The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 916: All 3 battles are defeated, even though defeat is glorious

"I am an elf knight, and there are many types of elf knights. Do you know what kind of knight I am?" Conroy suddenly broke out, cutting out thirty-six swords in succession. Looked at Lilith.

Lilith was unmoved, and said with a faint smile: "At the level of the demigod, the elf knight is the elf knight. Is there a difference between the light knight and the thorn knight? It's just a difference in habits and focus. The demigod stage is to be able to do whatever you want. the most important."

Conroy was stunned when he heard the words, and then couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Well, good, good one, good one to do whatever you want, I didn’t expect me, a demigod knight, not you or a paladin to see clearly, your power, Speed, magic power, and vindictiveness are still only saints, but your realm has already touched the edge of a demigod. I admit that I really underestimated you before."

"Invincible at the same level is underestimating you. Leapfrogging challenge is your limit!" Conroy laughed and said, "In this case, I can't release too much water. As a knight, a combat partner is indispensable. Rarely, I am a Raptor Rider, and my combat partner is a two-headed Chimera!"

With Conroy’s call, a gust of wind hits in the distance, and with a loud roar, Conroy’s combat partner, the double-headed Chimera, is stronger and stronger than ordinary companions, and already has the strength of a half-step demigod. There is no problem with Lilith heads-up, not to mention just cooperating with Conroy.

Conroy is not considered a senior demigod. He still depends on others for his own promotion. Because of the insufficient accumulation of background, his combat partners have not kept up a little bit. To gain a firm foothold on the level of the demigod and keep moving forward, he needs more effort. And long-term accumulation.

The two-headed Chimera is a flying mount. Conroy has a mount that is more powerful. Lilith sits down on the deformed puppet and has two wings. There is a fierce air battle with him. The double-headed Chimera is so huge that it is not so-called. Due to the limitation of the duel field, Lilith did not require it to be restricted. The steel Pegasus was agile and unpredictable, but after all, the level was far worse.

The air knight battle ended in Lilith's defeat, but no one dared to underestimate this heroic girl, who was able to force the mount of the demigod knight Conroy. This is not something that ordinary holy masters can do, at least in the presence of them. Dozens of Saint-level masters couldn't do it, and their eyes were full of weird at Xiao Wei and Lilith.

It’s no wonder that they are the two hurdles behind the violent loli. Let’s not talk about fighting alone at this level. Even if they go up in groups, they will be given away for nothing. Isaiah was also shocked. They hadn’t been like this eight or nine months ago. The strength of ah, do they have any adventures, or that they have never exposed their full strength.

The possibility of hiding their strength is greater. If it is progress, then this progress would be too terrifying. When they blocked them halfway, they were all exhausted. Even so, the six upgraded masters and the two-headed holy beasts under his team were still exhausted. Being taken down easily by them, it seems that they should have won easily at the time, even if they didn't show their full strength.

Would you like to fix the relationship with Léa? Isaiah was not a nobleman who wanted to face and suffer. He was able to ignore Léa in the face of interests, and allowed the Moon Elf Tribe to establish a business relationship with the Half Elf House and strengthen the relationship, earning a lot of wealth, and stabilizing his status as the head of the patriarch. .

If he can draw these three evildoers over, who else in the moon elves would dare to stab himself? Don’t say that it’s drawn over. Even if you maintain a good friendship, it can also act as a deterrent. Isaiah’s eyes on Sann have become a little weird. This time, the Sun Elf tribe has sinned enough for them. They are the first tribe. The countdown to the days of the day has entered, and when these three evildoers are promoted to the demigod and forcefully suppress the Conroy demigod, it is when the sun elves have fallen to the first place.

However, Isaiah is more worried about the Star Elves than the Sun Elves. "Elena's luck is really good. With such grandchildren and grandchildren, the rise of the Star Elves can no longer be stopped."

On my own side, I missed a little bit of meaning. Although Léa and herself have a father-daughter relationship, they are almost abandoned sons who were expelled by her. Do you want to continue to invest in him? There is not only one illegitimate daughter of oneself. Isn’t the half-elf home under the banner of providing a warm home for the half-elves? You can choose the illegitimate daughter who is loyal to yourself to enter them, and then remove the boy from Leya snatched it from her side.

In addition to being stronger in her own illegitimate female group, does Léa have any advantages?

After Lilith was defeated, Guai Liluo went out to fight. Little Lori stood on the ground with double hammers, and the two-headed Chimera whizzed towards her. He caught her in the hunting wind, Guai Liluo was as calm and calm as ever (her expression There has been almost no change, only the eyes can speak a little), and the sledgehammer in his hand slams over.

"Hmm~" The two-headed Chimera roared, and one of her paws was abruptly injured by Wei Liluo. The powerful strength combined with the huge body weight could not make Wei Liluo have the slightest concession. Instead, she was almost caught by this violence. Li staggered and fell to the ground.

Conroy has always known that the power of this strange force Lolita is the greatest, but there has never been a specific concept of her power. This time he really knows it. His pet is less than two thousand catties, and it fell from the sky. She swooped down so hard that she almost fell out with a single-handed hammer?

Conroy overestimated the power of Wei Liluo and underestimated her skills. The deformation of the two-headed Chimera was partly due to Wei Liluo's power, and half was due to the natural reaction of the body caused by pain.

"Human riding in one, rose armor!" Compared to the huge size of the two-headed Chimera, Guai Liluo is like a nail stuck to the ground, with a sharp and sharp face outwards. As long as you dare to get closer, you must be pierced. Preparation.

Conroy’s long-range attack was hammered by Liluo, and the demigod level of casual attacks were not too difficult for Liluo. After all, three years ago, he had been honed under the hands of the Troy demigod and Professor Witzel. The degree of pressure can only be regarded as average, and the Troy demigod and Professor Wetzel can sling three or five Conroy if they take out one.

In close combat, apart from abandoning the mount, you can only use this method to enhance the defense of the mount. You are a nail. I must not use wood to beat it, but what if I replace wood with stone?

With the armor for self-defense, the two-headed Chimera no longer feared Li Luo's sledgehammer strike, and began to unscrupulously hit the little Lori on the ground, and a pair of sharp claws grabbed it with a green light.

Guai Liluo’s sledgehammer beats its claws again and again. Although I can’t hurt you through the shield, the shield is not omnipotent. You still need to endure the strength that should be endured. The double-headed Chimera’s paws are repeatedly Wrongly, there are two sledgehammers that blame Liluo, one paws and the other bombards the belly. The secret force through the shield can also make the two-headed Chimera feel severe pain.

The loud roar is endless, the two-headed Chimera keeps rising and falling, and the two-headed Chimera is very happy to play the game of hitting the bird. With her reaction speed, strength and the quality of the sledgehammer in her hand, the two-headed Chimera wants to hurt her. There is still a little gap.

The most important thing is that the strange Liluo is not a standing target. The movement in a small area has always caused the double-headed Chimera's attack to deviate, unable to exert the maximum lethality.

"Boom!" The two-headed Chimera suddenly landed, abandoning the sky battlefield she was familiar with, trying to suppress the monster Liluo with absolute strength on the ground, a pair of huge wings roared, and rolled up the hunting wind.

"Flaming transformation!" Guai Liluo has extremely rich combat experience. The strengths of the enemy and the enemy can be compared at a glance. The long-range can be used for small gains. Close combat is a bit inappropriate for playing like this. The two-headed Chimera has two heads. The reaction speed is not slow, but also can cast magic.

The little Lolita, who was just over one meter tall, turned into a giant one-foot tall in an instant. Two sledgehammers rounded the head of the two-headed Chimera. Conroy swung a big sword in his hand to catch it abruptly, but his arms almost shook. Get rid of.

"The thorns are entangled!" Conroy had to cooperate with the mount to perform tricks to limit the sledgehammer of Guai Liluo. These two gadgets are of high quality, not to mention the size, and the weight is very amazing. They are given to Conroy and the two-headed Chimera. The damage caused is too great.

Guai Liluo’s double hammers were restricted, and he put it away, grabbing the thorns with both hands and pulling it fiercely, almost throwing Conroy out, avoiding the double torchimera’s sharp mouth sneak attack, and threw himself at the double-headed Chimera, starting to be the most primitive I don’t have a fist without a sledgehammer. My brother has considered this situation for himself a long time ago, and Li Luo is also very strong in fisting.

Two-headed Chimera with wings, two heads, and two claws all went into battle. Liluo punched and kicked, and launched a battle between monsters and the monster house. The eyes of the holy masters next to him were jumping, and the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking. Flying and roaring, is this monster really the little loli they challenged before?

Many people who were undecided looked at Patriarch Sann and complained silently. We were really merciful to the other party's men who survived You actually had the heart to let us fight such a monster, and there was more than one.

Conroy flew and landed in the distance, watching his mount wrestle with Furbolg Liluo, but he couldn't find a place to help. It wasn't that he couldn't help. He also did things like adding state and defense, but let him participate in it. It's a little unlikely, the power of these two monsters is really too great, this style is not suitable for yourself as a knight.

The vigorous battle ended with the depletion of Liluo’s magic power and her transformation. Seeing that Little Ville kicked the two-headed Chimera with one kick, he held Little Loli away from the battlefield and voluntarily surrendered. Conroy felt that this little guy might have others. The means did not exert force.

Conroy won the victory with one opponent and three majors, but the pure blood elves didn’t greet them wildly. Instead, they were even more in awe of these three evildoers. Guai Li Luo lay in Ville’s arms and said dullly: "Pet ,cheat."

"It doesn't matter, Lilith's pet will be able to hatch in a few years, and then we will bully him with pets." Ville rubbed Wei Li Luo's little head, feeling quite upset. When did our Lori have it? With such a huge consumption, I have written down Conroy's hatred of bullying our loli, this time you win.

Ville glared at him and snorted: "You have won this battle. Take your trophy."

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