The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 462 Aren't we good friends who talk about everything?

Zhang Hao has to admit that Min Yuehua is very thoughtful, but of course he knows that this trick cannot be effective against Wei Nan. Thinking about it in another way, it is almost a goddess showing affection with other men. It is a critical blow, even if it is a dog. Can only bear it.

But this is limited to ordinary people, and it is simply not feasible to treat an extreme crazy woman like Wei Nan.

The horror of an extreme and unreasonable woman has not changed for the better even in another world, but has become even more terrifying.

A strange woman just grabs his hand, she will lose her mind and punch him flying, and all the star chasing bottles thrown in the youth and ignorance will be completely deleted...

Tell him to show his affection in front of this kind of person? It was completely because he thought the other party wasn't crazy enough, so he didn't imprison him violently.

In fact, Zhang Hao is not afraid of being imprisoned or anything. That sentence is true, women are creatures that think from the lower body.

Even Wei Nan, he can easily subdue her when the eggs are on the brain, just like Wei Nan was pressed back in the car by him yesterday, it is actually very easy to get out of her hands.

He was mainly worried that Wei Nan would trouble Min Yuehua and others, even if it was just a possibility, Zhang Hao didn't want to see it.

Therefore, he did not accept Min Yuehua's proposal of showing affection, and told her not to worry too much about it, Wei Nan would not do anything to him.

Zhang Hao was very surprised that Min Yuehua could come up with this method, since he didn't know anything about relationships not long ago, so he asked about it and found out that she found it online.

Zhang Hao appreciated Min Yuehua's ability to search for things she wanted to know on the Internet. People who know how to use search software will not worry about things she doesn't understand in the future.

Zhang Hao immediately taught Min Yuehua how to search for the relationship between the sexes, and asked her to go home and look for herself.

It's not that he wants to teach Min Yuehua badly, it's what he promised Min Yuehua before.

At that time, Huang Yuanyuan shared with Min Yuehua the classic seed about the strongest man on the surface, Qing Shuijian, being ridden by a bald aunt. After reading it, Min Yuehua asked a bunch of questions that he didn't know how to answer.

At that time, Zhang Hao promised to tell Min Yuehua in the future, but he didn't know how to explain it, and he was a little stubborn before. He didn't want to tarnish the girl Min Yuehua, so he kept procrastinating.

Now he thinks that Min Yuehua is about to reach adulthood, and she's still a woman, so it's okay not to know about this kind of thing, that little lolita Lin Ling is already shopping for rebooting!

How can there be any seventeen-year-old boy in the world who doesn't know anything about this kind of thing, and would ask why he doesn't wear clothes to fight and other non-common sense questions...

It's not normal for Min Yuehua to be so ignorant, not to mention that he has already promised her.

Now she can search by herself, Zhang Hao asked her to go home and hide in the small room to search, and then ask him if she doesn't understand.

Min Yuehua has no objection either, she has never forgotten about this incident, and has been waiting for Zhang Hao to tell her when. She feels that the video is amazing, and now she still wants to take it out and watch it from time to time.

Then every time I read it, I would think of Zhang Hao. There was a very magical feeling. I wanted to hug Zhang Hao to sleep, just like when I slept with Zhang Hao that day, but Zhang Hao was not around, so she could only hug Zhang Hao to give her. baby.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking: "Zhang Hao, when will we sleep together next time?"


Zhang Hao was getting used to Min Yuehua's sudden utterance. Fortunately, there were no other people around, otherwise everyone would definitely regard Min Yuehua as a pervert.

He educated with a wry smile: "You can think of this kind of thing in your heart, but you can't say it directly, otherwise you will be treated as a pervert, because boys are not allowed to sleep with anyone casually."

"Aren't we good friends who talk about everything?"

Min Yuehua looked at Zhang Hao with big dull eyes, stretched out his fingers and rubbed the ends of his short silver hair, and asked back a little uneasily.

"Well, I'm just reminding you, you can say whatever you want if you only have my words."

Zhang Hao nodded amusedly, and reached out to pat her head.

Min Yuehua felt relieved when she heard Zhang Hao's words, and then she invited Zhang Hao to sleep with her at her house tonight, but Zhang Hao refused.

Although Min Yuehua looked a little unhappy, Zhang Hao couldn't help it. Even if he came home late, there would be a big earthquake in the house. Why should he spend the night at her house if he has nothing to do...

He found a happier topic, and chatted with Min Yuehua about the game he played last time. After talking about this, Min Yuehua's mood really improved. He also told Zhang Hao that next time he wanted to tell his family that he wanted to install the Battlefield 5 shooting game at home. It was very fun. , she wants to shoot every day.

And because he taught it, I will think of him every time I play in the future, and I can shoot while thinking of him.

Hearing this, Zhang Hao naturally told her seriously not to be addicted to the game, he just wanted Min Yuehua to experience the game, not let her be addicted to the game, Min Yuehua would naturally listen to Zhang Hao's words, she didn't mean to refute at all, she just lowered her head slightly Say yes.

The two chatted without saying a word, very quiet and peaceful, but when Lin Yilong and Ling Hao arrived, they became noisy.

As soon as Lin Yilong came, he was very excited and chattered, saying that Brother Hao was on the news, as if he had done something amazing, and said that Lin Zhongzhong must be so angry now.

When I mentioned Lin Zhongzhong and Zhang Hao, I remembered that they had been taught a lesson by me and they hadn't done anything yet. They didn't cry with their teachers and mothers, and they didn't call the police, probably because they were afraid that others would not believe their words.

After all, they just happened to falsely accuse him. No one would believe their words, and no one would believe him, a "delicate" boy. A good student would suddenly rush to beat someone. If they wanted revenge, they might ask a social person to beat themselves.

Zhang Hao didn't think much about their affairs. He didn't pay attention to the two sissies at all, and felt disgusted even thinking about them.

When he was taking the men's self-defense class, he found that both Lin Zhongzhong and Wu Jiashu had asked for leave. He didn't care, and continued to mix in the crowd to fish and practice. He didn't practice, but Zhang Hao, the old driver of Yang Kai, listened well.

Some of the obscene routines of this Yuexiong madman can be said to catch him unawares. Hearing it will not hurt him anyway, and he can teach Sister Qinqin how to guard against it later.

Even though the sluts here don't attack women, they can only seduce women, but who knows, Sister Qinqin has such a big goal and is so attractive, Zhang Hao is very worried, there was a man who wanted to send the first night... …

Zhang Hao didn't realize that Yang Kai, who was seriously instructing the students, had noticed him with a righteous face.

A handsome guy like Zhang Hao, a stormy figure in the school, is simply the first choice for perverts, but Yang Kai noticed him immediately.

Although he doesn't like it, he is a little envious of such a good-looking winner in life, but he still hopes that he can practice self-defense for men. Lan Yan Huoshui is not talking about this kind of person, he will definitely be targeted by a sex donkey.

It was only slowly that he realized that this guy didn't seem to be practicing seriously! He was just dangling there, waving his hands symbolically every day. Before, he thought it was because he didn't understand, but he didn't expect it to be like this today. It looked like he was being lazy!

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