The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 502 We have to protect Instructor Xing

Looking at the series of reversals, Qin Wan realized that she could only think of a solution on this matter. She asked people to try hard to blacken the relationship between the two people, and try to write as truthful as possible.

As a result, the brothers and sisters who were still forwarding the text for Xing Jiu'an sent two photos together.

It was Xing Jiu'an and Mu Qing when they were young and they grew up.

The captions are all the same.

Why is no one guessing the brothers and sisters?

Many people commented on Xing Jiu'an's Weibo and asked her if she was.

As a result, Xing Jiu'an posted a frontal photo of her three-year-old and ten-year-old Mu Qing holding hands to see the flowers.

The little Xing Jiu'an was full of joy, and Mu Qing looked at her with warmth in her eyes.

The accompanying text is: I like beautiful brothers.

In the end, the brothers and sisters seemed to be annoyed by her. Qi Shushu's comment was that I was not good-looking enough? Am I not beautiful enough? still like me?

This looks like the backyard is on fire, the harem is blown up, and the vinegar bottles are all kicked over!

Xing Jiu'an shivered.

Edited the copy again: let's look at Huahua.


[I can feel the shivering of the little junior sister]

[So the brothers and sisters are all controlled by the younger sisters?]

[Wow, I like group pets, it must be beautiful to write a novel! ]

[The question is, who can be worthy of the little junior sister? ]

[Upstairs, actually... don't you know that Lu Zhichen, the head of the Lu family, has been chasing the younger sister for a long time! ]

[haven't caught up yet...]

When everyone was discussing, this big melon was laughed at by the family as a joke.

However, many people deleted their own comments from the comments of the people they scolded just now, and apologized to them.

The melons in Nanjing are too big. Even if the Qin family is really innocent, they can't have any good feelings.

And how could a person who just came out of prison have such great ability to marry the Qin family and still be popular.

Anyone who understands naturally understands that this matter has the means of the Qin family.

Some people went to Qin Family Official Weibo and Qin Wan Weibo to scold them.

There are also a small group of people who are not like them.

They gathered under Luo An's comment and jokingly asked him if he was sad about digging, and would he still go digging? Was it diamonds or gold?

Even if Luo An didn't reply, they were still able to enjoy themselves and had a good time.

Of course, there are still people who want to keep hacking them.

However, the current situation is that they are surrounded by passers-by fans. If they dare to scold, they will definitely be scolded back, and they will be scolded badly!

In order to prevent myself from being scolded miserably, I could only temporarily restrain myself.

At this time, of course, Qin Wan was the most angry.

Not only her, but also Qin Zong.

Qin Zong believed in her very much and thought she could do a good job. As a result, the Luo family suddenly withdrew the cooperation that had been negotiated and prepared to sign.

The Huo family in the capital, as well as the Lu family, are taking action against them, and the company's stock is still falling.

He called Qin Wan and asked what she was doing.

Qin Wan seldom heard her father's angry voice, and some dared not speak.

She really didn't expect that behind Xing Jiu'an, there was such a big force.

She thought that there must be a way.

Fortunately, she was the navy who asked others to contact her. In the end, this incident was not found on her head, allowing her to escape this disaster.

She hated Xing Jiu'an even more.

But Xing Jiu'an is like this now, she can't fight her head-on, she has to think of other ways.

And her father, how to explain...

In the evening, the practitioners got their mobile phones and found the news.

They found that they had missed a big melon, and what was even more unexpected was that Xing Jiu'an and the two were actually brothers and sisters.

Therefore, this also means that Xing Jiu'an is single.

"Wow, then can I pursue Instructor Xing!" A student said happily.

"Dude, I don't think you can." Someone else poured cold water on him.

Before the man could refute it, the others continued to say that he couldn't.

The man was depressed and had to admit that he was not worthy of Xing Jiu'an.

"Wow, look at the news, Lu Zhichen is chasing our instructor Xing."

"My God, is it true?"

Everyone gathered to watch.

Even Juhao is no exception.

For them, Lu Zhichen is someone they can never keep up with. He is aloof and omnipotent.

He was a child of someone else's family since he was a child, and when he grew up, he was the target of many of his peers.

The young man in power of the Lu family doesn't know how good he is! If Lu Zhichen and Xing Jiu'an are together, they may make people feel that they are a good match.

"Why do I feel so uncomfortable!"

"Hey, who said no, even though Lu Zhichen is so good, I still don't think he is worthy of Instructor Xing."

"It's like the watery cabbage was arched by a wild boar, it makes people feel uncomfortable!"

"Hahahahahaha, brother, is that how you describe it, Lu Zhichen wild boar, hahahahaha, I want to laugh when I hear it!"

"But it's really true. Instructor Xing is still young, so how can Lu Zhichen catch up easily."

"We have to protect Instructor Xing!"

Of course, the same is true for the girls' dormitory. They also discovered what Lu Zhichen meant to Xing Jiu'an, and wanted to protect Instructor Xing.

Especially the girl who guessed that Xing Jiu'an was An Lang, looked very firm.

An Lang is her god, and Xing Jiu'an is her god.

Her god does not allow anyone to bully, nor...

Well, falling in love is God's own business. As a fan, it's better for her not to get too involved in the idol's private life!

Xing Jiu'an returned to the room after dinner in the evening, and saw the message sent by Wu Chao before.

In dealing with the Qin family, he also added a fire.

Xing Jiu'an said don't let it all burn out.

After all, it was Qin Ge's family, so she still wanted to leave something for Qin Ge.

Then ask Qin Ge what he needs.

However, Qin Ge's situation in the Qin family is extremely difficult, and even Qin Ge has no shares at all, and so does her mother.

They are a family of three, only Qin Ge's father has a small share, but that's pitiful.

If Qin Ge wants it, she can help.

If Qin Ge doesn't want it, it's fine to deal with it!

But she didn't know that both the Huo family and the Lu family were involved!

The Qin family can't last long.

Qin Wan was severely scolded by her father, and Nanjing was kicked out.

If it weren't for Nanjing, if Qin Wan hadn't promised, the Qin family wouldn't be like this now.

Qin Wan returned to the room with vicious eyes.

She was still thinking about what to do, but she found that someone had sent her a message.

She clicked in and saw that it was a photo.

Qin Wan laughed when she saw this photo.

Xing Jiu'an, I see what you are going to do this time!

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