The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 138 Code Words Destroy a Life

Zhang Qianqin tried to drink the hot water, it was very hot, and after blowing it for a while, he took it to the room. When Zhang Hao saw her coming in, he put down his phone and was going to talk to Sister Qinqin about business.

"Come on Haohao, drink water first, it's not too hot anymore."

Zhang Qianqin immediately sat by the bed and handed the hot water to Zhang Hao.


Zhang Hao responded, and slowly drank a few sips of hot water under Sister Qinqin's distressed gaze. Zhang Hao noticed that Sister Qinqin looked at him as if she was more uncomfortable than him. Set the water aside...

Zhang Qianqin stared at Zhang Hao, who was sweating on his forehead, and his heart was about to break. She couldn't bear it any longer, and stretched out her arms to hug him, saying with great distress: "Sister, I beg you, get well soon, don't get sick again."


Zhang Hao, who was about to talk about business, was suddenly stunned. His head was resting on the dreams of countless men, and he couldn't react for a moment. It's over... his head is going to melt...

"This sister Qinqin... I will get well soon."

Zhang Hao rested on Sister Qinqin's Xiangxiang's soft body and couldn't remember it. It seems that he may have misunderstood it. A woman's breasts should be completely different from a man's penis, otherwise he really couldn't imagine being alone in normal times. What kind of mentality would put people on Tintin...

"If you are not well tomorrow, my sister will definitely die."

Zhang Qianqin hugged Zhang Hao tightly and took a deep breath.

Every time Haohao gets sick, she feels very uncomfortable. She still remembers that last year when she hid in the distance and peeked at Haohao, she saw him coughing continuously and couldn’t get close to him. I held him in my arms, but it was still hard.

"Sister Qinqin is not so exaggerated... You are a doctor, and you know that a cold is nothing."

Zhang Hao didn't even know what to say. Leaning on the warmest place in the world, his heart was naturally full of warmth. Although he was very reluctant, he still pushed Sister Qinqin away with great perseverance. If he continued like this, he would definitely be addicted to it. Sister Qinqin's body is unable to extricate herself, the power of the peerless weapon is really not covered!

"I'm really fine, isn't it normal to catch a cold once or twice a year?"

Zhang Hao can see the distress and reluctance on Sister Qinqin's face, and he is very moved. It is understandable to think about it in another way. Although he is reluctant to admit it, he is loved by Sister Qinqin as a younger brother and younger sister. , Sister Qinqin will definitely feel uneasy when she is sick, but she didn't expect the reaction to be so big. It seems that sister Qinqin is very serious, treating herself like a porcelain doll!

Zhang Qianqin gave a wry smile. As a doctor, she knew it was normal, but she just couldn't control the pain, discomfort and reluctance, so she brought the hot water and said softly: "Well, come on, drink more hot water, hot water is good for you. Cold really helps."


Zhang Hao took a few more sips of hot water, and then said to Sister Qinqin: "Sister Qinqin, I have something to ask you."

"What's up?"

Zhang Qianqin was taken aback for a moment, seeing Zhang Hao's hesitant to speak, her heart started beating wildly uncontrollably, could it be... Do you want to wipe your body? She suppressed her intentions, nodded immediately, and said: "Haohao, just say, no matter what kind of help, my sister will help!"

"Actually, I wrote a novel. This is because it is a very strange classification. In order to fit the theme, all the plots are a bit strange, but this is not the point. The point is that some editors are interested in it and want to sign it, and then I am underage..."

Zhang Hao didn't hide any more, and told the truth. I don't know why she felt that Sister Qinqin was a little disappointed, but this disappointment gradually turned into displeasure. Will sister Qinqin agree?

The facts were exactly as Zhang Hao had guessed, and Sister Qinqin immediately said no.

"No! Don't code words. Code words are tiring and hard, and the chances of making money are slim. How could my sister let you become a web writer? I will not agree."

Zhang Qianqin didn't wait for Zhang Hao to finish speaking and stopped him from continuing. She felt that her tone was a bit heavy, and then her expression eased. She stroked Zhang Hao's head and said softly: "Is it because Haohao lacks money? If it costs 500 a week If the block is not enough, my sister can give you 1,000 a week, 2,000 if 1,000 is not enough, and more if 2,000 is not enough. You must stop thinking about code words. If you are interested, you can write occasionally, but you don’t need to sign a contract. signed."

Without waiting for Zhang Hao to open his mouth, Zhang Qianqin said again: "My sister used to have a high school friend who wrote web articles, and I still know this circle well. After signing the contract, you have to complete a certain amount every day. It is really tiring. Even if you can make money My sister doesn't want you to code either."

"Codewriting ruins a life. Making money is a small matter and a big thing about your body. A writer of online literature stares at the computer code every day, and has a lot of physical problems. My sister's friend only earns 1,000 a month after four years of coding. Money is just a trivial matter. The most important thing is that her body has become very weak, she has a lot of cervical spondylosis and other diseases, her brain cells are not enough, and she is bald at a young age. Although your men will not be bald, it is still not enough. He was originally a promising person Now she is reduced to a woman who works in a factory and is bald early, and she has become like a kappa, you know?"

Sister Qinqin talked more and more, and kept persuading him. In short, what she meant was that it was okay to treat it as a hobby, like writing five or six hundred words in a few days, and absolutely not as a profession. All the words that are raised by her have been said! This is no ordinary scary younger brother! And it doesn't look like a joke, it's a bit abnormal!

"Sister Qinqin, how could I let you raise me! I have hands and feet."

Zhang Hao hastily interrupted Sister Qinqin's increasingly exaggerated words, feeling speechless. Later, Sister Qinqin actually hoped that it would be best for him not to work, and just let her take care of him!

Zhang Hao never thought that Sister Qinqin would not let him code. It seems that the dead end of codewriting is well known. I learned, I code very fast, I can write 2,000 words in an hour! I only need to write for an hour a day."


Zhang Qianqin hesitated for a moment, this is the second time Haohao asked her... The first time was when he was a child, please don't show up again... In a flash, she suddenly recalled bad memories, and always felt that the corners of her eyes were a little hot. And full of panic...

Zhang Hao originally wanted to pray to Sister Qinqin again, because he really didn't want to ask his father about it. His novels are definitely strange to his father, and seeing Sister Qinqin's reaction, his father would definitely not agree. , I feel that code words are not doing my job properly, and then who knows that sister Qinqin, who was super opposed just now, suddenly agrees again, women are really fickle...

"Okay, Haohao, you can do whatever you want, and my sister will give you your ID card and bank account later."

A ray of sadness inadvertently appeared on Zhang Qianqin's face, but it was fleeting, and asked: "But at least don't think about coding today, can you?"

"It's... alright."

Looking at the worry-filled beauty close at hand, Zhang Hao couldn't bear to refuse. Although he was sorry for the readers, he had no choice but to agree, anyway, as long as he could sign the contract.

"It turns out that Haohao can still write novels. What's the name? I want to be careful... Eh? What's the matter, mom?"

Zhang Qianqin smiled immediately, but before she finished speaking, she heard her mother calling her, and she walked out after answering.

(Sister Qinqin told me not to think about coding today! (〃'▽'〃))

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