The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 322 This is my brother, Qi Lei

Qi Lei has always been very good when facing Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an didn't feel that he was only a few months older than him, and Qi Lei knew it in his heart.

He never troubles Xing Jiu'an too much.

When two people go out together, Qi Lei will always hold something heavy for Xing Jiu'an or something.

Well-behaved and sensible.

Xing Jiu'an let him hold it himself and led the way for Qi Lei in front.

After walking two steps, she felt that Qi Lei was a little restrained, and she paused again, waiting for Qi Lei to walk upstairs side by side with her.

When walking upstairs, Xing Jiu'an did not forget to say a few more words to Qi Lei to let him not be nervous, saying that both master and uncle are very good people.

Thinking of Qi Lei's nervous appearance just now, she was amused, but also a little distressed.

Qi Lei has always been obedient and sensible.

It may be that he has not been treated so well since he was a child. At the beginning, he was a little inferior.

When Xing Jiu'an first got along with him, the young man was not as thin and thin as a child of that age, and he was alienated from outsiders, not even allowed to approach.

Only looking at her eyes, full of dependence and trust.

Since then, Xing Jiu'an has made up his mind that he must take good care of him.

It didn't do it on purpose, but sometimes when I happened to meet it, Xing Jiu'an would introduce it to others very seriously.

This is my brother, Qi Lei.

Qi Lei listened carefully to Xing Jiu'an talking to himself, and responded from time to time.

Xing Jiu'an arranged for Qi Lei a room not far from his own room.

The first floor is where the master and his uncle live, and there are some other places. There are more people on the second floor.

The room is not very big, but it is not small, there is a big window, the sun shines in, and the whole room is bright.

"You live here for the first few days." Xing Jiu'an took out the clean sheets from the closet. She was about to tidy up when Qi Lei reached out and took it.

"I'll just sort it out by myself, sister, take a rest first."

Qi Lei is very good at doing housework. The children who grew up in the orphanage met not so good people. Since they were young, they were taciturn and naturally disliked. They did a lot of housework when they were very young.

These things are not unusual for him.

Xing Jiu'an sat on the sofa beside him, watching Qi Lei lay the sheets.

The young man is tall and slender, and the way he lays the sheets seriously is also very good-looking.

Qi Lei did not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but he still tidied up the edges and corners of the sheets, and he couldn't see a single fold.

In fact, this sheet is not very in line with Qi Lei.

He always used solid-colored sheets, which tended to be colder colors.

What Xing Jiu'an took out for him was not a fancy bed sheet, but there were some small star patterns on the bed sheet. On the dark blue bed sheet, the stars tended to be blue-purple and dotted on it, like the kind in the night sky. Glowing stars.

"Does it look good?" Xing Jiu'an suddenly leaned over and asked.

"Good-looking." Qi Lei replied directly after hearing this, without even thinking about it.

According to Qi Lei's obedience and liking for Xing Jiu'an, even if Xing Jiu'an gave him a sheet of khaki with a big smiling face and many colorful flowers, he might say it looks good.

Xing Jiu'an smiled, "You first organize the things in your schoolbag, and I'll take you to buy clothes in a while."

"I have enough clothes."

"Can't I buy it for you?"

Qi Lei chuckled, "Okay, I'll listen to my sister."

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