The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 752: Send me to Jun's house

Dongtang Chi You ignored Mu Shenbi's words, only looked at him with indifferent eyes, and opened his lips: "Go now."

Just leaving these three words coldly, Dong Tang Chi You relentlessly turned and took steps, preparing to leave.

Several guards suddenly rushed over and stopped in front of him.

Everyone felt something was wrong, and they were so scared that they dared not come out.

Dongtang twitched his eyebrows, his eyes swept to Mu Chenbi coldly, his voice was terrifyingly low: "What do you mean?"

Mu Chenbi smiled, and took a graceful step, walking towards Dongtang slowly: "At the beginning, it was Young Master Jun who was interested in the special effect medicine project and actively participated in it. Today, how can he not even this thing? I’m willing to do it, I don’t want to tear my face, but Jun Shao’s reaction today makes me have to doubt..."

Mu Chenbi stood in front of Dongtang Chiyou, stopped, narrowed his sly eyes like a fox, and slowly said, "I have to wonder, what is the purpose of Jun Shao joining the special medicine project?"

Everyone's discussion gradually rose.

"Everyone here is from a big family. Whose hands are not bloody? Is he still afraid of killing someone?"

"That is to say, if you let him kill, why do you make it like this?"

"His reaction is really strange."

"I heard that King Mu and Jun Siche had a good relationship a long time ago, but now it seems that the relationship is not very good!"

Mu Chenbi was always smiling, grabbing Dongtang Chi You's hand on his side, and forcibly stuffing the gun into his hand.

Then, slowly leaned over and approached, stuck to Dongtang Chiyou's ear, and whispered: "Have you heard these doubts? Young Master, shoot, don't let them, doubt our relationship, and don't let me...doubt you."


It was near noon when Jun Duonuan woke up from her sleep. She woke up and wandered around, but she didn't see Nangongmu's figure.

During the meal, I saw a familiar figure walking through the door. It was Nangongmu's assistant, Awu. He was holding a stack of documents in his hand and greeted Jun Duonan.

"Miss Duonuan, good morning, I will send some documents that need to be processed to Mu Shao's study."

Jun Duonuan asked in confusion, "Is A Mu out of the company?"

Ah Wu replied: "Mu Shao didn't go to the company today."

"Didn't go to the company? Where did he go?" Jun Duonuan remembered that he saw the driver at home not long ago, which meant that A Mu drove out by himself, but basically he would tell where A Mu was going. Her, why did she leave without saying a word today?

A Wu shook his head, "I don't know where Mu Shao has gone."

Jun Duonuan was even more astonished.

Don't even know Ah Wu? Then Mu...what the **** did you do?

Inexplicably, Jun Duonuan had a bad feeling.

After Ah Wu left, Jun Duonuan slipped into the study and rummaged through a pile of documents. He suddenly found that the documents for the special medicine project were missing!

Could it be...A Mu's sudden departure today has something to do with the special medicine project?

Jun Duonuan became anxious for a while, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Yunci, but the other end always prompted that he was on the phone. Jun Duonuan couldn't wait, so he rushed downstairs to find the driver at home.

"Send me to Jun's house!"

She must tell Mommy about this matter first!

On the other side, Jun's house.

Yun Ci was sitting in the room, talking on the phone with Shen Zhiyu, asking about Xia Beiqing's situation, and chatting for a while, after hanging up, he saw Jun Duonuan's missed call.

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