The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 336 The story of Jiu Chi

"It's not easy to change your life, because she has to slowly replace the life that belongs to you."

"As long as the Huo family gives her their love for you, as long as she gets more and more likes..."

"Maybe they didn't think that you would have a good life in the past ten years..." Jiu Chi took a light breath, "They thought of a lot of ways, maybe they didn't expect those people in the Huo family to be so determined!"

Xing Jiu'an seemed to be stunned, and then blinked very slowly, seemingly at a loss and did not respond.

Jiu Chi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something but didn't say it, his voice became more and more hoarse, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes when he looked at Xing Jiu'an.

"Later, I found Huo Chulan."

"At that time, I didn't have a name. A pair of red eyes was my name. Others called me Chimu."

"She helped me once by accident, and I want to repay her."

He smiled lightly, "I was stupid at that time, naive and stupid. I told her that I had abilities that ordinary people don't have, and she told me that she wanted me to do her a favor, otherwise, she would die."

"It was about her life. She told me that I would pass all the love her adoptive parents had for her biological daughter to her. I hesitated for a long time, but agreed to her."

Xing Jiu'an suddenly remembered the previous life, the four people went to her home and came to her in this life with a completely different attitude.

She paused, her voice still imperceptible, "Then what?"

"Later, she asked me to help more and more places, and I did more and more wrong things. Before I knew it, I ruined a girl."

"I don't want to help her anymore. I went to see that girl for the first time." He seemed to recall something, and the smile on his face was sincere and nostalgic.

"At that time, she was already very lonely, and her health was not good. The doctor could not heal herself. The heir of such an excellent ancient doctor was determined by the doctor that he could only live to be less than 30 years old."

"She took me home, and I lied to her that I lost my memory. She didn't know anything. She taught me all kinds of common sense in life, and everything was arranged for me..."

"I told her that I didn't have a name, and she gave me a name, the same surname as her, called Jiu Chi."

"I like this name very much, and I thought, if I am like this, is it her family."

"She's really good, deeply troubled, but still gentle."

"I hurt her, and I should pay her back."

"But I don't know what to do."

"Because of my existence, Huo Chulan has completely obtained your destiny and your life."

"Your... strange things, breaking with relatives and friends, are all... because of me."

"If Huo Chulan wants to get your destiny completely, you should suffer all the hardships. Everything you have will be a hindrance to her."

"The method of changing your life is a certain way, but you are different. Before you die, everything is unknown."

"The way of heaven is good to you, so you have more possibilities than others."

"I don't know how to solve this matter. Some things are too easy to do slowly, but it is almost impossible to return to the starting point all at once."

"I went back to find a way, and finally came back with a solution that wasn't very clear..." He blinked, lowered his head slightly, and held back his tears.

"I finally missed it."

"Anything, I missed it."

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