The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 858: Playing Mu Chenbi as a dog

"What?!" another guard exclaimed: "The ball was thrown to the dog to play, and the king was asked to pick it up. Doesn't it make sense to play the king as a dog?!"

"The water in the autumn pool is so cold that the king's body has not recovered. When he was picking up the ball in the water, the wound was accidentally torn, and the cold water was soaked, which caused the fever."

"The more annoying thing is still to come. The king finally picked up the ball and gave it to her, but she didn't want it again, completely disregarding the king's situation, leading the dog and leaving."

"Isn't she trying to toss the king on purpose?!"

Ye Jiao's face became heavier and heavier, and she suddenly turned and left.

She rushed all the way to the outside of Yunci's room and kicked the door open.

In the room, Yunci was leaning against the window, squinting his eyes to bask in the sun, while fiddling with a gadget in his hand to pass the time, looking very comfortable.

Hearing the sound, she only raised her eyes lightly and glanced at Ye Jiao with a cold look.

Ye Jiao remembered that she was thrown out last time, and she still had lingering fears. She didn't dare to act rashly for a while, but rushed to Yun Ci and stared at Yun Ci viciously with her angry eyes.

"In such a cold day, he still has injuries. If you ask him to go to the pool to help the dog pick up the ball, you just want to toss him to death, right?"

"Up to this point, you can't stand it anymore?" Yun Ci gave Ye Jiao a cruel smile: "You are right, I deliberately wanted to torture him, torture him to death!"

"You..." Ye Jiao's eyes flushed instantly, and the look in her eyes made her wish to cut Yunci thousands of times.

Yunci stood up slowly, walked to the front of Ye Jiao, and asked casually, "You must hate me very much? Watching my torture and admiration Shenbi, I must be eager to let me get farther and farther away from him. Okay, right?"

Ye Jiao gritted her teeth and said, "You know why!"

Yun Ci turned around and walked to the bed, threw the gadget in his hand on the bed, turned to look at Ye Jiao, and asked, "Remember, the deal I proposed to you before."


Ye Jiao vaguely remembered that she had talked to Yunci before, and she was almost taken in by her. She took advantage of her liking for Mu Chenbi and wanted to help her and Dongtang escape out.

Yun Ci Chao Yejiao smiled coldly: "Since you rejected the deal I offered last time, now you are here to ask why? As long as I am here one day, I will do everything possible to torture him, me and Mu Chen Wall, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, you are not qualified to intervene."

Ye Jiao glared at Yunci and laughed: "After all, you still want to force me to agree to your deal."

"No, I won't force you. The deal proposed last time is still valid. You can think about it before you come to me." Yunci said unhurriedly, "If you don't want me to continue torturing Mu Chenbi, then promise. If I don’t agree to my deal, you won’t have to worry about how I tortured Mu Chenbi."

This is clearly coercion!

Take Mu Chenbi, take her sincerity to Mu Chenbi, intimidate her!

Yun Ci glanced at the direction of the door: "If you think about it, please reply to me. You can go out now."

Ye Jiao's face was distorted with anger, without saying a word, turning around angrily and rushed out of the room.

After returning to Mu Chenbi's room again, she happened to see the doctor coming out of it. Ye Jiao stepped forward and asked, "Is the king's situation okay?"

The doctor sighed: "The king's wound has been torn for the second time. If it is repeatedly torn like this, it will not get better. It will be a problem if you drag it down. You must be careful and careful."

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