The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 385 The little aunt gave me chocolate

Xing Jiu settled down and seemed to find something.

She whispered, "I'll find time to accompany you after that."

"Mmmm." Qi Lei nodded quickly, looking extremely happy.

Su Yize looked at Qi Lei and wanted to say something, but if he asked for more, Qi Lei would definitely ask.

No, he can't give Qi Lei this chance!

So, Su Yize decided to take a short break.

Xing Jiu'an finally had a good meal.

The cucumber salad Su Yize made was really good. Xing Jiu'an praised him a few words, and then Qi Lei asked her to eat fruit.

Xing Jiu'an subconsciously took a strawberry, and Qi Lei took her tableware and chopsticks to wash.

"Wait, myself..." Xing Jiu'an was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"Sister, if you eat fruit, I'll just wash it for you, it's not troublesome."

Xing Jiu'an nodded dazedly.

Su Yize looked at his bowl and chopsticks, he picked it up and followed.

Qi Lei was washing the dishes slowly, ignoring Su Yize who came in later.

Su Yize was next to him, looked at him twice, and washed the dishes with force.

Qi Lei paused, "Maybe you should learn how to wash the dishes."

Doesn't that mean he's stupid!

Su Yize looked over and stared, "I can wash."

Qi Lei ignored him, put the washed dishes and chopsticks away, and walked out of the kitchen.

Su Yize quickly washed his dishes and went out.

Xing Jiu'an just received the news, hoping that she will make a set of jewelry design as soon as possible.

Xing Jiu'an happened to have some inspiration, so she went to her studio after eating some fruit.

When the two came out, Xing Jiu'an had just entered.

They didn't even look at each other, one was playing with a mobile phone and the other was watching TV.

At Huo's house, it was another scene.

The banquet ended at 8:30 in the evening, and when the guests were sent away, Mr. Huo asked someone to bring the gift from Xing Jiu'an.

That calligraphy and painting was made by a very famous painter in ancient times. In the past, other calligraphy and paintings by that calligrapher and painter were sold for tens of millions, and this painting was a picture of celebrating birthday. The whole calligraphy and painting were sold to People have a very shocking feeling, and the value is extremely high.

And that set of pen, ink, paper, and inkstones are hard to come by. It takes a lot of effort to find them, and it is hard to get them even if you have money.

Mr. Huo was very happy when he saw the birthday present that Xing Jiu'an gave him.

This is probably the best gift he has received in the past twenty years.

Others were also shocked when they saw the gift from Xing Jiu'an.

The Huo family is indeed rich and powerful, but not all the juniors below can easily come up with such precious gifts. The two gifts together are worth tens of millions, which are difficult for many people to get. .

And Xing Jiu'an has been out for so long, not only has she become extremely good, but she didn't expect that when she made a move, it was such a big hand, which seemed to be nothing to her.

Mr. Huo was very happy. He took the gift from Xing Jiu'an and couldn't put it down.

In addition, I also asked Shuo Shuo and Huo Xiaoxiao about their impressions of the little aunt, and what they said.

The two children answered obediently, and at first glance, they liked Xing Jiu'an very much. Speaking of which, the little aunt was very happy.

"Little aunt gave me chocolate." Shuo Shuo stretched out his hand, the chocolate in his hand was beautifully packaged and not big.

"Good Shuo Shuo, would you like to give one to uncle?" Huo Jinqi squatted beside him and coaxed softly.

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