The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 198: Have you ever eaten human flesh?

Su Mi was shocked.


Such a small child can handle it.

Dongtang glanced at it slowly and said lightly: "Throw her away."

"Wait." A cold voice floated.

Standing on the stairs, Yun Ci looked at Dongtang Chi You with questioning eyes: "I want to save her."

Dongtang walked quickly towards Yunci and stretched out her hand to pull her hair behind her ears, her eyes were soft: "Yes, but you can't raise it in You Palace. I will arrange a place for her and find a servant to take care of her. "

He never thought about Yunci's request, and he simply agreed.

Dongtang Chiyou arranged a small apartment outside.

Yunci went with him.

In the room, the little girl woke up quietly.

She shrank her thin body into a ball, staring at her watery eyes, her pupils clear, shaking with anxiety and panic.

Sitting on the opposite side, Yun Ci lifted his legs at will, sitting somewhat lazily, and asked slowly: "What's your name."

"Yin Wan..." the little girl tremblingly said, her voice faint.

Yun Ci glanced at her, and saw that her arms were covered with bruises and scars, her slender neck had a circle of pinches, her ribs protruding and her roots were clearly visible.

"What did they do to you?"

Yin Wan was ignorant: "Auntie... hit me with a stick, watered me with boiling water, tied me up, didn't give me food, my uncle took off my clothes, always touched me, and even got my place, it hurts... "

Yun Ci squinted his eyes, with a chill wanton.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "I saved you, you will do something for me, understand?"

Yinwan nodded vigorously: "I will be obedient!"

The door was knocked at this moment: "Miss Aci, you should go back."

Yunci slowly got up: "I will see you again if I have time."

Back in the palace, before entering the door, the figure of the man rushed out quickly and slammed Yunci into his arms.

"Why did you come back? I miss you so much." Dongtang Chi You held up Yunci's small face and touched her forehead affectionately. The nostalgia in the man's eyes was like a tide, almost annihilating her.


She left for less than an hour.

"Are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to prepare food." Dongtang Chi You led Yunci into it.

The servant brought the food to the table.

Yun Ci picked up a dish with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.

Dongtang Chiyou sat opposite, propped his chin, staring at her with a smile, and suddenly asked, "Aci, have you ever eaten human flesh?"

Yunci's action became stiff.

The bottom of the man's eyes gradually cooled, and he muttered, "I have eaten it. It is the meat of my parents. Since then...I can no longer eat meat."

His slow voice seemed to be talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

Yun Ci pursed his lips, resisting the urge to vomit, and slapped his chopsticks down, losing his appetite.

late at night.

Yun Ci used the computer to hack the system of You Palace, and escaped outside the wall. She knew that the guards of You Palace were following her in secret.

Because she was certain that she could not escape, she occasionally ran out of the You Palace, Dongtang Chi You didn't care about it, which was considered as giving her the maximum freedom.

Yunci took Yinwan out of the apartment.

Yinwan held her hand, her small face was raised white and white: "Where are we going?"

"Go find someone."

Came under a cliff.

"There's someone over there!" Yin Wan exclaimed and ran forward.

A young man fell down on the cliff, his head was knocked on the stone, the blood had dried up, Yun Ci squatted down, stretched out his hand to explore, his breathing was weak, and he was not dead.

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