The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 976: The magical golden dragon blessing

"Congratulations to your child, for being here with such a poor bloodline and low strength, you are so lucky, luck is also an elusive help, and lucky children can be successful is also worthy of praise." Jin Long's eyes also carried Kindness, but not too happy.

"You are a smart child. Although you are shackled on your body, you still maintain the kindness and feelings in your heart. Human feelings are so complicated and beautiful. I hope you will always maintain this innocence. Child, between yours Performance, I can’t give you too high a rating. You can only barely pass.” Jinlong is kind and fair. After all, Gino came here. Although there are too many Weier’s handwriting in the middle, the result is It's already out.

  Golden Dragons are fair, but they don’t know how to adapt. They then adhere to principles and make their own judgments.

   Gino's strength is not enough to pass the level, but he knows how to advance and retreat, and he is obedient and has a kind heart at the same time. This is the reason why Golden Dragon Lolita let him pass the level, although the evaluation given is only barely passing the level.

   Golden Dragon's evaluation is related to their future treatment. If Golden Dragon fails to pass the evaluation, they will be deported instead of sent to Dragon Island even if they pass customs. This is the rule even if it is outside.

   But Gino's performance is not enough to impress the Golden Dragon Lolita, so don't think about blessings or anything, and there will be no additional rewards.

"Children, next is the time to choose your destiny. Here you have three choices. First, return to the Wizard Islands, second, enter Dragon Island, and third, continue to break through the barriers. One person cannot set foot on two roads at the same time. , This choice will affect your life." Golden Dragon Lolita's expression is extremely serious, but her eyes fell on Little Will and Lilith. Gino's pure make up can be ignored.

The first choice was Gino. He generously embraced Little Will. "I can’t say thank you. Although in your opinion this is just a deal, it is a change for the Dragon Spirit family. The turning point of destiny, I can't accompany you on the next road, and I also have my own responsibility and my own path, although I am just a burden by your side."

Ville patted him on the shoulder and joked, "I am very happy to see you leave. After all, with you by your side, many of my ideas really can’t be implemented. You are not only holding back, you are also very crispy, for me The 100% task completion rate will not be broken. Do you know how much extra effort I need to put in?"

Gino's face suddenly became bitter, but he still gave him a thumbs up: "The legendary mercenary is a legendary mercenary, kid, good luck, and I have to bring out Lily completely, although she does not want to recognize it. Me, but she is my sister's granddaughter after all, and this will never change."

   Little Will slapped Gino's hand and said faintly: "My wife doesn't need you to worry about it. She is stronger, smarter, and stronger than you think."

Gino Billy Dorag gave a deep salute to Little Will, and then walked to the Golden Dragon and said respectfully: "The great Golden Dragon powerhouse, in Xia Gino Billy Dorag is willing to join Long Dao and become Long Dao. A member of ."

Golden Dragon took a deep look at him and gave a response: "Although I know you have ulterior motives, I will still satisfy your wishes, and I hope you can succeed. The dragon is an open race, and the Yalong is also a member of the dragon clan. One, little guy, good luck to you."

In the last sentence, Lolita did not use talent and magic, but even the golden dragon demigod's subsequent blessing still made Gino shine with a ray of good luck, and the light under Gino's feet flickered, a teleportation moment As it took shape, his figure quickly disappeared.

On a remote island inhabited by half-dragons on the outskirts of Long Island, a loud bang in a remote water pool, a man fell from the sky, and then a shrill scream of young girls attracted a group of half-dragon girls, who were tied up. Gino, who was still on the ground, stupidly did not react, his wet body was very embarrassed, but the appearance of the elves did not arouse much disgust.

   Is this good luck? Is this the blessing of Golden Dragon? Jino feels that his lucky points may have been used up on the road to the dragon, otherwise how could he...

This is how the life of the Dragon Island belonging to Gino began. This remote half-dragon island is really remote. It belongs to the outer periphery. The half-dragons living here cannot even form a medium-sized tribe. People who enter the hierarchy are the only ones who are inferior. Countless, maybe this is the most suitable for Gino.

I saw the beginning of Gino through the Golden Dragon's imaging technique. Weier smiled with a stomachache, but Lilith had a black line. Then don't take a deep look at Weier. The latter immediately reacted and began to condemn Jinuo's bad intentions. , And reiterated his deep love for Lilith.

I have to say that the golden dragon’s blessing is very powerful even if it is only a trace, especially for the weak. Gino’s purpose is to find a female half-dragon who is willing to combine with him to give birth to the dragon druid. After Lolita’s blessing, He directly embarked on a peach blossom journey, what is this not fulfilled?

   Feeling the weird look from Lilith, what else can Ville do?

Explanation? Hehe, explanation is to cover up, and I haven't done anything wrong, why do I need to explain, so the best way is to change the subject.

   "As a passer who passes the test perfectly, are there any special treatments?" Xiaowei opened his mouth to get the benefits, but Golden Dragon did not immediately refuse, but curiously asked, "What kind of special treatments do you want?"

"For example, you can leave the road of the dragon temporarily, go home and reunite for a day or two, and then come back and continue to break through the barriers. After all, I have been away from home for several months, and I miss my family a little bit." Xiao Weier's words are true, not completely transfer The topic, but what he really thinks now.

The road to surpassing the dragon is a matter that has already been decided. Before true, false, false, true, and true, he used a lot of small tricks, played a lot of confusing tricks, and asked many people for help, which made people unable to figure out his way. Count, but most people believe that he will break through the level in half a year or more, and the pirate **** who believes that he will break through the level in advance has died.

   I am afraid that the demigod will continue to monitor the entrance of the road to the dragon, and it will not affect him. After all, they have already entered and passed the first three levels.

There are Snowwood World and the Seven-Story Holy Pagoda, and many news about Guai Liluo and Xiao Weiya can be delivered in time. Everything is well in the Sunshine Land. Xiao Weiya occasionally makes public appearances with the Jasmine Paladin who pretends to be herself. Morale, there is no pressure on Jasmine Paladin to do this kind of work.

The paladin’s aura and strength are true. She doesn’t reject her close contact with Xiao Weiya. She is even a little bit overly enthusiastic. It makes Xiao Weiya feel a little uncomfortable. This **** knight also doesn’t have a beauty like Xiao Weiya. Resistance, she often fantasizes about taking Xiao Weiya and Mojiesi into her arms together, but it is a pity that Xiao Weiya is too strong, she can't suppress it at all, and can only lament her bad luck.

Through the world of Snowwood, Xiao Weiya has passed on her feelings of longing many times, but she reported the good and not the worry. She only said that everything was good, so that Xiaowei could pass through the barriers at ease. Xiao Weiya is not a general generation, and she passed through the world of Snowwood. Growing up at a high speed, she can clearly feel the improvement of her brother's strength, so she can sit still, otherwise, with her brother controlling the late situation, how could she tolerate not seeing her brother for a long time.

Little Ville’s wish is very good, but unfortunately it is destined to be impossible. "Rules are rules. Some rules have room for manipulation, and some rules are unchangeable. Before the sixth level, you can’t leave the road to the dragon at will. Once you leave, you can’t. Come in again."

  Ville and Lilith looked at each other. The implication is that you can enter repeatedly after passing the sixth level?

Golden Dragon Lolita gave an affirmative answer to this question, "After the sixth level, every level is critical. You can freely enter and exit the square. At that time, the Dragon Order in your hand will be with the outside world and come back. It’s the best proof, and you don’t need to go through the entrance at all when you come back.

After answering one question from Littleville in a Dragon Lolita ended this assessment, "This is the end of the reward for you, boys, I hope you can move forward bravely. I am waiting in front of you. you guys!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the Golden Dragon Lolita disappeared, and Ville and Lilith also glowed with a faint golden light, and they were randomly teleported to the fourth level receiving square.

In the magic tower of Blind Spot, Mojiesi, who took the time to exercise and found her father, although her son sent a letter stating that everything was okay, Mojiesi, as a mother, was still a little worried. She is more willing to believe in her father's divination than her son reporting the good or not.

As a third-order holy wizard, Rhein Starshan’s astrology has been further improved, coupled with the blood relationship with Xiaoweier, even if he is in a different space, he can fortune some information, but this result makes him a little bit Some doubts.

  "Ville is very good now, better than ever. However, after so long, there has been a female disaster?" The wizard of Star Mountain is very puzzled, what woman can make Weier accompanied by Lilith have a female disaster?

My dear grandson, it’s not that grandpa doesn’t help you, but that grandpa is really just an astrologer, not a **** of fate. He can’t change your destiny. You can only see a little shadow. Since you have the ability to provoke girls, you have to Have the ability to solve problems.

   May the goddess bless, I hope you will not be beaten by Lilith!

How Lilith's mood was, the wizard of Star Mountain didn't know, but her granddaughter Xiao Weiya was in a bad mood. He really felt it. Even the gentle Liya absent-mindedly added two spoonfuls of salt while cooking. The old face is stiff, but he can only bite the bullet and eat.

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