The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 150 Who Taught You This?

Zhang Hao doesn't think about practicing boxing now, it's not that he's getting lazy, it's just that it's not suitable for practicing boxing here, and he doesn't want to go to the rooftop to blow the air. Anyway, he is very familiar with military boxing, and he can practice by himself when he goes back, no matter how busy he is now He spends at least two hours exercising every day.

And now he is not in the mood anymore, and Sanguan was bombarded by the few videos he recorded himself that Lin Yilong forced to show him, and he sat on the chair exhausted physically and mentally.

What barking like a dog, a Buddhist boy, and even a house dancer, which looks a bit like the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, Zhang Hao really felt deaf and blind for a moment, and wanted Lin Yilong to sing some normal songs.

"Brother Hao, what kind of song do you think is good?" Seeing that Zhang Hao was not satisfied, Lin Yilong seemed to be overwhelmed by the unpleasant sound, unable to bear the disappointment, and couldn't help asking.

"I think it's better to sing those songs... how should I say it, because the songs you chose are so cute, so cute that people ignore your music... Ugh... cough cough... the food in the cafeteria today is really disgusting... "

Zhang Hao opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it to him. As he talked, he remembered the scene of Lin Yilong deliberately showing off his cuteness and learning how to bark like a dog. He couldn't help but feel nauseous. It was too scary. Be like this! ! !

"Ahem, I'll help you find some suitable songs when I get home. You are not suitable for these songs. You are not open enough. You are obviously shy, but you are forced to be cute, which feels very awkward."

Zhang Hao coughed twice, clenched his fists against his chin, tried not to make Lin Yilong feel that he would be disgusted by him, then analyzed it objectively, and then asked Min Yuehua, who had been silent all the time, "Yuehua, are you right?" Bar?"

Min Yuehua didn't expect Zhang Hao to ask her suddenly, she didn't understand what it meant at all, but she nodded subconsciously, and said softly: "Zhang Hao is right."

"Maybe I really don't have talent. I didn't get many clicks on a video I posted before."

Lin Yilong smiled bitterly, deeply shocked, and he was not angry, because the truth is just like what Brother Hao said, as long as he thinks that these videos will be seen by a group of people, he can't let go, and his singing is always coy Pinch, really much worse.

"It's okay, you still sing very well, don't worry, I will help you choose a suitable song." Zhang Hao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

"That's up to you, but Brother Hao, don't you really want to be an Internet celebrity? Internet celebrities are very easy, unlike celebrities, you don't have to run around all day long, you just need to live broadcast casually at home every day, and occasionally shoot small videos , you can easily earn tens of thousands a month!"

Lin Yilong couldn't help persuading again, Brother Hao has such a good foundation, it's a pity not to be an Internet celebrity, even Lin Zhongzhong can become a rich Internet celebrity, so can he!

"Let's talk about it when we have time. I'm ready to test the waters, and I really want to be rich. It's not good to see my father leave early and return late every day..."

Zhang Hao didn't refuse as firmly as before this time, and asked casually: "Can we live broadcast with a mask?"

"Of course! Many people are still wearing masks to broadcast live!" Lin Yilong didn't expect Brother Hao to be interested suddenly, and immediately said excitedly.

Zhang Hao nodded slightly, then suddenly saw Min Yuehua take out a handful of money and handed it to him, his expression was startled, and he asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"Don't you want money?" Min Yuehua tilted his head and asked back.

Zhang Hao was speechless and moved when he heard the words. Seeing Min Yuehua handing out a lot of money to him without hesitation, he touched her head and said with a smile, "I want the money I earned, so put it back quickly."

He suddenly understood why Sister Qinqin always liked to touch his head, and now he also likes to touch Min Yuehua's head, the soft hair feels good to the touch, and the most important thing is that he is as pleasing as his obedient and well-behaved sister.

Min Yuehua said "Oh" and put the lump of money back into his pocket. Lin Yilong was very envious. He was sure that Min Yuehua also liked Brother Hao in all likelihood. Why did everyone like Brother Hao? Sure enough, the most important thing was his face! ?

He is so obedient, as if he is the master, he must like it. Brother Hao must have noticed that it is so obvious, but Lin Yilong does not want them to date. Min Yuehua has a strange personality, and even hits men! It's not the usual beating, the kind of beating the disabled directly. Even if you are obedient now, it can't explain anything. Which one is not like this when a girl is chasing a boy? He decided to remind Brother Hao in private...

Lin Yilong also knew that Zhang Hao was writing a novel and had to sign a contract. He didn't understand why Zhang Hao wrote such a strange novel, and he didn't understand why there were so many people reading it. Why do you have to work so hard to be a typewriter when you have a face to eat! So he persuaded Zhang Hao how easy it is to be an Internet celebrity, how fast the money comes, and so on.

After persuading him, he went to the side to study the piano, imagining whether he could play and sing by himself in the future, while Zhang Hao and Min Yuehua sat in the corner where they sat together yesterday, slowly accepting the baptism of the magic sound.

Zhang Hao didn't talk to Min Yuehua, but to the contract editor. She asked herself to fill out a form, and there was a contract. Just print it and send it out. Zhang Hao is going to go home and do it again. Sister Qinqin's There is a printer in the room.

After finishing all this, he turned his head to look at Min Yuehua who was quietly sitting next to him. She was sitting on the side before, but just now she stuck close to him.

Noticing Zhang Hao's gaze, she also turned her head, and stared at him without saying anything. Zhang Hao didn't speak, and wanted her to speak up, but she didn't take the initiative to speak up, but just talked to him quietly. See……

Looking at the face so close, Zhang Hao unexpectedly discovered that Min Yuehua didn't even have a single hair. He casually grabbed Min Yuehua's arm, pulled up his sleeves, and really found that this guy didn't even have a single hair!

Zhang Hao suddenly remembered that her legs were the same yesterday, they were clean, without a single hair, and they didn't look like they were shaved. It's really strange. Other women have fine hair even if they have less hair, but Min Yuehua doesn't have any. Fortunately, she With hair and eyebrows, it would be so weird otherwise.

Zhang Hao is not a pervert either, he did not research or ask her why she has no hairs, but asked: "Didn't you talk to Huang Yuanyuan much these two days?"

Zhang Hao had already noticed that Huang Yuanyuan hadn't said a word to Min Yuehua when he was eating just now. Thinking about it carefully, it wasn't just today, it had been like this before the incident of her beating happened.


Min Yuehua shook his head, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, "Zhang Hao, can I touch your hand?"


When Zhang Hao heard this, his pupils shrank, and he looked at Min Yuehua as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing that her face was expressionless, she didn't seem to be joking, and asked in surprise, "Who taught you this?"

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