The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 958: Tree Manure: God of Pirates

In the Snowwood World, Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Wei Ya gathered together, besides them, there was another person, or a trophy: the **** of pirates.

The **** of pirates is now trapped and fearful. She somewhat understands her purpose: sacrifice!

This is a new world, a new world supported by the tree of life, and a new world with infinite possibilities. This is not a good thing comparable to the pseudo-world of the Kingdom of God. She never thought of the holy wizard that she has always valued. There is such a horrible thing, and at the same time some of the previous doubts are also solved.

The person who entered his trap at the beginning was indeed Xiao Wei, and even the wit and brave person was Xiao Wei. Only at the last moment, after the pirate **** was completely angered, Xiao Wei was released from the world of Snowwood to pretend to be Wei Ya. Himself, and took the **** of pirates in one fell swoop.

"Does it really need to be like this?" Little Wil frowned slightly, always feeling a little awkward.

Xiao Weiya rolled a cute little eye: "Who do you think is the fault? If it's not that my brother is too weak to bear the tree of death, do I need to find a temporary tree fertilizer? This kind of goods can be used as fertilizer. It's already her great honor."

After Xiaoweiya entered the Snowwood World and saw the Tree of Life, she immediately decided to plant the branches of death from Brand, so that this small world could form a simple balance between life and death. It's just that the tree of death is different from the tree of life, not to mention the strength it needs, and the method of planting is also different.

As she said, Little Weier's strength is severely insufficient, and he can't support the rooting growth of the tree of death. Extra tree fertilizer is necessary. This is the root cause of their joint play and the release of the news about the dragon.

With Xiaoweier’s character, this kind of thing will not be publicized with fanfare at all. What time will be fixed and unfixed after six months and a half, if it is possible, Xiaowei will choose not to disclose it to the public, and then secretly complete the road to the dragon. However, after he knew that the path to the dragon might invalidate the power of the seven-story holy tower, he had to consider an alternative.

The apostle space of the wisdom gods can already confirm the infinite power, and it has almost never been restricted, followed by the snow wood world.

Guai Liluo and Lilith have an apostle space, so you don’t need to worry about it, but Xiao Wei Ya can’t. She can only establish contact with Xiao Wei through Snowwood World, and Xiao Wei Ya's control over Snowwood World is seriously insufficient, even if With secondary authority, if the distance is too far or even restricted by the rules of the road to the dragon, she still has some difficulties in communicating with the world of Snowwood and freely entering and exiting, unless she establishes a deeper connection with the world of Snowwood.

Originally this kind of connection was very difficult, but Brand sent a branch of the tree of death, which gave Xiao Weiya a new idea.

If she chooses to fuse the branches of death, it only takes ten days and a half to advance to the demi-god mid-segment, and her strength will be greatly improved, but in this way, her connection with the snowwood world will not increase at all. I can't see my brother anymore, which is unacceptable to Xiao Weiya.

So she chose to transplant the branches of death to the world of snowwood, to promote the growth of the world of snowwood, and to increase her authority in the world of snowwood. You must know that the tree of death is similar to the existence of her own clone, with the help of death The tree, her authority is second only to the tree of life seedling, the lord of the world, Little Vil, and is still higher than Lilith and Guai Liluo.

The strength of the pirate **** is not weak. The senior demigod who dared to **** the **** of music with Baihuayin can not be too weak. A villain who has been pirates as a priest and has not been killed by a righteous man in the sea for thousands of years, if It is impossible to live to this day if the strength is weak, and finally got a big somersault.

But in the world of Snowwood, she really can’t get over the big waves, bound by the **** chain, and the world is suppressed. In order to make the tree of death better adapt to her piece of tree manure, Xiao Weiya did some simple things for her. The reprocessing of the body was full of Xiao Weiya's death power, which made her power intermittently unable to gather at all.

The dead branches have been away from the main body for thousands of years. Although they are still alive because of their high nature, their nourishing activity is not as good as before, and eating is not as unscrupulous as before. Some things are too difficult to chew and can only be eaten first. Dispose of it, crush it, and mix it with something that is easy to digest before it can be eaten.

The god-binding chain "hullala" turned, wandering like a snake, retreated from the pirate **** and fell into the hands of Xiao Weiya. The first thing the pirate **** regained his ability to act was to surrender.

Struggling to kneel on the ground begging to surrender not to kill.

"Sorry, you who are alive are not as valuable as you who are dead." Little Ville has no woman's benevolence. He can fully imagine what fate he will face if he is captured alive by this guy. The **** of pirates doesn't pay attention to surrender. Don't kill, kill all, steal all, and act recklessly is her way, the cruel way of freedom.

"I have been the **** of pirates for thousands of years, and my wealth is thousands of times that of Baihuayin. There are thirty-six treasures of mine on the sea, and each of them can cause demigods to fight and fight. In the Wizard Islands, four The ring, the fifth ring, the sixth ring, and the seventh ring have eighteen treasures of mine, and the value is still higher than the treasures of the sea."

"I have been the **** of pirates for thousands of years. The pirates on the sea respect me. There are thousands of pirates who believe in me. Although I am not a true god, I can receive the prayers of some believers and know many secrets. I know more than a hundred secret realms on the sea."

"I have been the **** of pirates for thousands of years, and I am still the top demigod of the sea clan royal siren banshee. On the surface, I have only a thousand people under my hand. There are hundreds of thousands of pirates that can be controlled secretly. I am the one of pirates. God is also the king of pirates."

"I have been the **** of pirates for thousands of years. The road to the demigod was made of flesh and blood. Only a few of my enemies were left for fun. I was imprisoned in a secret realm. They all have a lot of value. The first great skill, there are hundreds of elves among them, no one but me knows where they are."

"I have been the **** of pirates for thousands of years,..."

Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Xiao Weiya looked at each other. Under the influence of horror and guidance, this pirate **** who had temporarily lost his power began his own "Proclamation of Godhood", but they were awkward how they listened. You have not done a few good things in the millennia since you have become a demigod. Such a companion **** kills only merit and no karma.

The pirate god’s declaration became more and more devoted, and gradually fell into the memory, the expression on his face gradually became natural, and he kept telling his own "brilliant deeds", the thirty-six treasures of the sea, the eighteen treasures of the Wizard Islands, the hidden There are three secret realms of **** demons, several secret bases of other demigods, and the lair of other pirates.

More and more information was revealed by her. The space ring of the **** of pirates is very huge. It contains her secret weapon and also her vehicle: Death Nether Ship. This terrifying pirate ship is really a Nether ship. She grabbed it in the hands of a demigod-level lich, and the sailors on the ship served all-colored ghosts, the lowest-ranked and highest-level half-step demigod ghosts.

If it weren’t for Xiao Weiya’s sneak attack and quickly suppressed her, I’m afraid Xiao Weiya would really have nothing to do with the frontal battle. The pirate **** who owns the Death Nether Ship can sail on the sea, sneak under the sea, and even fly. In addition to being full of death breath and not suitable for ordinary people to control, even the appearance is very beautiful, that half-god lich was an aristocratic lady before his death.

The smile on the face of the pirate **** is getting bigger and bigger. After telling her glorious history, she began to imagine the future, accepting pirates and siren banshees in the world to become gods, plotting the goddess of Baihuayin music goddess, and expanding with pirates as the core. Own influence, thus mingling with the priesthood of navigation, the ultimate goal is to embezzle the priesthood of the goddess of the ocean and achieve the goddess of the ocean goddess.

The power of people with dreams is powerful. The **** of pirates is dreaming of becoming the goddess of the ocean and turning the storm mermaid and thunder naga into his own slaves. His power slowly increases, and then...

The branches of death passed through the chest, and the branches of death that had been refined by Xiao Weiya became five-foot-long saplings. The body of the demigod was used as the place of growth. From the top, all the branches of the death were taken by Xiao Weiya. The power of death was overwhelming, and the tree of death began to take roots and scattered leaves and slowly grew.

The pirate god, who had lost all consciousness unconsciously, burned everything about himself in a dreamy smile, providing higher-quality nourishment for the tree of death. The five-foot-high tree of death grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Five feet, six feet, seven feet...

One foot, two feet, three feet, five feet...

One day has passed, two days have passed, three days have passed...

Well, the whole process took three The power of the pirate **** was swallowed, and the pirate **** who looked like a skeleton finally fell asleep, and the one with her eyes closed, the root The chain of root laws began to manifest and dissipated, being swallowed and assimilated by the snowwood world.

A huge message came into his mind, and Ville immediately sat under the tree of death, and the pirate god's insight into the laws of the sea, music, and plunder came.

The tree of life draws the blood of creatures to create bloodline gems, and draws rules from the bloodline to perfect the world. In the process of world perfection, various insights are fed back to Xiaoweier like a stream, moistening things silently improving his affinity and aptitude in all aspects.

But the tree of death is even more domineering. After taking root in the snowwood world, it can actually crush the chain of laws of the demigods and turn it into the soul of the Lord of the world flooding into the original sentiment flood.

What little Will has to do is to keep himself in this torrent and to absorb what is good for him as much as possible.

The achievement of the ninth spell position of the ocean attribute, the third-order ocean wizard is complete, the water in the entire snow wood world is cheering, the tree of death, which is more than 20 meters high, is slightly hideous, and the dragon-like branches are only scattered with leaves. These leaves were printed with faintly visible hideous faces, and the most dazzling piece was printed on it: the **** of pirates.

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