The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 326 Another online storm

There are only two days left until the birthday of the old man of the Huo family, and Xing Jiu'an has not yet decided whether to go or not.

In fact, she somewhat liked the two old people.

However, since they were the Huo family, she just wanted to stay away.

However, the Huo family seemed to be by her side at any time, making it impossible for her to stay away.

It seems that since she changed the trajectory of her destiny, she and the Huo family have been tied together by a rope.

On the surface and in the dark, it's also annoying.

At this time, I suddenly received a call, and the young man on the other end of the phone hurriedly shouted, "Boss, the woman Huo Chulan is out."

"Follow her and tell me the location." Xing Jiu'an said immediately.

The last time she went there was to stimulate Huo Chulan.

Huo Chulan is not that kind of person who can bear it. As expected, he will have to go to find someone.

She wanted to see who Huo Chulan was looking for.

"By the way, boss, also, that Wu Lin was drugged by a woman last night, and the woman was persistent. She should have wanted to marry the Wu family."

"Pity the girl who is about to get engaged to Wu Lin, alas, this green hat is not good!"

"It's something to keep an eye on."

Xing Jiu'an immediately cheered up.

Go to the Huo family or something, isn't it fun to take revenge?

Wu Lin didn't do anything in this life, and it would be more troublesome for her to take revenge, but at Huo Chulan, as long as you know who is behind her and have a plan, you can take action against Huo Chulan.

Xing Jiu'an went out in a hurry, and only had time to tell him that he had something to go out when he met Qi Lei who had just come downstairs.

Before Qi Lei spoke, Xing Jiu'an had already run out.

Looking at the back, in addition to being anxious, he seems to be a little excited.

The youth reported a location to Xing Jiu'an from time to time, and Xing Jiu'an drove according to this position.

She was very excited.

In the past life, this life, the biggest enemy she was looking for should be this person!

Huo Chulan was driving, and her mind was a little confused. She almost hit a child in a car accident on the road. After realizing it, she broke out in a cold sweat and drove away quickly.

She has to hurry over, that person can meet her now, of course she has to go.

Otherwise, if the other party is busy again, it doesn't necessarily take long before they can meet her.

She can't wait.

At this time, Huo Chulan didn't know that the previous teacher Zhao had submitted her design work to the international design competition, and the news of winning the first prize had been passed back to China.

Because of the last real and fake daughter, everyone still remembers this fake daughter, not to mention that this fake daughter won such an award at a young age.

The gold content of this award is still quite heavy. She is not yet twenty years old, and winning the first prize is equivalent to being recognized by the design community in advance, and her future achievements are limitless.

Another group of people appeared on the Internet to compare Xing Jiu'an and Huo Chulan.

Xing Jiu'an was revealed overnight to be the daughter of the wealthy Huo family. There are those who are envious, and of course there are those who are jealous.

This is equivalent to the realization of ordinary people's dream of becoming rich overnight.

If she grew up in Huo Family, it would be nothing.

After all, everyone will not subconsciously compare with the real daughter.

But Xing Jiu'an is different.

She grew up outside, and in everyone's eyes, she is an ordinary person, and she was picked up and dropped out of school, and she fought like a bad girl.

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