This is a private school with a high enrollment rate, good teachers, and equally expensive tuition fees.

However, there are a lot of subsidies and scholarships for poor students here, and tuition fees will be waived for students with particularly excellent grades. In addition to the extremely high scholarships that can be obtained, as long as children from ordinary families are excellent in their studies, it will not cost a lot to go to school here. Money.

This school is also called aristocratic middle school, not only because of its high tuition, but also trains students in some other courses.

About etiquette class, talent class or some other courses are almost all for students to choose.

Su Yize briefly talked to Xing Jiu'an, and Xing Jiu'an nodded.

Now is the time to go back to school, Su Yize is the man of the school, and many people are looking here.

Xing Jiu'an is very popular on the Internet recently. Most people know about her. They are quite surprised to see Su Yize walking with her.

It's almost time, Su Yize wants to go back to the classroom and separate from Xing Jiu'an and others.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he was pulled.

"Boss Su, that... the daughter of the Huo family, do you know?" The person who spoke was a boy with a height of almost 1.8 meters, wheat complexion, and very sunny.

"No big or small, call me sister." Su Yize glared at him.

"You're wrong, boss, that... elder sister, do you know her?"

Su Yize said proudly, "Then my little senior sister, when you see her in the future, do you know a little respect?"

"Your little sister?" The boy shouted in surprise just now, noticing that someone was looking over, he quickly lowered his voice.

"The kind that has worshipped Master?"

"Well, the kind that has worshipped Master." Su Yize sorted out his wrinkled coat, and answered the other person's words as he walked forward.

"My God, is Lin Feng your senior brother?"

"And Lin Ling, and my goddess Su Yin, and that big man in the archaeological world, are all your brothers and sisters?"

"It should be." Su Yize replied casually.

"No, what did you say should or shouldn't be, yes, no, no, what should it mean?"

"I just learned a teacher, but I didn't recognize the whole person."

Now the closest person he is in the division is his little sister Xing Jiu'an.

"No, how long have you been a teacher?"

"What did you learn from a teacher?"

"You talk a lot." Su Yize looked at him expressionlessly.

"I just asked a few questions." The boy looked innocent.

"I still have another question. Who is your master? There are so many outstanding apprentices. It should be very powerful."

Su Yize paused, "Don't ask so much."

"Won't you tell me?"

"I don't want to tell you." Su Yize drooped his face, and seemed to find the other party annoying.

"Oh, don't tell me if you don't tell me, who made you the boss of Su!"

The key is that he can't beat the opponent.

Su Yize didn't know Master very well, but he was apprentice at that time, and it was his parents who asked him to apprentice.

At the beginning, he was reluctant, because it was a good summer vacation, he wanted to play at home, and he didn't want to stay in the mountains with Master.

As a result, he was thrown there by his parents and left.

He stayed in the mountains for a while, and the master asked him to do some basic martial arts movements every day. The time passed slowly, and he was still used to it a lot.

Later, I found out that the mountain is really fun, and the master, the senior brother and the sixth senior sister are also very good.

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