The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 903: Little Undercover Davidson

Elena withdrew early. The disdainful expression on her face deeply irritated the Japanese Elf patriarch, making the face of this long-famous veteran holy elf mage full of iron, staring fiercely at those who yelled very loudly before. The elven nobles and peripheral lords who bowed their heads silently did not blink their eyes for a full quarter of an hour.

Then Isaiah's words even made the Japanese elven patriarch face disgraced. The **** actually suggested that everyone form a coalition army and gather a large number of holy masters to rob the commercial street of the half-elf house.

"Our elves abide by the teachings of the goddess and take a rest on the land of the elves. This is our home and our paradise. It is quiet and peaceful, without war or killing." Isaiah's voice changed: "But the elves are again. Well, it is only an island in the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands. It is not conspicuous in the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands. It is even more inconspicuous in the entire Wizard Islands and even the entire world, like a drop in the ocean."

"Relying on the gift of the mother tree and the protection of the gods, we can survive on our own and safely, but limited resources cannot supply us to grow more powerful people. Compared with the infinite space outside, our resources are really worthless. By the way, several teenagers and girls have accumulated a wealth comparable to that of the moon elves for hundreds of thousands of years following the preaching of Baihuayin for seven or eight years."

"These wealth appears in a territory that is not even a small power, and is dominated by a group of weak half-elves (in fact, they are waiting to be sold in the shop). Not to mention the Japanese elves tribe, even I look at it. Yours I understand the idea, but because those half-elves are my heirs, I really can’t attack them. I won’t stop you from robbing, I just hope that you can restrain your doubts a little, and don’t show mercy when you rob the property. It hurts the innocent." After Isaiah finished speaking, he stood up and walked out slowly, the lonely figure with a trace of sadness, but he almost angered the Sun Elf patriarch.

My TM never thought about robbing, and I still rob others in an open manner on the Elf Island. If the excuse of the Guangming Academy is really as Elena said, it is not only limited to the internal enrollment of the Guangming collar, but also the training. It is some people who work and do miscellaneous tasks. Once they really take this step, they will definitely become a laughing stock, and they will be discredited by moon elves and star elves.

Because they really don't have the slightest reason in this matter. Japanese elves don't have an academy, but there are workshops for magic planting, alchemy, and jewelry. They will also recruit students from within. Is this different from the Sunshine Academy?

The difference is still there. The workshops are in their own hands, but Yangguan College has gathered all industries together. Then consider that the number of Sunshine leaders is scarce. Each workshop can't afford a separate training system. The emergence of this vocational college will be able to Understood.

The Japanese elven patriarch stood up and walked out slowly. A Tier 3 elven mage stood up, "No matter what their original intention to form the academy, the academy shouldn’t exist on the elven island. Who Can they guarantee that they will not expand their enrollment in the future, and will not see the inheritance of combat professions included? If it is not choked to death when it first appears, there will be endless troubles in the future."

This is an elf aristocrat who was blown up by Guai Liluo and hung up to show the public. Under the double temptation of hatred and wealth, he was a little bit irrational.

Davidson also stood up at this time: "I can't say anything else, but the knowledge of animal training has involved the core inheritance of the spirit whisperer, druid and other professions. I personally and the Warcraft leader do not recognize this so-called Sunshine Academy. of."

Most of the noble lords stole a contemptuous look at Davidson. You and the half-elf house's demons were traded in full swing, and you made a lot of wealth. As a result, after seeing people want to tame the beasts by yourself, you immediately jumped up to oppose it. You oppose it. Actually it makes sense, leaving them speechless.

It’s just that if you really use this as an excuse, you’ll be looked down upon, thinking it’s Davidson’s gun. If you go back, people will directly increase the number of pets purchased from Davidson’s Warcraft and increase the price. Maybe the **** will just change it. Muzzle, fire and pour dirty water on your side.

"There is not enough evidence to prove that before they broke the rules, our Japanese Elf tribe will stay on the sidelines." The Japanese Elf patriarch left a cold word and left, and the scene became a quarrel again.

Without the leaders of the three major tribes, they would not form a whole, and the majority of those who rejected the academy accounted for the vast majority, but very few people believed that the academy broke the rules. Elena has made it very clear that this is indeed An academy, but this academy is too narrow, it's a toy inside, and outsiders can't say anything.

Many people shouted, but when it came to actual actions, few people responded. Actually, only the elves and nobles who had been beaten up before and two or three poor ghost realms were willing to take the risk. Others only expressed their spiritual support, even two. The lord condemned their actions.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, today they can plunder the bright collar because of their wealth, will they see them unpleasantly and secretly kill them in the future? This is the real breaking rule. For a while, many lords blacklisted these nobles and two lords. You haven't seen other Lord Davidson just stating that he would follow the Moon Elf patriarch and would never make any claims.

This is the real smart person.

The wrangling meeting lasted for more than a long time, and everyone dispersed. Davidson, who returned to the Warcraft collar, turned around and ran to find the Wright Paladin to report to him.

Facing this newly promoted Paladin, Davidson did not have the reserved and proud of the old Saint-level masters. Instead, he put his posture very low. “There are currently three pure blood elf families, and two outer lords have shown strong hostility towards Sunlight. , And even secretly formed an alliance to prepare a team of masters to sneak attack and looting the half-elf home commercial street. The Sunshine Academy is just a starter, urging them to sit together."

"Sneak attack and looting the commercial street?" The Paladin Wright muttered to himself, tapping his fingers on the table lightly, his face was not showing the slightest expression, the bait had been scattered, the net had already been laid, just waiting for the prey to drill inside. Up.

It's just that there are fewer prey than expected. The elves stay on the elves for a long time, and their arrogant and reserved personality are still very heavy. Those shameless are often not at the highest level. The Wright Paladin began to wonder how to expand this villain team.

The fishing net is very strong. One fish is also a net, and ten fish are also a net. For masters like Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo, the difference is not very big as long as they are not demi-god masters. Such fishing law enforcement cannot be used frequently. , After all, a person who can become a lord cannot be a fool.

"You said, how about I put an inheritance crystal in Treasure Pavilion tomorrow?" The Wright Paladin asked suddenly.

"Can the elves use it?" Davidson has no doubt that they can come up with such a It is really too many times that they have seen their strong connections, so that Davidson has lost his doubts and sincere I really want to devote myself to them, and follow the sun to lead them to eat meat. The life of Warcraft is better than before. All this is thanks to the blessing of the person in front of him.

The Wright Paladin gave him a white look: "Do you think it's possible? If there is really a crystallization of the elven clan, can it be kept for now? It is a crystallization of the demon wolf's legacy. ."

"Is this bait a bit too big? In fact, the wealth of Half-Elves Commercial Street is huge enough." Davidson knows that these good things have been released by the guy in front of him recently, and he is careful about how he is not. I understand, but the whole group of guys is also beneficial to me. I can also take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, so I am so active.

"There are too few people who die. If you don't increase the bait, you won't be able to reap greater benefits. After all, opportunities cannot happen every day."

"Would you like to discuss with Master Well?"

"This kind of trivial matter only needs to be informed afterwards. My daughter has the final say at home, and the entire sunshine collar is our home." Wright Paladin's words left Davidson speechless.

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