The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 940: What should I do if the pie falls in the sky?

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When Brand and Ville were in constant quarrel, the "communication" between Ivante and Vía entered the second stage.

As the most elegant silver dragon among the metal dragons, Yvant did not allow himself to appear in front of her husband with shaggy face and disheveled clothes, and Xiao Weiya, who was about to suppress her strength at the holy level, could not be regarded as completely suppressing Yvant. This silver dragon did not completely suppress Yvant. Not an enemy in the true sense, Xiao Weiya is not the kind of goddess who is good at close combat.

In a battle between the two women, Xiao Wei Ya actually only had the upper hand, and did not have an overwhelming advantage. Ivante was a true Tier 3 pinnacle master, who would be crushed by Xiao Wei Ya if he was not careful. The Pseudo Tier 3 Invincible also has a strong line.

Ivante can remain undefeated in the hands of Weiya, who is suppressing her strength. Although she is embarrassed, she will not be crushed. It is not that she is really much better than Weil. If the two people really start their hands, compare them in a fair way. In terms of the method, Xiao Wei will definitely lose, but after at least a few hundred moves, the physical strength and magic resistance of the dragons really dominate, and the blood of the dragons and giants in Xiao Wei has not been developed at all.

In places where Ville and Brand could not see, the roar had disappeared, and Ivante stated his conditions: "A branch of death that is ten feet long, a branch of death that is fresh and not completely dead. ."

As if feeling the rising aura of Xiao Weiya's body as well as the spite of malice, Ivante hurriedly explained: "Under Wei Ya's crown, we should know the preferences of the dragon family, treasures, shiny good things, and magical treasures. We. The Silver Dragon is different from the Five-Colored Dragon. It has never done that kind of arrogant act. This branch of death is the spoils obtained from the abyss by my father, the contemporary Silver Dragon patriarch more than two thousand years ago."

"Abyss?" Xiao Weiya's momentum stopped abruptly, her face was slightly complicated, "This is really an unpleasant name."

"What do you want?" Xiao Weiya curled her lips and said, "Don't talk about the nonsense of letting Yami marry my brother. My brother belongs to me and no one can take it away."

Ivante slapped his forehead, this brother control is not saved, Wei Ya is crowned, you are a reincarnated god, is it really possible that the brother in this body will have such a big impact on you in just a few years?

Who was Will Declan in his previous life?

Is it still the brother of your goddess?

What goddess are you?

What is the identity of your brother?

Ivante has 100,000 questions, but she knows that the reincarnated **** in front of her will never give herself an accurate answer, and she will not force her to marry her daughter to him, making it look like her own daughter is so cheap, and there is no one to post it. Yes, you must know that Yamei is the half-dragon with the most superior blood in the entire Yinlong Island and even the entire Dragon Island.

"I have no malice against you, and I have nothing to ask for under the crown of Wei Ya." Ivante really didn't have any bad thoughts, and also didn't have too many attempts against Wei Ya and Xiao Wei Ya, but his father was not like that. He arranged this for himself and Brand.

Brand is very smart, but he can't grasp the whereabouts of Little Weir, but as a god-level master, the silver dragon patriarch can learn more through the connections of the dragon clan. When he teamed up with the shadow dragon Troy and the black dragon Wezel, Little Ville's whereabouts after leaving the Elf Island has been under his control.

Troy brought him to Dragon Island Warcraft Forest was arranged by the silver dragon patriarch, Yami was calculated to come to "treasure hunt" is his promotion, even Ivante did not know the specifics, just cared about his daughter, and by the way To complete what the father explained, nothing more.

As the son of Professor Wezel, Brand inferred more things, especially after the silver dragon chief gave the order, he guessed Troy the first time, and the silver dragon command made him feel Somewhat unusual.

"The wizard of Saint Ville promoted the music goddess Baihuayin to ignite the kingdom of God and become a god. He has an extraordinary influence among the demigods. It is not a secret to go out this time. If it weren't for you and the Trojan demigod, he would definitely I was approached by those demigods. The temptation to become a **** is not something that ordinary demigods can resist. The half-step difference is a world of difference." Ivant added: "Even the dragon demigods may not be able to resist this. Temptation."

Xiao Weiya pouted her lips and said disdainfully: "There are also three or six or nine grades of demigods. Why do those demigods who have not reached the peak or even the high stage become gods? As for your dragons, hehe, of good blood. Do you not follow the path, follow the path of faith? Is your brain blocked by stool?"

Ivante shook his head slightly: "The times are different. The invasion of **** demons and the existence of the abyss have greatly suppressed our world. It is not only difficult for demigods to achieve success, but even more difficult for god-level masters. The world is even more difficult. Like a bottle, there are only so many things that can be accommodated. It does not mean that you can naturally break through and advance when you are strong. There is a pit for each carrot. If you want to enter the pit, you must find the right method and path."

"Time is running out. The reason why Brand and I are so anxious is that we rushed to the abyss before Xiao Yamei really grew up. The reason is simple. If we can't become a demigod in 50 years, our way will be in the future. It’s even harder to go.” Ivant’s words made Xiao Weiya stunned for a moment, and the expression on her face instantly became very ugly: “Fifty years? It’s really cruel.”

Even the bloodline of the dragon clan is restricted. If the path of the warrior, knight, wizard, and wizard to promote to the demigod is restricted, and the opportunity to go to the abyss for the promotion is the primary bondage, then even the bloodline promotion is restricted, and then enter the intermediate stage. Up.

What is the advanced stage?

If Xiao Weiya couldn't be promoted in this situation, she would be an advanced stage, but at that time the world was not far from destruction.

"So, what do you want my brother to do?" Xiao Weiya returned to the subject.

"Follow the road against the dragon, become a member of the dragon clan, freely enter and exit the dragon island, and use the resources of the dragon island to continue to grow."

"Then it was justified by the Dragon Race?" Xiao Weiya showed a mocking smile on her face: "This kind of little trick is too rough. Although the road to the dragon is more difficult than the six levels of the beasts, it is definitely not difficult for my brother. , The name of the Houtian Dragon Clan and the trivial benefits of the Dragon Clan are not very helpful to each, but the greedy five-color dragons of your Dragon Clan will cause more trouble to your brother than this."

Ivante shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "I have already brought the words. The specific choice depends on your own."

Without the slightest hesitation, a tree trunk that was more than ten feet tall and slightly hideous appeared in front of Xiao Weiya. What Ivant put forward was not a request at all, but a sentence and a suggestion. No matter whether you adopt it or not, everything will be Here you are, and this thing is exactly what Xiao Weiya and Weier need.

When the thing is in front of us, Xiao Weiya doesn’t need to check it and knows that there is no problem. No one in this world knows it better than herself. It doesn’t matter what traps are. Since this thing appears in front of Xiao Weiya, it will inevitably be recycled. In addition to my own needs, my brother also needs it now.

As Ville's most beloved sister, after leaving the Fairy Goddess Temple and entering the Sunshine Leader Happiness Castle, Ville took her time to take her into the Snowwood World and became the third person with secondary authority after Lilith and Guai Liluo.

Xiao Wei Ya knows the balance and development of the world better than the current Xiao Weier. The tree of life seedlings support the world and only support the world. The development she brought to the world of Snowwood belongs to a single core. And Xiao Weiya and the tree of death could become another core. She was thinking about finding a piece of the tree of death alive and transplanting it into the world of snowwood, but she didn't expect this process to be so smooth.

Smoothly made her a little uneasy.

What should I do when a pie falls from the sky and hits my head?

The branches of death were put into the bag by Xiao Weiya, but they were not thrown into the Snowwood World immediately. Instead, they were put into the bracelet of his brother. "I will consider this matter. Let me ask you. What is the purpose of ?"

"Yami." Yvant blocked Xiao Weiya's fist, took two steps back and said solemnly: "Entrust Yamei to your brother as a member of the half-dragon."

"You actually want to give the whole half-dragon to your brother?" Xiao Weiya was really shocked this time.

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