The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 278 1 Thinking that I will die if I don't see you today!

After Lin Yilong talked for a while, he became a little incoherent, and began to lie on the bed, and Zhang Hao helped him take off his shoes and coat, and found that there was a layer of white wrapping on his chest inside his shirt, which was really coquettish outrageous……

Zhang Hao shook his head speechlessly, there was no surprise. Boys’ swimsuits used to be covered with breasts. Speaking of which, there are a bunch of them in his closet that he doesn’t want to face and don’t want to think about. long cloth...

Anyway, he was unwilling to wear that kind of thing, and he automatically forgot in his mind, and acted as if he hadn't seen anything. The future has always maintained the vacuum that people in this world say.

"Yuehua, do you have the urge to kiss Yilong now?"

Zhang Hao covered Lin Yilong who had closed his eyes with the quilt, then looked curiously at Min Yuehua who was obediently standing beside him.

It is said that women in this world are animals that think from the lower body, but now he wants to see if Min Yuehua is the same. Min Yuehua should tell the truth when he asks something.

Min Yuehua glanced at Lin Yilong when he heard Zhang Hao's words, and shook his head without any fluctuation in his heart.

"Really? No heartbeat at all?"

Zhang Hao is surprised, Lin Yilong is not bad looking now, he is a cute type, since women are like men now, how come Min Yuehua has no idea at all? She doesn't look like she is lying either.


Min Yuehua shook her head again, she really didn't want to kiss Lin Yilong, but she did want to kiss Zhang Hao.

"Well, that's how it should be. Don't just want to kiss someone who looks good like other girls."

Zhang Hao was very satisfied with Min Yuehua's answer, so he couldn't help but patted her head. In fact, he always cared a little bit. Women are all playboys. When they see a good-looking one, they can't walk and want to. It's hard. let him accept.

Sometimes he even thinks it’s better not to find a girlfriend. He doesn’t want to wear a cuckold. Women in this world feel that it’s so easy to cheat. He has heard Lin Yilong countless times. Many good-looking boys are scarred by women. Tired and tired, in the end they chose to find an honest man, who was plain looking and married.

Not long ago, he also saw the news that a certain famous female star was honest, honest, and very responsible. Although she married a beautiful husband that everyone envied, it was said that she was face-blind, not because of his beauty, she What you see is the beauty of the soul.

Her husband's character and character moved her, and their happy marriage for several years made them a well-known model couple in China.

However, recently this woman was exposed to cheating. The model wife who has always said how much she loves her husband cheated in marriage. After being exposed, she just apologized very sadly, and then said that she just made a mistake that a woman would make. ...

Although in the end her gentle and considerate husband forgave her and became a good man praised by everyone, distressed and desired by more people, Zhang Hao didn't care about that.

He felt that the chance of being cuckolded was very high! He knows very well that if he seduces a woman by himself, it doesn't matter if he has a boyfriend, a husband, a child, or a grandson, as long as he seduces, there should be no woman who won't cheat...

Zhang Hao didn't stay in Lin Yilong's room much, and after closing the door for him, he went to the next room with Min Yuehua, feeling a little dizzy, and wanted to lie down and rest for a while.

"Zhang Hao, your room is not here." Min Yuehua suddenly grabbed Zhang Hao's hand and said.

"Eh? Where is that?"

Zhang Hao asked suspiciously, just now Min Yuehua said that these two rooms can be lived in, of course he should think that the other room belongs to him.


After Min Yuehua finished speaking, he took Zhang Hao out, and then walked back to his room. Zhang Hao followed in dazedly, and found that this was not Min Yuehua's room?

"it's here."

Min Yuehua's expression remained unchanged, and he led Zhang Hao inside with a blank expression, and then opened a door in the room. Zhang Hao followed in and unexpectedly discovered that there was a small world hidden behind the door.

There was a small bed in the small room, and there were many models of warships and tanks. Zhang Hao even saw a model of an aircraft carrier, which was so huge that it took up most of the room.

"Yuehua, so you have so many models?"

Zhang Hao accidentally picked up a model of a fighter jet beside him. He didn't expect Min Yuehua to be interested in collecting models, and she had never heard of this matter before.

Min Yuehua nodded, the things in this room are all her treasures, they were all collected with hard work, and she put them here, and now she also puts Zhang Hao here.

Zhang Hao felt that these models were very cool, and the exquisite and handsome appearance made him particularly attractive, which was much more fun than those dolls.

But he also understands that these models may be treasures to Min Yuehua, and he still understands how important models are to the person he likes, so Zhang Hao didn't play much, for fear of breaking them, he carefully put them back in place for her, and then sat down. Arriving on the soft little bed, he asked a little strangely: "Why did you arrange me here?"

"Because everything I like is here."

Min Yuehua honestly said what was in his heart, leaving Zhang Hao speechless for a while, Min Yuehua regarded him as something he liked? thing? ? ?

Zhang Hao was about to tell Min Yuehua not to treat him like a thing, but the housekeeper's call came from outside. Min Yuehua left immediately, and before leaving, he closed the door, leaving Zhang Hao in darkness.

Zhang Hao was speechless for a while, leaning on his mobile phone to turn on the light, then lying on the bed and looking at his mobile phone, he found that Sister Qinqin had sent another message asking him how Lin Yilong was doing.

Zhang Hao replied that he was fine, he was already asleep, and immediately received a message from Sister Qinqin asking if he could go home.

Before Zhang Hao entered the message, Sister Qinqin called.

"Since he's all right, Haohao, can you go home? My sister is going to pick you up." As soon as the phone was connected, Sister Qinqin's frightened voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Zhang Hao heard the panic in Sister Qinqin's voice, frowned and asked hastily.

"It's fine at home, but my sister will die if she thinks that she won't see you today!" Zhang Qianqin slumped on the chair, exaggerating with a bitter face.

From living together to now, this is the first time Haohao wants to spend the night outside! The thought of Haohao going to sleep outside today makes her anxious.

"Sister Qinqin, don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow..."

Zhang Hao stroked his slightly dizzy forehead, and comforted him, it was even more impossible to go home now, Lin Yilong fell asleep here.

It's just that Sister Qinqin still wanted him to go back. She tried her best to persuade him, but Zhang Hao was also very helpless. Although he couldn't bear to refuse Sister Qinqin, she still refused, and promised to rush home as soon as school was over tomorrow.

Seeing that Zhang Hao didn't come back, Zhang Qianqin couldn't help it. Tonight, he was doomed to only look at things and think about others. He lay on the bed like a salted fish and didn't want to do anything, not even eat.


Zhang Hao put down his phone and sighed slightly, feeling that Sister Qinqin was too attached to him, he shook his dizzy head without thinking much, and then saw Min Yuehua opened the door and walked in with a box of things.


Zhang Hao stared at the three characters written on the box, and couldn't help but exclaimed, staring blankly at Min Yuehua who closed the door expressionlessly...

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