The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 374 Min Yuehua's Discovery

Min Yuehua searched the Internet for various strategies for going to the movies with friends, and checked every post carefully, for fear of missing something.

She was so serious that she took out a pen and a small notebook, and took care to write down the important information with a lot of likes. The way she was taking notes seriously at the moment really looked like a schoolmaster.

Looking at her, she unknowingly saw the post on how to attack men in the movie theater.

Of course, women would go to the movies with men for the sake of being pampered, otherwise it would be more fun to play games and watch anime alone at home, so naturally there were many similar posts like this, and Min Yuehua was easily attracted.

There are many suggestions on how to present yourself, what sweet words to say, what gifts to prepare, and what movies to choose.

Looking at these posts, Min Yuehua found that no woman said to choose what she wanted to watch, every, really every woman said to choose the movie that a man wanted to watch.

Even if you don't want to watch it, you have to endure it with your eyes open, and be prepared to talk about the plot afterwards.

Min Yuehua didn't think of this before, because Zhang Hao said that she can choose what she wants to watch, and then she chooses what she wants to watch. Now seeing what they said, it seems that she really didn't consider that Zhang Hao might not like it.

After thinking about it carefully, Min Yuehua guessed that Zhang Hao would not like watching anti-Japanese war dramas. Everyone seems to dislike anti-Japanese war dramas, especially boys. Someone asked her what she usually watches, and her answers always made people react very subtlely... …

It's just that the movies they recommended made Min Yuehua look a little unnatural, and the ones with the highest number of likes actually strongly recommended ghost movies.

Because boys can be said to love and hate this kind of supernatural things. Some boys are very timid, but they can't stand their curiosity and want to see it.

But in a dark movie theater, it is easy to be frightened, and you may even be so frightened that you will jump directly into your arms, making you hard to hit the ball!

At that time, when the woman shows her femininity, she can take the opportunity to hold his hand or wrap her arms around his shoulders. Not only can she eat tofu in a serious manner, but also let the man feel your reliability and increase his goodwill.

Just thinking about the scene of Zhang Hao throwing himself into her arms, Min Yuehua felt great and looked forward to it, but her little face turned pale when thinking of ghost movies.

Of course, in addition to ghost movies, these netizens also recommend touching movies. Although the number of likes is not as high as ghost movies, there are still many.

They said that men are emotional creatures, easily touched, and gentle comfort when they cry is a must kill...

Seeing Min Yuehua crying, she was very displeased. She didn't want to see Zhang Hao crying, but she really didn't expect that there would be so much knowledge in watching a movie.

Originally, she thought that she would watch a movie happily with her friends, and then go home together, but each of these people seemed like soldiers about to go to the battlefield, waiting to discuss various sophisticated plans.

The person who asked was humbly asking for advice, while the person who answered was also very earnest in making suggestions, making Min Yuehua understand that watching a movie with Zhang Hao is not that simple.

The more Min Yuehua looked at it, the more she realized that she didn't know a lot of things. She subconsciously wanted to ask Zhang Hao, but by accident, she dismissed this thought.

Just now, when she saw the post, nine times out of ten, she said that she wanted to create surprises. Surprises are very important for dating. This sentence suddenly appeared in Min Yuehua's mind, which made her not want to ask Zhang Hao.

Without asking Zhang Hao, she suddenly couldn't think of who else she could ask. She was hated by Huang Yuanyuan, and she didn't talk to her recently...

Min Yuehua sat on the chair and posted for a while, but in the end she still didn't think of who to ask, and continued to browse various posts, taking notes all the time, unknowingly forgetting the passage of time...

After Zhang Hao finished checking what he wanted to check, he started live broadcasting and coding. These two things seemed to have really become his job, and he did it repeatedly every day.

Zhang Hao also wants to be as serious as his work and concentrate on playing games for the audience, but most of the audience seems not satisfied with just watching him play games.

He deliberately read the audience's comments. A group of people asked him to wear cosplay clothes to play games, saying that A Tai, the anchor of someone else's house next door, is cosplaying every day and giving benefits to the audience, but he has nothing. Obviously everyone has tipped so much .

Zhang Hao looked a little ugly when he saw those nurse outfits, sailor uniforms, and dead reservoir water, so why not ask him to make a small movie and forget it.

Not only asked him to cosplay, but also asked him to sing, and the one who shouted the most was to bark like a dog! I don’t know what the hell this song is so popular.

The one who tipped the most, his number one fan Wuyue even directly asked him how much he needed to tip before he could dance to the Pure Land of Bliss or add him on WeChat. How could Zhang Hao agree to these weird requests!

Don't talk about how much it is, even if someone puts a knife on his neck now, he can't be like a dog or dance to the pure land of bliss.

Zhang Hao said that he started to focus on coding after he became a technical anchor. The situation of his novel is actually worse than the live broadcast. As the plot unfolds, a group of people have started to complain, which is worse than he expected before.

It has poisoned a group of Shennong to death. Every day, people call him a pervert, dead concubine or something, because men are almost the same as women, and they look like concubines.

There are also a large number of people who call the protagonist a coward. He is a eunuch and does not look like a woman at all. In other words, they have already become rbq to benefit the world after they came to this world.

Zhang Hao felt very helpless about these comments. He had to admit that he subconsciously had patriarchal thoughts. He felt that it was better for women to be clean and self-respecting.

Their behavior made him want to write a special, pure and self-loving heroine. I hope that women in this world can study hard and stop thinking about men, being rbq, opening a harem, etc. Girls, he really can't accept it...

Zhang Hao sat on the bed to rest after writing the words, Sister Qinqin brought tea in, half squatted beside the bed and massaged his legs, let his feet step on the soft flesh and pinched his feet, although it was a bit that... ...but not sure how comfortable it is...

At first, Zhang Qianqin was a little worried that Haohao thought her perverted, after all, she put the evil ball on Haohao's feet, but luckily he didn't react at all, and even showed a look of enjoyment!

Such a lewd behavior made her delicate body tremble, the flames burned wildly, and became even more rampant, playing with her feet with evil hands to her heart's content...

"Sister Qinqin, don't press it, get up quickly, you are very tired from squatting like that."

Although Zhang Hao was very comfortable, he still uttered a voice to stop Sister Qinqin. Seeing her squatting beside the bed giving him a massage, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Not tired, not tired, not tired at all."

Zhang Qianqin shook her head hastily when she heard the words, how could she be tired in such a dream scene! She looked at Zhang Hao's feet obsessively, and praised as calmly as possible: "Haohao, your feet are so beautiful..."

I really want to kiss...

( = )

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