Guai Liluo used her steel sledgehammer to tell you that, of course, she played with it well. This kind of opportunity is very rare. The flaming pets and cat pets that Davidson gave her are not enough for her to manipulate. Only the magic power is not afraid of the spirit. Death, can withstand Guai Liluo's "favoring".

Guai Liluo’s battle was happening. Lilith, who was remotely controlling the overall situation, immediately sent out a signal. Nicole rushed out for the third time. This obedient and stupid catwoman, her faith in the beast **** was unshakable, but she contributed to Xiao Miao The most faith.

The magic spirit that Nicole encountered was equally powerful. It was a demon wolf, but this beast aroused Nicole’s hatred. I don’t think I can forgive the wolf clan. Just die, little monster, blame it. It's the wrong species that you transformed, Nicole brandished a double knife and killed it.

After Nicole, Elena ranked fourth, Rhein Star Mountain ranked fifth, Wright Knight ranked sixth, and Jasmine Knight ranked second. This place is different from the outside world. Don’t think about mounts. Their wisdom is very weak. It is too difficult for them to provide faith for Xiao Miao, and it is even more difficult to resist the invasion of hell's magic power. In order to reduce unnecessary variables, the familiar cannot be summoned.

Leaving the Four-legged Flying Dragon Familiar, Jasmine Knight’s strength went from the midstream to the bottom of everyone’s presence. Even Wright, who had just been promoted, couldn’t beat her. This made her very depressed, but this strategy is very important. Had to take action, only relying on the gorgeous equipment on his body, the second-tier iron golem under the crotch was struggling to support it.

After all the seven magical spirits appeared, Xiaoweier was notified through the seven-story holy tower, and he rushed in, and his figure was advancing quickly, dozens of miles were fleeting, and the surging tides of **** magic power surged towards him like a stormy wave. However, he couldn't stop his footsteps anyway, but gave him more insights into ocean attributes.

Little Vil had no time to experience it in detail. The whole person moved fast, with only one thought in his heart. He rushed to the center position at the fastest speed. A huge magic tower flew out amidst the loud noise of "Boom~". The incomplete magic array that was left in the center was quickly sorted out, the magic tower fell on the ground with a "boom!", the ground trembled violently, and the defensive magic array quickly activated in the dust.

The eyes of advanced appraisal were fully opened, and Xiao Weier waved the magic wand in his hand, and golden rays of light appeared to form dense lines, lighting up thousands of meters around the magic tower, and each node was shining with faint light.

In the magic tower, Leia hurriedly merged the magic tower and the magic circle. "The magic tower is implanted, the underground passage is connected, and the underground magic stone mine is connected. The connection is successful, the energy purification filter, the conversion is successful, and the utilization rate is 2%. Nineteen, underground energy is sufficient, the magic tower is operating at full power, and unusable energy is being exported."

"The foundation stone of the magic tower is successfully laid, the external magic array is connected, the array disk is actively adapting, the angle is offset zero twenty-five, the chassis rotates, the adaptation is successful, the magic array is detected, the **** node abnormality is detected, alarms, alarms... "

"Node skipped, detected xxxx line interruption."

"Line transfer, detected..."

Each piece of information was passed into Ville’s ears, which made him have to run around. The wrong node problem was eliminated one by one, and all the lines were opened up. If not for the eyes of identification, if not for his strength is really strong, and he is not protected from hell. Influenced by magic, this kind of work is not done by humans at all.

One by one, the shadow clones rushed out, and Ville didn't even have time to pay attention to the check. Instead, after receiving the notification from Léa, he exchanged positions with the corresponding position or the nearest shadow clone so that the problem could be solved quickly.

As the surrounding magic circle became more and more perfect, the Wizard Tower trembled slightly, as if it was making adjustments, but I don’t know why, Little Weier always felt that something was not very good, did it progress a bit too smoothly, as if everything was in accordance with himself Waiting for someone's plan to come, there weren't many accidents.

Suddenly a sharp sirens sounded, and the wizard tower shook more and more violently. Leia's voice rang in her ears, with a trace of anxiety and fear in her voice: "Brother Ver, there is a strong magic reaction underground, the wizard tower Unable to suppress, it was detected that the magic reaction became more and more intense, showing signs of explosion."

There was a look of astonishment on Xiao Weier's face, and he immediately thought of something that he had neglected before. The underground energy source is a magic stone, but this magic stone is not entirely the magic stone of this world, but has magical powers of hell. Magic Stone, he considered the transformation efficiency of the Wizard Tower, but forgot that the **** magic power would not disappear for no reason.

bad! These **** magic powers did not spread outward, but quickly gathered in the central area because of the Wizard Tower.

These **** magic powers cannot be allowed to erupt, otherwise the magic tower will definitely be severely damaged, and it is still the kind of blasting from the inside, and most of my own efforts will be completely wasted for more than half a year. In more serious situations, the **** magic power here may completely erupt. The blind spot is further expanded, and Leia's life is even threatened by the damage to the magic tower.

It is unrealistic to leave the magic tower immediately, instead it will make the underlying **** magic power lose its pressure and explode in advance, even if the power is not the highest, it has reached the point where it can break the magic tower.

Little Weier pressed his hands on the ground, and the earth witchcraft and earth escape technique was activated. Little Weier was instantly submerged in the earth. He couldn't rely on his eyes to walk through the earth, but everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area could be clearly transmitted to his mind, the goddess of the earth Blessing plays a vital role at this moment, even if the earth here has been eroded by the magic of hell.

"Xiao Miao, please, absorb the magic of hell, full power!" Ville did not directly rush into the center of **** magic directly below the magic tower, but directly summoned the roots of the tree of life seedling from the periphery, fully absorbing the magic of hell.

What is this? Ville suddenly heard a weird sound of "plop" and "plop" deep underground, as if a heart was beating slowly, but the frequency of this sound was very low, only once in three to five minutes, but it still caused it. His attention.

Little Ville went all out to summon the young tree of life, slowly sucking away the gathered magic power of hell, the magic tower gradually restored its calm, but the magic of **** underneath continued to come and never disappeared~www.wuxiaspot. com~Little Ville could only barely maintain these **** magic powers within a certain intensity range, and he could not get out.

In the magic tower, a group of Tier 1 and Tier 2 figures stood up, "It takes a thousand days to raise soldiers, but this time is the time for us to take the initiative to step forward. Everyone puts on the communication device and acts according to my instructions. Little boy, Come and beat your brother! Oh, don't really do it, brother is just joking to ease the atmosphere."

The back hand that Lilith prepared was finally used. The four-eyed rabid dog, the new formation mage, held the formation created by Ville and Lilith in his hand, and brought Susan, Vivian, Elfa, and Ke. The lord of Lyon, the knights of the temple of Wall, the priest of Frina and others rushed out of the magic tower.

Their strength is very weak. Although they are protected by the leaves and roots of the tree of life, they are only able to avoid the invasion of **** magic. The appearance of a magical spirit can destroy their entire army. Their time is limited and it is possible at all times. Losing their lives, no matter which one of the seven holy masters missed, the final result was that their group of first and second-tier soldiers were completely wiped out.

"At this time, nervousness can't solve any problems. Only calmness can make oneself live better." The four-eyed rabies repairs nodes and lines one by one. He can't do any transformation, but he just completes the repair according to the picture. , The four-eyed rabies still has some certainty, especially Léa is still constantly testing and verifying in the main control room.

"Some abnormalities have occurred in Knight Jasmine, and the tree of life energy in her body is insufficient." Suddenly a bad news appeared, Knight Jasmine, the bottom lesbian, because of the weakest strength and dependence on the tree of life seedlings. Too strong, energy consumption is too fast, and the energy provided by the tree of life seedlings is insufficient.

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