The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 333 You are too greedy

Many design students compared the nine pictures with the picture that Huo Chulan won one by one, and finally came to the conclusion that it was indeed plagiarism.

And here, a trumpet also released the surveillance records. Huo Chulan once sneaked into Lin Ling's office.

During that time, the camera on Lin Ling's side was broken. Huo Chulan didn't know that it had been repaired.

In fact, a long time has passed, and University A doesn't know it. This is a video that Qi Lei made after programming a set of programs with a computer.

Of course, he had already greeted the people he knew in A University in advance, and he had agreed, otherwise, if Xing Jiu'an found out, he would definitely be angry!

He doesn't do theft!

He and his sister and Huo Chulan are not the same!

So, Xing Jiu'an, miserable! That post is even hotter!

What a little pity!

Even if the fake daughter harmed her behind the scenes, she even stole her design and won an international award for herself. It's too miserable, Xing Jiu'an is really too miserable.

No one is scolding Xing Jiu'an now, and it is indeed impossible to scold him!

The brothers and sisters of others are better than the other, and they are also very good. Even if they do not have a junior high school or high school education, they should not be faked. They have good piano talent and design talent. What are they talking about?

There are so many fans of her brothers and sisters, plus the mother fans obtained by the video released by Su Yin and the career fans obtained by the design works sent by Lin Ling, and she is really miserable, so poor people can't bear to scold her.

So everyone's firepower was concentrated on Huo Chulan.

Huo Chulan should never be able to turn over in his life!

But she doesn't know yet.

She had arrived at the place, got out of the car quickly, and ran over.

Not far away, the man was leaning against the tree, and he had no expression when he saw her running over.

"Jiu Chi, you want to help me. I have already found someone to go to Heixing Jiu'an. Please help me so that she can't turn over, otherwise, it will be me who is injured." She said anxiously, pulling Jiu Chi's arm. .

Jiu Chi lowered her head and looked at the hand that was holding her arm, a flicker of anger flashed in her eyes.

Huo Chulan was frightened and let go.

"Nine... nine red."

"Have I told you not to call me by my name?" Jiu Chi's voice was extremely indifferent.

"Yes, sorry, I was too anxious to forget."

"You help me, help me, I have only you, and only you can help me."

"You help me ruin Xing Jiu'an, ruin her, her life will belong to me."

Jiu Chi suddenly smiled.

"Do you believe me that much, Chulan?" His voice was very soft, and he looked down at Huo Chulan with irony in his eyes.

"You... what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything." Jiu Chi said lightly.

He suddenly seemed to feel something, and was startled for a moment, as if a little dejected.

"You're really stupid, you don't even know you're being followed." His voice was extremely light.

"Wh...what, is someone following me?"

Jiu Chi closed her eyes, "What else do you want to do?"

"Let Xing Jiu'an be discredited, let her die, and exchange her life for me."

"You are too greedy." Jiu Chi laughed suddenly, but behind this smile, it seemed that there was an extremely deep pain hidden.

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