The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 62 Next time you have a nightmare, remember to come to your sister

"Even now, no one understands..."

Zhang Hao smiled bitterly, looked at the time and unknowingly it was almost 12 o'clock again, because it was something that really happened to him, he was full of a sense of substitution, and he was always immersed in it accidentally.

After rechecking, Zhang Hao went online, published the book with the author number he registered long ago, waited for review, and then turned off the computer to go to the bathroom and go to sleep.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he thought of the sound he heard last night, which made his heart beat faster and he couldn't help being embarrassed.

I am afraid that this event will never be forgotten in my lifetime... It is too impressive...

Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly, and passed Sister Qinqin's room again, but who would have thought that he would hear that strange sound after finishing it again! ! !

I'm going... again!

Zhang Hao leaned against the door and listened carefully and knew it was not an auditory hallucination. He really admired Sister Qinqin's energy...but it ruined her image...

He covered his forehead, and could only go back to the room silently as if he hadn't heard anything like yesterday, to give Sister Qinqin a little private space, but he really wanted to remind Sister Qinqin to be more restrained and keep her voice down, in case She should be ashamed to be a human being after being heard by her father and aunt Zhang Yan...

Almost like the scene from last night, Zhang Hao looked like he was still awake the next day, and was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

As soon as he left the room, he saw Zhang Qianqin, who was also a little depressed, coming out of the toilet.

Although she looked washed and groomed, she still had dark circles under her eyelids, showing a sense of fatigue.

"Morning, Haohao, didn't you rest?" Zhang Qianqin greeted first.

"Well... I had a bad dream..."

Zhang Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, he didn't want to ask sister Qinqin why she didn't sleep well.

"Next time you have a nightmare, remember to come to my sister, she will sleep with you."

Zhang Qianqin said immediately, but felt inappropriate as soon as the words came out, worried that Zhang Hao would misunderstand, smiled and said immediately: "When I had nightmares before, my mother would sleep with me."

"Uh... ok..."

Of course Zhang Hao couldn't do that, it was just a nightmare, he wouldn't be too scared to fall asleep, but it's still good at this time. If he really had a nightmare yesterday and dared not sleep and went to see Sister Qinqin, he wouldn't even dare to think about how embarrassing the scene would be. When he opened the door and walked in, he saw Sister Qinqin doing something indescribable...

After everything was ready, Zhang Hao went out with his schoolbag. Zhang Qianqin wanted to send him off, but Zhang Hao refused. Zhang Hao knew that Zhang Qianqin was going to university, and his school was not far away, so that sister Qinqin would not have to drive back and forth. , not to mention that he still wants to run to school every day as exercise.

As soon as he left home, Zhang Hao started to run according to the map on his mobile phone. He had no choice but to go to school from his new home for the first time, and he was still not familiar with the route.

Zhang Hao jogged along the way, and I don't know how many people's eyes he attracted. Everyone thought that this good-looking high school student was rushing to school, and some kind people stopped to see him off.

Zhang Hao was exhausted after running for a while. He was out of breath and sweated a lot. His physical strength obviously couldn't keep up. He could only walk later. He wasn't discouraged. This is the case for weak people when they just started exercising. Yes, it will get better over time.

Although what Zhang Hao wants to do most now is to confirm whether Liu Xin has really moved out, but because the time is still early and it has not passed, he will go after school.

After arriving at the school, Zhang Hao came to the classroom alone, and he was not used to it. He used to come to school with Lin Yilong.

He arrived in the classroom relatively early, there were only a few people in the classroom, and one of them was Min Yuehua. As soon as Zhang Hao came in, she stared at him with her expressionless dead fish face.


Zhang Hao was stared speechless for a while, always felt that she wanted to say hello to him, Zhang Hao hesitated for a while, but reached out his hand to say hello to her.

After all, we just went to the amusement park together yesterday, so they should be regarded as friends... Min Yuehua unexpectedly thanked him on WeChat last night. Zhang Hao asked him and found out that Huang Yuanyuan taught her, and then told her no, she It's good to go back.

Min Yuehua also followed Zhang Hao's example and raised his hand to wave at him, then looked down at something, making Zhang Hao sure that he really wanted to say hello to him...

Others in the class were still shocked by Zhang Hao's new hairstyle. They didn't expect to see such a scene by accident. Zhang Hao greeted each other friendly with this dead fish face! They couldn't help guessing whether there was some ulterior secret between the two of them! A few brave ones even came to ask Zhang Hao.

It didn't take long for Lin Yilong and Huang Yuanyuan to come to the classroom one after another. Zhang Hao chatted with them for a while until the teacher arrived.

Zhang Hao has been concentrating on class until the lunch break. He found that his memory has also become super good. It seems that as long as a man doesn’t do that indescribable thing often, his memory will get better. It’s true, at least now his memory is super good , what the teacher said, he can remember it after listening to it once.

After class, Huang Yuanyuan seemed to have a good relationship with everyone, and asked everyone to have dinner together. Zhang Hao wanted to refuse, but Lin Yilong agreed first, and he didn't say anything. In fact, it didn't matter, anyway. He also goes to the cafeteria to eat.

Huang Yuanyuan was so excited that she almost yelled out, and left the classroom with Zhang Hao and others under the envious eyes of a group of women. A few of her cronies even wanted to sneak in, but of course Huang Yuanyuan refused.

Everyone in the class was very surprised how their relationship seemed to be getting better. The hearts of gossips among the boys were burning instantly, and they got together to talk a lot.

Zhang Hao and Lin Yilong bought the meal first, found a seat and sat down first, seeing that Huang Yuanyuan and the others hadn't come yet, Lin Yilong immediately asked in a low voice: "Brother Hao, Min Yuehua's family is really a high-ranking official, the mayor, and the principal. something?"

"It should be. That's what she said when I asked, but I don't know if it's true." Zhang Hao nodded and said truthfully.

"She looks like an honest woman who can't lie, it should be true..."

Lin Yilong looked at Min Yuehua who had already bought a meal and came here with Huang Yuanyuan in the distance. He wanted to believe it but couldn't believe it. This is not an ordinary person at all!

"Anyway, let's not talk nonsense about other people's affairs."

Zhang Hao shook his head, picked up the chopsticks, and suddenly thought, wait, isn't this the legendary Bai Fumei! ? Isn't this the beautiful and rich girlfriend that everyone dreamed of before! ? If he chased her, would he still have to worry about it for the rest of his life?

A girl with such a good condition is still single at the moment! And there are no friends yet, this is a golden opportunity that can't be met! In the world before the change, everyone must have squeezed their heads to pursue her!

It's a pity that he himself doesn't have any special feelings for Min Yuehua, but it's a pity that such a good cabbage is given over to by other pigs. Zhang Hao can't help but think that if it was the world before the change, he and Lin Yilong would definitely meet Min Yuehua like this. Feeling like winning a lottery, and then encouraging each other to pursue her, and then Lin Yilong, who keeps saying that he is a man and fearless, but in fact has nothing to do with women, will definitely coax each other in the end...

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