The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 968: 10-foot profiteer

"Don't overdo the two. The descendants of my Dragon Spirit family in the village account for at least 30%. Although the two are strong, it is not easy to win with less under the rules." The beautiful woman hurriedly helped Carter up, the latter Lilith had a lot of joints removed, and she almost couldn't stand firmly.

   These words let Gino know what Carly's many uncles mean. Is it really easy for the family to get the Dragon Token? The family has given so much resources to let you live and work here in peace and contentment?

   Have you guys completely forgotten the ultimate goal of the family's thousands of years of hard work?

You must know that this time you can enter the road to the dragon, the price you have paid is very, very huge, enough to be called a muscle and bone, and this is caused by your group of **** not doing things badly, and there has been no results. Otherwise, how could the patriarch be desperate.

Little Ville waved his hand: "No matter, we have no intention of being an enemy of you, a group of unmotivated losers. This is just a fleeting small node in our lives. We are just passing passengers in your lives. , Don’t need to be involved too much. Gino, we will enter the road of the brave before dark. As for how to choose, it’s up to you."

Ville and Lilith turned and left. The little girl named Carly ran over, hitting Ville’s calf with a kick, but he gently avoided it, turned her head and gave her a crash, and then laughed. He left, and Lilith looked a little weird next to her.

The Carters abandoned Connie and escaped into the path of the dragon. Lilith can probably guess their thoughts. The Dragon Spirit family has been looking for a way to become a druid of the dragon. Among them, they entered the dragon through the first three levels of the path of the dragon. Island is a very crucial plan. If they can really enter Longdao through the first three levels, it is impossible for the Dragon Spirit family to deny their relationship and even treat Carter as a guest.

The reason why they did not wait for Connie is also very good. Connie is too young to survive on the road to the dragon, and an order of the dragon can only allow two people to enter here, and the Carters can only choose to give Connie to Liz, they drove a more dangerous road against the dragon on their own.

It’s just that they still underestimated the difficulty of the road to the dragon. The first level and the second level must have been very difficult with their strength at the time, and the third level is estimated to be difficult for the two of them to pass even now, and here The comfortable environment has also severely consumed their fighting spirit, and after losing their spirit, it is even more impossible to pass the road of the brave.

In addition to the high physical requirements of this level, mental perseverance is also indispensable, unless your strength is really strong, beyond the scope of this test, such as the upgrade powerhouse such as Xiaowei, Lilith, Nilong The first three levels of the road didn't test much meaning at all, it was purely to give them experience and benefit.

Little Ville and Lilith left the village swaggeringly, and chatted with a few old men at the entrance of the village. They exchanged some local products from them. They only paid a few packets of salt. This business made Lilith want to fight. people.

"Things are precious. They want to get salt, they have to take the road of the brave, three thousand miles of Gobi desert hills, three thousand meters of high mountains, and then go to the sea to extract salt by themselves. The risks are so great. Compared to life and risk, this little thing is nothing, I am doing good deeds." Little Will did it with confidence, and the old people also gave a thumbs up to Little Will, praising him for the fair price.

Xiaowei took the opportunity to put up an advertisement. Before sunset, he could go outside the entrance to the barrier to trade with him. There are many things he brought from the outside world. There is not too much salt, spices, fruits, vegetables, grain seeds, etc., even silk and satin. There are also a lot of things, anyway, he has a seven-story holy tower, which is very convenient for the deployment of various resources.

   In Carter's home, the cook became Carter. Gino held the cheeky little girl Carly who was eating, and told his sister some outside information.

  Although she doesn't say everything, some things only talk about the result but not the process, which makes the beautiful woman beautiful. The little girl uses food to comfort her mother from time to time. She seems very clever and sensible, although she doesn't understand much by herself.

"You mean, Connie is not a plaything given to Paladin Wright by the family, but the wife of the Paladin. The girl Lilith just now is Connie's daughter?" The beautiful woman was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears. .

Gino nodded slightly: "The Kendall family is a new family with a strong foundation but unstable. Connie is indeed the wife of the Wright Paladin. Lilith is also Connie’s daughter and the only daughter. But they treat your couple and us. The Dragon Spirit family is very indifferent, and never said that my uncle, grandfather, was taken seriously. Connie lived very well on the Elf Island, but rarely interacted with the family."

I briefly introduced the Land of Sunshine. The beautiful woman who listened had grown up with her mouth, and Carter, who was cooking, listened a lot with his ears upright, and almost cooked the food several times. The legend of this territory is too strong, right? , Originally thought that the Kendall family was already strong enough, who knew there was a stronger Star Mountain family.

   Well, the Star Mountain family is already very powerful, it should be the more legendary Declan family.

"Brother, what do you mean is that the young man, formerly known as Will Declan, became a holy master in less than twenty years, and he can fight against the half-length sacrificial rites of the elves for hundreds of rounds? Lilith It's my granddaughter. Her strength is not lower than that of the young saint-level master, and she also fought against that demigod, and there is a third such evildoer?

   "And above them there is an eighteen-year-old demigod girl, is she still a **** reincarnated?"

   What kind of family is this? The weakest is actually the boy's mother, the second-level wizard mage, a demigod daughter, and all the other holy masters.

  The beautiful woman think about herself, and compare it with the half-elf named Mojiesi. The difference is not so big in the ordinary sense.

Her husband is a Tier 3 blood clan, her father is a powerful astrologer of a holy wizard, her mother is a Tier 3 elf mage, a star elf patriarch, and his son is an invincible and versatile holy master alchemist and potion master of the same level. The daughter-in-law is himself. His granddaughter is also a Saint-level invincible master of vindictive witchcraft double cultivation, and her daughter is a demigod.

   In addition to these, she also has an admirer, the Lord of the Rose Jasmine Paladin is very obsessed with her, and even for her unmarried, such a girlfriend wants one herself.

   And what shocked her the most was that the young man was actually the dragon druid, and the family had worked hard for thousands of years without accomplishing the dragon druid.

"It is very fortuitous that the young man can become a dragon druid. His blood is dominated by the elves. His grandmother is the patriarch of the star elves. The blood of the elves is quite rich. He swallowed the integrity of a black dragon in the First World War. Bloodline and Dragon Crystal, this has created the identity of the Dragon Gino said slightly bitterly: "If you want to plant flowers, you can’t bloom, and if you don’t want to plant willows and willows, they are better than us. Thousands of years of hard work are to succeed, and he never takes the dragon druid as his advantage. His magic swordsmanship can even make the demigods of the Elf Temple jealous. "

"By the way, I will tell you a secret. I hope you can keep it as much as possible." Gino suddenly lowered his voice: "This young man is a blessed one. He has a seven-story holy tower and can exchange materials with the outside world. In a little time, make a list of the bulk materials you need, and I will help you send it back. But this is not free. You should prepare more good things such as magic stones and high-grade ores. He even dares to pit giant dragons. Profiteer."

At this moment, the profiteers in their mouths placed a long list of goods outside the entrance to the Road of the Brave. There are countless living supplies, and various tools, all the works of alchemists, for the villagers of these losers’ villages. Brought a lot of shock.

   How could this kid bring something to break through the level? Did he plan from the beginning to build a village by himself if he fails?

   A large number of good things fall into the hands of Little Weier, and most of them give priority to salt in exchange.

   High-grade ore is exchanged for table salt, but one catty of high-grade ore is exchanged for one catty of salt? Can you believe this?

   The salt outside was purchased with copper and silver coins, and the trading unit of high-grade ore was magic stone, and it was still medium grade magic stone. The price difference was impossible to calculate.

   a profiteer, a complete profiteer!

   But the business with the biggest price difference is the most prosperous business. If the quality of the ore is poor, Will will not accept it, unless the discount is larger.

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