The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 961: The loser of level 1

There is a square in front of the level. There is a dragon stele on the edge of the square. There is a dragon in the center of the square. If you don’t understand the stele, you need to guide the dragon and you need to pay a price. The price depends on the dragon. The price is charged, but Ville and Lilith do not need such services.

The information introduced by the dragon can't be more than the information on the stone tablet. Vail and Lilith read the stone tablet thoroughly. Naturally, there is no need for the fiery dragon to make another move, and directly enter the first level: the flame mountain of eight hundred miles.

Stepping forward and entering into another world, and in fact, it is indeed entering another world, from a secret realm into another space, a space full of fiery atmosphere, here is a fiery red, the land is fiery red, The sky was fiery red, the mountains and rivers in front were also fiery red, and even the air he breathed had a hint of fiery red aura.

"This is the road to the dragon?" Little Weier felt a sense of **** on his body. He abruptly knew his wizard level first, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on Lilith. The two looked at each other and finished clearly. There was a silent exchange, and there was a black line next to Gino. Can you guys not sprinkle dog food anytime and anywhere, it's so sweet that people can't stand it, and there are people nearby.

And there is more than one.

"Um, buddy, can I trouble you to get up from me before Xiu Enai?" Suddenly a weak voice sounded on the ground.

Ville lowered his head and saw that a middle-aged bald man with a shabby body and skinny head somehow ran under his feet.

"So what, sorry, although I know that there are some places where the welcome etiquette is for girls to greet them with naked back, and VIPs step on the girls' backs, but this is the first time that we see the welcome etiquette of stepping on the chest of a big man. "Little Will took a step and walked off the middle-aged man. He suddenly felt a slight heat under his feet. No wonder he felt very hot in the air just now, but he didn't feel much under his feet. It turned out to be the meat pad.

Little Ville walked away, but the thin middle-aged man did not get up and continued to lie down. He said weakly, "Man, do you want information from the Flame Mountain in 800 miles? Just a glass of water and a meal will do. I have been for several days. Nothing to eat, it's really..."

The weak middle-aged man at the moment of the appraisal of Xiaoweier is a first-order great warrior. This kind of strength is not too strong, and he should still be able to mix up outside. How could he be so embarrassed.

Little Weier knew that the so-called intelligence of this middle-aged man was definitely not the intelligence on the stone tablet outside, but the real intelligence of the 800-mile Flame Mountain. This kind of intelligence is really only known by people who come here.

A glass of water is really not much for a meal. The middle-aged man sips water. The fresh water of Xiaoweier is also a high-end product, with a trace of magic. It has a slight repairing effect on the body for a long time. After all, it is a young tree of life. Taken from the spring next to the roots.

He didn't move fast, he didn't eat much, and he ate a lot of meat. Although his eyes were always on the fruit, he only ate a little.

With a thin body and a big belly, the middle-aged man embarrassedly explained: "I have been here for more than ten years. In recent years, this is the only full meal I have eaten."

The middle-aged man briefly introduced the situation of the 800-mile Flaming Mountain. In fact, the location where Little Ville and the others are now is a safe zone. The so-called safe zone refers to the initial place of each checkpoint, which can be used for rest and recovery. , It can be used for the rest of the loser, the place is not too big and only a dozen li, because it is the first pass, there are very few people and Yalong here, there are only less than ten people, three-headed Yalong.

The middle-aged man did not talk about his great achievements when he was young. After all, anyone who can get the order of the dragon has merits. The reason why he fell to this position is mostly because of his entourage and also his younger brother. The little guy who is only capable of being an intermediate fighter.

His younger brother has injuries and is not strong in all aspects, but he can't bear to abandon his younger brother to go through the barriers alone. The resources in this area are very scarce, and the things to eat and drink are limited. He needs to hit 800 miles of Huoyan Mountain again and again. Resources to support the family.

The medicine ran out, and the injuries on his body continued to accumulate and could not be treated. His hunting became weaker and weaker. This time he finally failed and returned. He didn't dare to go back to face his younger brother's disappointed eyes, so he could only lie here quietly and wait for death. , He couldn't imagine what would happen to his brother in the future.

Fighting is prohibited in the safety zone of the first three levels, but even if he doesn’t fight, it’s difficult to survive with his younger brother’s ability. He decided to take his younger brother on the road to go against the dragon, in order to improve his younger brother’s aptitude. Humble down, the result...

"Eight Baili Flaming Mountain has eight hundred miles, and there are eight paths. The situation is similar. The entrance is not far away. People who enter will be randomly assigned to different exits. Each group will pass through the barrier separately. Different groups If the eight paths are not full, it is impossible to get together, and you will break through the barriers separately."

"Although the Flame Mountain is called a mountain, there are actually more than mountains. The Flame River, the Valley of Flames, and the Gobi Desert, the most terrifying is the Blazing Swamp." Speaking of the Blazing Swamp, the middle-aged man showed a look of astonishment on his face.

"You are very young, but your strength doesn't look like Tier 1. Tell you a little secret that is not a secret. The Flaming Mountain bans the air, or limits the strength of those who can not fly. You can only move forward one step at a time if you can't fly. There are countless flame monsters here, most of which are not leveled. Every day there are guarded monsters on the road, most of them are first-tier, and the guarded monsters of the Blazing Marsh are the only second-tier monsters." The middle-aged man said frankly, himself It was only when he was severely wounded by the tail of the beast of Blazing Swamp, that he fell to the present level.

"It would be much better to have space and equipment with enough resources. Eight hundred miles of Flame Mountain is rich in mineral resources. It's a pity that I am neither a wizard nor a forge, otherwise I wouldn't be so miserable."

"Eight Baili Flame Mountain has a wide variety of beasts, most of them are fire-attribute beasts. Among them, the most troublesome is not necessarily those of advanced beasts, but the groups of beasts, such as flame bats, which have huge self-destructive power. And it’s hard to deal with a large number of fiends without fear of death."

The middle-aged man talked a lot, and no one came to bother him at this time. Ville, Lilith, and Gino listened quietly. Finally, when he was tired, the middle-aged man fell asleep and slept very deeply.

Ville poured a bottle of alchemy potion into his mouth, Lilith casually performed two magic arts, Gino left a piece of armor, a machete, and the flaming stone table was full of food.

They left and went straight to the Flame Mountain of eight hundred miles. The middle-aged man turned his back to them, tears from the corner of his eyes flowed down but said nothing, his hands tightly clutching the animal skin shirt on his chest.

Regret it?

He regrets coming here with his younger brother, but does not regret staying with his younger brother to live a hard life. For him, the Flame Mountain of Eight Hundred Miles is not an easy level for him to pass, but if he is lucky, grit his teeth or rush It can pass, but the premise is to give up the younger brother and go alone.

Familiar footsteps sounded, accompanied by a familiar voice, "Enough, you have done enough, this loser gathering area does not need people like you!"

The middle-aged man turned over and sat up, and threw a piece of meat on the flat rock over: "My stupid brother, do you really think I stayed for you? It's a big mistake. The only reason I stayed is One, I don’t have the confidence to pass the second level. Rather than continue to be abused in the second level, I’d better be a strong man in the first level. In other words, why are you willing to get out of your casting hut? Is the ore not enough? Or did you take the food I left to feed those kittens and puppies, and you didn’t eat it?"

He has no talent for casting, and his younger brother is not strong enough, but he is still willing to help him lighten the burden. But his talent is half a catty to his own. It is not easy to survive in this place. He took the failed Yalong Monster to cultivate land and grow food, but even I don’t have enough to feed myself, and I have to take extra rations for those Yalong I’m just here to see if you are dead. If you die, I will help you collect the corpse by the way. "Then I will accompany you to leave this world. Without you, I can't survive. The only driving force that supports me to live is your existence, my brother, and my hero.

"Hahahaha, how could I die, did the two fools see it? My brother can earn a lot of food by just flicking a few words." The middle-aged man suddenly found that his injury had healed seven or eighty-eight. Even the old wounds have been reduced by more than half, and they can't help but feel a little shocked. They may be worse than they thought.

Good luck to you, I am a loser destined to only look up to you, but it is a good thing to be able to live with my brother in this place. After the family is destroyed, I will have no other relatives except my brother, and losers can also have good Isn't it the destination?

"Let’s go back to our loser’s center. These foods will save your cats, cats and dogs a few more days." The middle-aged man was a little uncoordinated when he wore the armor on his body. He was too thin, but the scimitar was extremely sharp, and the flaming stone was severed by him, and his eyes could not help but flash.

Hunting will be much easier in the future.

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