The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 649: Become more vulnerable and sensitive

Yang Shao said: "Listening to your previous description of him, compared with the present, it's really like two people."

Shen Zhiyu nodded. Anyone who knows Xia Beiqing can find that he has become different from before.

"After the accident, his heart will become more fragile and sensitive. I have met many patients like this. On the surface, they seem to have accepted their own physical disabilities. In fact, they don’t have their hearts. They hide their hearts. , I don’t want to be discovered by anyone, especially him, not because of any accident, but because of inhuman torture, and his psychological damage is even more serious."

"What should I do." Shen Zhiyu asked eagerly.

What should be done to open up Xia Beiqin's heart.

"Take your time, don't irritate him. By the way, I also found a phenomenon." Yang Shao suddenly seemed to think of something and said.

Shen Zhiyu clenched his hands nervously, "What imagination?"

Yang Shao looked at Shen Zhiyu: "He is very dependent on you."

Shen Zhiyu was stunned, slightly relieved, and nodded.

After the accident, Shen Zhiyu was taking care of him.

"But." Yang Shao suddenly changed his words: "He wants to rely on you, but he resists relying on you in his heart."

Shen Zhiyu couldn't understand: "What does this mean?"

Yang Shao recalled what he had observed before and said: "When chatting with me, he kept looking at the door and became anxious and expectant. I hope you can show up as soon as possible. I saw him ring the bell on his hand, and he watched it several times. Ring the bell once and you will come in as long as you press it, but he resisted it."

Shen Zhiyu asked half-knowingly: "Why is this happening."

Yang Shao shook his head: "The specific reason is still uncertain for the time being. I need to observe a few more times. I will come back next week."

"Okay, trouble you." Shen Zhiyu sent Yang Shao out of the house.

Back in the room, Xia Beiqing was still asleep, Shen Zhiyu sat down by the bed, stroked Xia Beiqing's head with one hand, and remembered Yang Shao's words.

You clearly want to rely on him, but your heart resists relying on him. Why? Could it be that Bei Qing couldn't even open his heart to him?


Jun’s family, Yun Ci just finished the phone call with Su Mi, she clicked on the file and scanned it from beginning to end. This was just sent to her by Su Mi, about Mu Chenbi’s participation in the arrest of Zhaoguo people a few days later. member list.

Yun Ci was sure that he didn't see Jun Siche's name, and his tightly hung heart was slightly lowered. She put on her coat. At this moment, the door of the room was knocked and Zou Bo's voice sounded outside, a little anxious.

"Miss Yunci, are you there?"

Yunci pulled up the coat chain: "Come in."

Zou Bo opened the door and entered.

Seeing his anxious face, Yun Ci asked, "What's the matter?"

Uncle Zou hurriedly said: "Master Che is going to the gate of life and death again, how can we stop Master Che?"

Yunci frowned.

I thought that Xia Beiqing's affairs would make him give up his dealings with Mu Chenbi, but why did he still...

Yun Ci looked down at the files in the phone, and said to Bo Zou: "I am a little busy now, you should follow him first, and contact me if you have anything."

Bo Zou nodded, turned around and ran out of the room.

Not long after, the sound of the car started from downstairs. It should be that Jun Siche had already gone out, and Yun Ci also buttoned his cap and walked out of the room.

Just after coming down, a servant came over and asked, "Miss Yunci, do you want to go out?"

Yun Ci nodded, and walked outside without stopping.

The servant hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Yunci paused and glanced at the servant: "What's the matter?"

The servant replied with a look of embarrassment: "Master Che told you to stay at home and don't go out."

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