The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 966: Peaceful Loser Village

"New friends, welcome to the road of the brave, the third level of the road to the dragon. This is the home of the losers and the gathering place for the dragonborn losers." As soon as Ville, Lilith, and Gino landed, they faced each other. Someone welcomed him, a sturdy man with a **** and bare feet, with a bunch of fruits in his hand, a full-fledged civic image.

But this farmer’s strength is not bad, a Tier 1 warrior, and a very senior one, with a trace of silver dragon aura on his body, long hair of gold and silver dangled casually, and the animal skins on his body are made of ordinary materials. , But the craftsmanship is not bad, there is a hint of elven style in it.

Ville and Lilith glanced away and found that a village had formed here, with houses and pavilions appearing in patches. It was not a castle but a village, but the layout was rather exquisite. The houses were also very graceful and generous, and the surrounding area was a piece of land. There are still many people working in the farmland, which is not as difficult as the first and second levels.

But when I feel the breath here, I understand that the first pass is backed by the 800-mile Flame Mountain. The climate is so hot and there is no spring water. It is a dead place at all. The second pass has plenty of water resources, but the climate is too cold and cold. The mortal life is not suitable for planting. If you want to hunt, you must go desperately. However, the second level of the monsters is in groups, and the strength is too much stronger than the residents.

The climate in this third safety zone is suitable for planting. Ville and Lilith also saw a well, the farmland is neat and tidy, and there are tracts of fruit orchards. The fruit is rich, it is a paradise.

On the one hand is the difficult road of three thousand miles to the brave, and on the other is the leisurely and comfortable country life. This should be regarded as a kind of test, right?

After experiencing hardships and torments again and again on the Road of the Three Thousand Miles of Heroes, and then feel the leisurely and comfortable life here, how many people can still pluck up the courage to move forward? There seems to be a lot of things to test in this level. Human laziness is difficult to overcome. What about dragon laziness?

The inertia of the giant dragon clan is a hundred times stronger than that of the human clan, and the sharpness of these half-dragons with the blood of the dragon clan can no longer be seen.

"In Lower Vill Star Mountain, the official wizard." Little Vill used a more general introduction. First-level wizards are official wizards, second-level wizards are also official wizards, and third-level wizards are official wizards, so this is nothing wrong. The man on the opposite side also reacted instantly. This young boy who looked at the young man was definitely not as simple as a first-level wizard.

"This is my fiancée, Lilith Kendall. This is a follower. The name doesn't need to be introduced, it doesn't matter anyway." Little Will casually perfunctory, let Gino Billy Dorag a black thread.

There is only one thought in my mind that keeps turning around, I just follow A, I just follow A, I am not important at all.

The farmer man couldn’t help laughing: “The little brother is very interesting. It’s fate to see in detail. It’s been a long time since no new people joined here. My wife and I joined late. To say that it may be a little frustrating, welcome to the loser. Home, if you fail to pass the level, please join us at any time. There is no resistance to the losers. We still have enough space to accommodate people of the same blood."

Facing the hand outstretched by Ville, the farmer man took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hand with the handkerchief embroidered with a giant dragon. Then he shook hands with him. His movements were very natural and not artificial, although there was nothing so called. Aristocratic, but it gives people a very particular feeling: "My name is Carter, a half-dragon warrior."

"Seeing a few, I always feel a little cordial. If you don't mind, you can go to my house to do it. My wife's craftsmanship is still very good. In this area, the culinary skills and silk embroidery are top-notch." The farmer man's face showed up here. A bright smile: "Quietly tell you a little secret, my wife is everyone's son, we eloped here."

The farmer man also blinked at Ville and Lilith, as if he could see the shadow of his past from them.

Gino Billy Dorag had a black thread, and Ville laughed loudly, while Lilith casually twisted his waist, making the farmer man laugh loudly. This little couple is very interesting. , I was more courageous than him when I first came back, so I just said that this was my wife.

Farmer Carter led three people to the village slowly, and while doing it, he introduced the surrounding environment, what crops were grown on which plot, what the yield was, which plot of fruit trees were the best, what seeds and fertilizers were used , The well in that place tastes the best and cleanest.

"Oh, there is a newcomer in the village? It was picked up by Brother Carter. Your luck is really good." A young guy was working in the field and couldn't help but say hello when he saw Carter and the others.

"The people who drove the road to the dragon are all of the same blood. If you can help, you can help. Although it may be a bit of a morale to say, they are also the back members of the village." Carter greeted him with a smile. .

"Like you, Brother Carter thirty years ago? Hey, Brother Carter clamored to break through nine levels and build a big palace for his sister-in-law in the depths of Long Island." The young guy didn't seem young. Although he only had the strength of a high-level fighter, he knew everything about Carter thirty years ago. Sure enough, the youth of the bloodline can't just look at the appearance.

"Haha, people are not frivolous and juvenile, aren't they too young at that time? But now it's pretty good, everyone is living a plain life with kindness, but your sister-in-law often misses home." Carter laughed. In response, there was no embarrassment at all.

"My **** is badly worn, and I have to trouble Brother Carter for repairing it later. Our plow is also broken. Brother Carter uses more snacks." The young guy waved his hand and continued to work.

Ka Fei nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, anyway, your father is a good hand in mining, come back and bring two better ore, I will give you the whole.

While talking while walking, Carter didn’t mean to stop at all. At the same time, he smiled to Vill and Lilith and said, “In addition to farming, I usually help everyone build a little tool or something. It’s not too powerful. You can reach it in front of you. The side of the official alchemy foundry, mainly because the ore resources here are relatively rich, and you can find a lot of ore on any road to the brave."

"Oh, by the way, you may not be aware of the situation of the Road of the Brave. Let me tell you briefly. The Road of the Brave is not as many as the 800-mile Flame Mountain and Thousand-mile Icefield. There are only three. The entrance is the Gobi Desert and Deserts, hills, then there is a high mountain, behind it is a sea."

"The hills have the smallest linearity and the least minerals, but they are rich in plant and fruit trees. The Gobi Desert and desert are more dangerous, and the mining industry is rich. There are monsters in the three places, and the difficulty of hunting is different. High mountains are relatively safe places. , There is a huge hiking trail. Without any monsters, it is very difficult to walk. It is impossible to climb to the top without sufficient physical strength and perseverance."

"High mountains are a complete test of physical training. There is no way to collect resources, but it is indeed the only way to the sea. If you want to collect sea salt, you must cross the mountains." Carter said with a slight sigh, "People in the village who can collect salt. There are only those three or four. This process is very dangerous. If it weren't for the lack of salt, we wouldn't risk it."

People kept saying hello to Carter along the Obviously this silver dragon bloodline warrior is very popular, and at the same time, Ville and Lilith also know that he is one of the few people who can pick salt.

"Haha, it doesn't matter what the road to the hero is. It doesn't matter if you can't be with your wife. What's the point of passing the customs? I won't do it as a lord of an island." Carter's very bold attitude made Ville, Lilith, and Gino right. His senses have improved a lot.

"The little man bound by a woman." Jino curled his lips in disdain, but there was nothing more. After all, everyone has their own ambitions.

At the entrance of the village, there were three or five old people sitting in the sun and chatting. They saw Carter casually greeted them, but ignored Ville and the others and treated them as air. Carter explained with a smile, "They are all in the village." Don’t look at them like this. They’re actually powerful advanced players. Once they break out, they’re pretty powerful, but they won’t last forever."

Carter's home is on the outskirts of the village. After all, it is a latecomer. A courtyard covering an area of ​​two acres is open. Carter yelled: "My wife, I'm back. Three guests are here today. Prepare more food."

There was a response from the back house, and the expression on Gino's face instantly froze.

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