"Nagato Yuki: Wait a minute."

"Nagato Yuki: Alright."


Wow! So fast! impressive!

Da Meng God is too strong!

Before Ye You came back to his senses, he had already recovered successfully.

In comparison, the "Laplace Demon" in the chat room is simply trash.

Ye You stared at the information from Dameng God.

The information flowed into Ye You's head in one breath, and he fell into a slightly excited state. You can feel your heart beating faster.

"A certain day in 2019. Oya Private Clinic, basement. Oyayan summons what appears to be alien lifeforms. The method of summoning is unknown. 』

"On December 23, 2019, Oyayan died violently due to insanity. When the family was sorting out the relics, they found an abnormality in the basement. After calling the police, the relevant departments intervened. Samples were distributed to countries for study. 』

"On January 3, 2020, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the United States took the lead in discovering a substance that can rapidly transcribe genes, and named it DevilVirus. 』


According to common sense, this refers to the gastroenterovirus.

If Ye You remembered correctly, the name of the gastrula virus should be "Gastrea".

Why is it not directly passed down to the world in the name of "DevilVirus"? Instead, it will now be called a gastroenterovirus?

Since researchers will call it that, they must have found something.

"On January 5, 2020, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was destroyed. The first gastrulations broke out in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, USA. 』

Anomalies were discovered on January 3, and gastroenterology broke out on January 5?

What happened in the past two days, you don't need to think about it to know. It is nothing more than using animals to do experiments and injecting viruses into animals. As a result, an unimaginable mutation occurred. All infections were gastrulations.

Ye You continued to look down, but there was a large gap in the middle, and the years that followed were very leaps and bounds.

"——On a certain day in 2021, Qixing Village was wiped out. 』

Then Ye You saw a familiar surname.

"In 2026, according to the manuscript of Satomi and his wife, the agency sent members to Qixing Village again, and found a cloud of gas in the basement of the original Oya private clinic. Transparent black, the composition is unknown. Speculation may be self-aware, but does not show any intelligence. 』

Next is the recording of some experimental data, as well as video recordings.

Ye You clicked on the folder with the subscript "First Human Experimenter", and the time was marked "2020-3-5"

As soon as it was opened, the screen was completely black, and the breathing sound similar to that of a beast was heard. The broken sound of the film is very serious, and the picture often flashes through the harsh noise of rustling.

It appears this was shot with a handheld camera. The photographer's hand tremor is very serious, is it because of cowardice?

The progress bar advances, and the video becomes extremely clear——

The thing lying on the operating table is staring at the camera with an oddly fat right eye.

The whole body is wrapped in bandages, if it is not barely human-like, it is even difficult to judge what kind of creature it is.

The left shoulder is also huge, like the ugly atrophy of the left hand that has been deprived of nourishment.

A third foot emerged from the root of the right leg, and the sternum swelled considerably. But the most serious thing is the face. The bright red right eye bulged and pressed the left eye and nose and other organs, and the exposed yellow teeth were dripping with saliva, staining the sheets on the operating table wet.

There are a lot of tubes in the limbs, eyeballs, X organs, etc., and the wiring of the operating table is like a spaghetti.

'This is......'

Soon the Aldi documentation gave the answer - the zodiac!

"...humanity finally pays the price for its greed"

At the end of the video, after such a sentence came out, it stopped abruptly.

Ye You probably understood the cause and effect of the appearance of gastrula.

At first, it was because a mad doctor in a small clinic summoned alien lifeforms. After he died in a frenzy, samples of alien lifeforms were sent to various countries. This is also the reason for the simultaneous outbreak of gastrula in the world.

At that time, it was still barely able to resist the attack of the original intestinal animals, but due to the greed of some people for the powerful power of the gastrula virus, they carried out human experiments and implanted samples of the original alien life forms, and created The "Zodiac" that destroys the world.

Shaye didn't know what was going on, and in 2026 he reappeared in the basement.

Learned from Zhige's mouth, and gained consciousness in 2028.

Chapter 519 Xue Nai wants to open the subspace

Exiting the chat room, Ye You stared at the wriggling black mist.

Saya is not the alien lifeform originally summoned by Oryayan.

And it seems to be born out of thin air?

The emergence of consciousness came after contact with Zhige. The researchers here can see from the restored video that the three zodiacs passing by were all wiped out.

It is absolutely no coincidence that the three "zodiac" appear here at the same time.

Zhige, who did not get the "Aldi Document", was probably abandoned by her mother.

But since she knows such a secret thing, who is Zhige's mother?

Ye You didn't intend to delve into these issues.

He raised his head and asked Shaye, "Do you want to get out of here?"

"Leave...wanted. But...can't...leave...altar..."


Under the squirming transparent black mist, it should have been a test bench. At this moment, it has been transformed into a stone slab, like a step built by an ancient tribe.

"In other words, just take the altar away."

Zhige shook his head, "The altar is connected to the temple, which is the entire basement."

Ye You looked around and saw that the entire basement was quite wide, about the size of two basketball courts.

"Let me try."

Imaginary branches stretched out, from the cracks in the wall, deep into the soil, and then peeled off the cement that was connected to the soil on the outside.

The branches spread out evenly, wrapping the entire periphery of the basement.


The soil on the ground broke open, and the branches of the Void stretched into the sky.

Then there was a rumbling sound, and Saya only felt the vibration under his feet, and then he felt like he was taking an elevator.

"That should be no problem."

Although Zhige can't see, but relying on the induction of sound waves, he can more clearly perceive what is happening at the moment.

The entire basement was dug up by unknown objects and carried into the air.

"Mr. Ye You...is this...you did it?"

Although Zhige had overestimated Ye You's strength as much as possible, he was still surprised by his performance at this moment.

Saya's voice was slightly excited: "Okay... it's out... Thank you..."

Ye You looked in the direction of the giant stone tablet and said, "Well, let's go to the outer area."

Then the Void Tree shone brightly, as if it had disappeared into the air, disappearing without a trace.

This is to use "replica" to simulate the surrounding environment, and the effect is similar to optical camouflage, which cannot be recognized by the naked eye.

After all, the goal of the temple is too big to be brought into the megalithic monument, so as to avoid unnecessary aftermath work.

Fly into New Tokyo from an altitude of 10,000 meters and land in the outer area.

There is a building under construction not far away, and the repair work will be completed tomorrow, so that children who live in the outer areas can live in.

"Shaye, how about placing your shrine next to that building?"

"Well... this is... the world of humans."

"You are in the room and can see outside?"

There are no windows in the basement. Even the doorway is blocked by high stairs. From the room, there is no window that can look outside.

"I can sense...about ten kilometers..."

"Eh~~ so powerful." Ye You couldn't help but smile.

The little white-haired Lolita hugged her arms with a confused look, "Mr. Ye You, I seem to have felt a bad breath from you just now?"

Ye You stood up straight, "Your illusion."

Then he asked the cloud that was constantly wriggling on the altar: "You can't leave the altar in your body, but can you separate a part to leave and control it?"


"How big is the range?"

"The limit is 10 kilometers, and the further the distance, the weaker the effect."

Ye You slammed the palm of his hand, isn't this coming! If you are really drowsy, you will send a pillow.

Saya can act as a security guard for the Initiator Academy.

From the records of "Aldi Documents", Saya's mist itself has a super corrosive effect. After testing, no objects on this planet that the fog cannot corrode have been found.

But the "zodiac" of gastrula stage five has not been tried.

Although Ye You didn't know what Saya was capable of, just throwing the mist out was enough.

Then, Ye You dug a pit beside the building and buried the temple.



Tier 5.

This is called the "Relic Area".

Outside the main block, the natural terrain is only about 30%, and the rest are all maze-like ruins. Unlike the previous horizontally-expanded floors, the longitudinal extension is characteristic of this floor. The labyrinth of ruins extending into the catacombs and below, the streets created by excavation to the ground, etc., are each as intricate as the underground labyrinth, and the lighting is extremely dim.

The buildings on the verge of collapse are made of blue-colored rocky building materials, and half of the megalithic statues are buried in the soil.

The main monster on this floor is the giant stone man monster.

Can't see what energy is driving it, it's just like a magical creature.

But Aincrad, who cut off the two sacred trees, has almost disappeared from magic, so it is probably not driven by magic.

when! when! when!

The bullet fired from the muzzle was deflected by the stone giant's solid armor.

Yukinoshita held the pistol and stared calmly ahead. There was an ice-blue light in his pupils, and it seemed that there were complex geometric shapes that were constantly changing.

At this moment, her brain is calculating various complex parameters such as ballistics, power, and the action mode of the stone giant at high speed.

boom! boom! boom!

The stone giant who was attacked, with his hands beating his chest, took a heavy step and ran towards the under the snow.

Yukinoshita looked at the three-meter-tall monster that was approaching, his face was calm and terrifying, without showing the slightest timidity.

Then, as if she had found a way to solve the problem, the icy blue luster in her eyes flashed quickly.

boom! boom!

Two consecutive shots aimed at the eyebrows, the bullets hit the same position one after another.

With a click, the high-speed rotating bullet penetrated, and the stone giant began to crack from his forehead, and then fell to the ground as if he had lost his kinetic energy, and the dust splashed up the girl's black hair.

"Oh, not bad." Lulum stuck her head out.

After Ye You left, she followed Xier and Yukinoshita.

Lulum watched Yukinoshita for a long time, and felt more and more that she was a piece of jade.

"Xue Nai-chan, do you want to try the Rubik's Cube transformation? It can give you a lot of space around you."

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