The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 889: The sweetest couple in the world

Poor is like an abandoned child.

At this moment, she must be at home, holding the clock, counting every second, waiting for her to go home restlessly.

"Doctor Nie, how is my condition?" Song Lishu asked.

Nie Ziyu looked at the report in his hand, breathing slightly, "It has deteriorated."

Song Lishu's face was stiff.

Yeah, as expected, isn't it?

Of course, things like cancer only get worse. How can it get better?

Song Lishu clasped her finger helplessly, and asked, "Then how long will long can I live?"

"Lishu." Nie Ziyu put down the report, looked at Song Lishu, and said, "Don't always feel that you are going to die. All you have to do now is treatment. A positive and optimistic attitude also has a great impact on the condition."

Song Lishu was just afraid, if he was going to die and Huo Baiyuan's head hadn't recovered yet, what should he do? Who will take care of him?

Song Lishu smiled at Nie Ziyu: "I will actively treat him."

At least, she will last until Huo Baiyuan recovers and then die.

Nie Ziyu also smiled: "I'll prescribe some medicine for you first, and come back next week."

Song Lishu was carrying the medicine. On the way back, he accidentally passed a restaurant and saw a part-time job offer posted at the door.

She stopped.

Now, she can’t go back to Huo’s house and continue to work. Healing her own illness and treating Huo Baiyuan’s brain require a lot of expenses, including daily food, drink and clothing. She has to find a new job and earn more money. Row.

The free time of this part-time job also made it convenient for her to take care of Huo Baiyuan.

Thinking of this, Song Lishu opened the door of the restaurant and walked in.

Half an hour later, Song Lishu arrived home at the agreed time. As soon as he opened the door, a gusty figure rushed towards her. The tall man rushed towards her and hugged her tightly.

Song Lishu backed back and nearly fell. She had gradually gotten used to Huo Baiyuan's appearance. She raised her hand and patted him on the back, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? I'll be back in half an hour. I didn't lie to you. "

Huo Baiyuan released Song Lishu, raised the clock in his hand in front of Song Lishu, and said unhappily, "It's half a minute late."

Song Lishu smiled helplessly: "Then I will apologize to you for the delicious food, okay?"

Huo Baiyuan stared at the big and small things in her hand, his expression softened, but he didn't want to lose his temper too quickly, so he asked awkwardly: "Which delicious food have you bought?"

"That's too much. Come and watch it slowly." Song Lishu took Huo Baiyuan to the house and put everything on the table. She took out a few new sets of clothes and shoes and handed them to Huo Baiyuan.

Summer is almost here, and it should be hot again when you wear a sweater.

"Yes, there's more." Song Lishu took out two pairs of slippers from the bag again: "Look."

The two pairs of slippers are obviously couple styles.

Song Lishu raised his slippers and asked Huo Baiyuan, "Do you like it?"

Huo Baiyuan's lips raised a bright smile, nodded and replied, "I like it."

In fact, in addition to these couple slippers, Song Lishu also bought two couple pajamas.

In the evening, after washing and changing into couples pajamas, Song Lishu and Huo Baiyuan stood in front of the bathroom mirror. Looking at the two people reflected in the mirror, Song Lishu suddenly felt that the relationship between her and Huo Baiyuan really seemed to have become the best in the world. A sweet pair of lovers.

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